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Y/n looked dumbfounded at the armored woman standing above her. She had Y/n's exact name. If Y/n wasn't mistaken, she even sounded like her! The woman tilted her armored head quizzically.
  "Hey, 682, do I have something on my face?" She asked the giant lizard.
  "... Nothing but your ugly mug."
The woman slapped her knee with her katana. She wiped away an imaginary tear, the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing through the room as she did so.
  "I knew you could tell jokes eventually! It only took you... fuck. Other dimensions fuck with my sense of time. Wait, lady, do you even speak English or-"
  She took a long look at Y/n as if to study her. 682 followed suit as he craned his big head to look at Y/n closely. A faint memory rose up. Didn't Lucky say something about a 682 once? Y/n squirmed in place at the giant monster and the girl who was seemingly its friend examined her. The girl nodded her head as if she understood the situation.
  "Is your name Y/n as well? Or is it F/n L/n?"
  "Uh... yes my name is Y/n."
The girl threw up her hands as she took a deep breath. 682 huffed as he leaned away, his tone almost sounded disappointed.
  "I can't eat her, it seems."
  "Nope. Alright Y/n. To make things easier on us, how about you call me by my swords name, Brook?" She held up her katana.
  "Brook. I guess... it's nice to meet you?"
  "Likewise. Alright, lighting round questions. Are you from this dimension? Do you know who you are? Does everyone seemingly want to fuck you even though you have almost no redeeming qualities besides being extremely nice or-"
  "What?! No one wants to-"
  "Shh!" Brook pinched Y/n's lips shut. "I am interrogating! Have you never seen a single cop show? Now where was I?"
  "Sex appeal." 682 said helpfully.
  "Right! Do you have any powers? How is your relationship with your parents on a scale of 'they didn't show up to your own birth' or 'they love me so much they want to fuck me?' How about if you know what an SCP Foundation even is?"
Y/n took in her words as she tried to remember each question. Luckily, with the help of Chime she could.
  "I'm not from this dimension. A guy named Meili dragged me here in the middle of a mission. I told you my name is Y/n and I'm me. Also, no one wants to fuck me. That I am aware of. I'm not answering the powers question. My relationship with my family is... average. I regretfully do know what the SCP Foundation is."
  With every question Y/n answered, Brook spoke her opinion right back.
  "Hey me too! You know, minus the guy. Trust me you don't know I phrased that wrong. Thank whatever god is left in this world. So that means yes. Just say yes or no, sheesh. The SCP Foundation is the reason I'm here too! Alright, that's enough catching up! 682, the duct tape!"
682 opened his mouth as he coughed out a massive roll of duct tape, along with the plague doctor's mask. Brook tucked their arms across their chest as she scolded the giant lizard.
  "What did I saw about eating versions of our friends from other dimensions?!"
682 only huffed as Brook picked up the tape. She came over, starting to wrap Y/n up like a mummy. Before Y/n could protest. Brook explained herself.
  "This is for your own safety. It's not a kink thing I swear. The sun outside turns normal folk to flesh monsters. Just enjoy the ride."
  Before Y/n could protest anymore, she was spun around being mummified by the duct tape. Her world went black as she was tossed over Brook's armored shoulder. Brook walked over to 682 as she tossed Y/n onto the lizard's back. Brook climbed onto the back of 682 as he kicked his side, spurring him like a horse.
  "Ride like the wind, bullseye!"
682 roared as she slammed through the nearest wall like it was made from paper. Y/n didn't know what to think. She supposed there could be other versions of her throughout the multiverse once she discovered other dimensions, but this version of her seemed unhinged like a gate without a latch.
  "Chime, do you think we can trust this... other me?"
  "I believe we should trust the being who controls the walking calamity. Though I suppose we shall have to trust them since the one who brought us to this realm has yet to reappear."
Y/n could only wait, letting the reptile and Brook carry her off. Chime counted the seconds as they were brought outside. At least, that's what Y/n believed. She could hear the wind whipping past them, she could feel warmth along the duct tape as if it was trying to melt it off her. She felt like a potato being cooked in tinfoil. Sweat covered her brow as she nearly passed out multiple times. It wasn't until she felt herself being picked up did her mind seemed to find itself as she began to violently wiggle.
  "Easy there! We made it to the portal. Just wait a moment longer." Brook urged.
In front of Brook and 682 was a massive tear in the air. A red portal like it had been cut with a large knife. Brook pulled out what looked like a high-tech radio, speaking into it.
