Chapter 16 - Declaration of War

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[Borders of Fiore and Seven]

The border between the Kingdom of Fiore and the Kingdom of Seven was marked by a treacherous territory, a vast expanse of untamed wilderness known as the Shadow wood Forest. Here, the air hung heavy with the scent of ancient trees and the murmurs of unseen creatures. It was a realm where wild beasts and magical beings roamed freely, their presence deterring all but the most daring souls from venturing within.

This dense forest was an inhospitable land, unfit for human habitation. Its twisted paths and tangled undergrowth concealed countless dangers, from lurking predators to dark enchantments. Only those with the darkest of intentions dared to make their home within its shadowed depths. Criminal fugitives, wanted by the magic council for their nefarious deeds, Organized gangs of dark guild members, their sinister schemes hidden beneath the cloak of darkness.

In the oppressive darkness of the Shadow wood Forest, small sounds of chittering whistle pierced the air, a haunting melody that seemed to echo through the ancient trees. Ethereal and otherworldly, these whispers of sound emanated from a magnificent eagle, its form aglow with a celestial light that illuminated the surrounding gloom. With each beat of its wings, the mythical bird moved with a grace that refuted its size, its feathers shimmering like stars against the velvet sky.

 With each beat of its wings, the mythical bird moved with a grace that refuted its size, its feathers shimmering like stars against the velvet sky

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(Source: SHINOART, found it in reddit)

As Luna soared through the dense canopy, her sharp eyes scanned the forest below intensely. Through the veil of shadows, it spotted a cluster of camps nestled among the trees, their flickering fires casting a dim glow upon the surrounding darkness. Around these fires, figures of various sizes and shapes were gathered, their faces obscured by the shifting shadows.

With a regal bearing, Luna descended from the heavens, its majestic form alighting upon a nearby branch with effortless grace. From its perch, it observed the scene below with a keen eye.

Amidst the tangled undergrowth, concealed by the dense foliage, a pair of piercing emerald eyes glowed with an intensity that seemed to pierce the very shadows themselves. Their owner hidden from view within the protective cover of the bushes. With a predatory instinct honed through years of training, Izuku remained motionless, his senses attuned to the slightest movement or sound. As the ethereal whistle of Luna reached his ears, Izuku's gaze flickered momentarily towards the glowing bird, a silent conversation passing between them. 

Turning his attention back to the encampments below, Izuku's eyes narrowed as his gaze swept across the various camps, landing on the camp at the far end, guarded by two muscular men.

With the ease of a seasoned mage, Izuku disappeared into the dense underbrush, his movements swift and silent as he navigated through the shadows. Like a ghost among the trees, he moved with an agility and grace that seemed almost unnatural, his footsteps barely making a sound as he darted from one tree to the next. With each leap, Izuku's muscles tensed and released with precision, propelling him effortlessly through the air. His movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as he twisted and turned through the maze of branches, his keen senses guiding him with unerring accuracy.

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