killer sushi

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(A/N the writing style had changed because the site refuses to copy and paste chapters as how I have written them. The author has grown tired of having to edit each chapter twice into his preferred style, but this is still readable I hope! Enjoy all)

Y/n had been sailing for over four days and nights. She had to admit, she had developed both respect and fear for the ocean. When the waves became calm at night and no sound good be heard for miles her ears rang time and time again. The silence had gotten so bad that she found herself stepping on a creaking part of the boat just to upset the silence. The sun had just risen over the horizon. Y/n adjusted the sail as she sighed deeply.

"Chime. Do you think we can make it there in time? What if they have my parents?"

"Don't think about it like that. I believe we shall make it there slightly late though. The wind has been slow."

Y/n leaned against the boat. Something in her gut told her that the final battle was approaching. While she thought about it, the boat suddenly rocked! Y/n held onto the railing, peering over the side.

"Please let that have just been a whale."

"I'm afraid not."

Y/n whirled around upon hearing the voice of Kondraki. He sat across the ship, adjusting his camera before taking a picture of Y/n. Y/n was ready to summon a weapon before Kondraki stopped her by raising his hand.

"I'm not the threat you need to worry about here. The Mad One needs you to level up quickly. He has decided that you are out of time."

"If I'm not fighting you, what did I just hit?"

"One of the Foundations best kept secrets. SCP-3000. Believe it or not, it is the source of where they get the stuff to make people forget. It's going to be your first opponent. Rather, Chimes."

"Pardon?" Chime asked confused.

"Better to read it for yourself. Here." Kondraki said, tossing a file toward Y/n. She caught it, quickly opening it.

Y/n read over the file but was confused. The number was different.

"SCP-1128?" Y/n asked.

"Throw the file! Immediately!" Chime ordered.

Y/n did so, throwing the file overboard. It landed in the water, floating among the waves. Y/n had not read the file in its entirety, but Chime has speed read ahead. SCP-1128, the aquatic horror. A monster which would teleport people to its location if they stepped in any body of water no matter the depth. Simply knowing what it looked like activated the beasts' anomalous capabilities.

"With that, the stage for you two is set. No, wait. One last thing."

Kondraki exploded into a cloud of butterflies. It was so surprising for Y/n that she didn't bat an eye at Kondraki dropping three dead bodies onto the water, which quickly sank into the dark ocean below. The butterflies left nearly as quickly as a strange goo floated to the surface. A massive shadow stretching across the horizon around Y/n's boat.

"No matter what, don't enter the water or touch that goo!" Chime warned.

"How am I supposed to fight whatever is down there, whatever things then?!"

Before Chime could respond, she felt something wrong with Y/n. Like she was slowly mentally slipping.

"Y/n, I need you to focus on my voice!"

"Yea... who... huh?" Y/n asked dazed.

She stumbled over to the edge of the ship, looking at the dark depths below. If Chime had a physical body, it would be quivering. She could see two glowing eyes and a massive head, massive enough to bite a submarine cleanly in half. It wasn't attacking, but Y/n leaned off the railing.

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