  "This is Y/n, we have the package secured. I'm also enacting the Mary Protocol. They don't seem hostile. Returning to our world now."
  Brook and 682 slowly stepped through the tear in reality as it began to close behind them. The trio arrived on a massive tropical island. Brook took out her sword, using it to slash the tape from Y/n's body with the precision of a surgeon. The strands of tape fell onto the sandy beach while Y/n was set onto her feet. She looked around at what should have been a tropical paradise, but instead looked like the beaches of Normandy with the macabre scene.
  Melted body parts, thousands of pounds of unmoving flesh littered the beach. Some looked like they had been cleaved in two. Some looked like they had been violently ripped apart. Seeing the culprit, Y/n didn't have to guess who had been the main cause.
  The brown skinned man covered in tattoos wore nothing but a white loin cloth. A black, jagged sword was stabbed into a pile of flesh, over and over again. A shiver ran up Y/n's spine as she recounted that inhuman look in that monster's eyes. It was like he was in a trance, a high off combat. Brook suddenly shouted at Able as if they were family.
  "Put the butterknife away and break out the fancy tableware! We have a guest!"
  Able only turned to the new source of the noise, rushing forward at blinding speeds. Brook sighed, obviously annoyed by the tone of her voice.
  "This is why we can't have nice things!"
  Brook clenched their sword tightly as they lunged forward to meet Able. Seeing the two pass each other by as both stood still only made Y/n's heartbeat, and her jaw drop as Able's head fell from his shoulders. His body fell apart piece by piece as he was cut into five pieces. His limbs falling from his body clattering into the sand.
Water dripped from the detached parts as Brook picked Able up by his hair. She spun his head on her finger like a basketball before punting him like a football into the air. After a few moments Brook caught the head.
  "Are you with us, or do I have to dunk you in the ocean next?" Brook threatened.
  Able was silent, before he spit out a tooth onto the ground. He cursed in an unknown language before speaking.
  "Who is the girl?"
  Able and Y/n locked eyes for a moment. Y/n made no attempt to hide the mixture of disdain and hints of fear in her eyes.
  "Mary Protocol."
  "So, that means you are Brook again. The only thing good from other worlds, are strong fighters."
  Brook waved their sword as Able's body parts slowly began to float and reconstruct themselves. Once Able was back to normal he rubbed his neck.
  "I hate it when you return without something to fight."
  "Come on, weren't these flesh monster things enough?"
  While the two argued, Y/n looked to her right seeing two approaching figures. One she recognized as the plague doctor, who she was not eager to see again. The other was naked and tall, roughly several feet. They were thin enough to see their bones under their grey skin. Their arms reached just below their knees. Their face was hidden by a daft punk style helmet. Attached to the visor with tape seemed to be a pair of glasses.
  "Welcome home, Brook." The plague doctor greeted.
  "...Hi." The grey figure greeted Y/n who hesitantly waved back.
  Brook reached into the fur of 682, tossing the plague doctor a small journal. The man seemed pleased.
  "Ah! Excellent. I will study my counterpart's progress."
  Brook began to introduce their companions.
  "You already know Able and the doctor. The tall one is SCP-096, but we call him Shy, short for his nickname. The other one is SCP-682, but don't use the SCP part, he gets pissy."
  In response, 682 flicked Brook across the beach with their tail. Brook simply stood back up like they hadn't felt the hit. A normal person would have been turned into red mist with that attack. Shy reached his hand down, offering a friendly greeting. Y/n accepted, having the large creature wrap its bigger hand around her own.
  "Abilities copied, but many are unable to be copied. Partial omnipotence is the only available ability. This ability allows you to know the location of anyone who has seen your face, but that knowledge will not cease until the demise of the victim. Shall I just throw this one away?"
  "Uh... yea. Throw it away. What else can it do, Chime?"
  "The abilities that were unable to be copied are as follows: Invincible skeleton, infinite regeneration, speed and strength that far surpasses our own. Pain nullification."
  "What kind of monster is this thing?!" Y/n said out loud.
Shy shrunk back slightly, starting to softly weep and moan. Brook came over to quickly try and console them.
  "Shy, Shy! They didn't mean it big guy!"
  However, Shy quickly began to run toward the tree line while covering their visor.
  "Now look what you've done!"
  Brook sighed as they took Y/n's wrist, dragging them toward the forest.
  "Are we going after him?"
  "No, we are going to my place to talk."
  Y/n was led to the trees, heading through them to what looked like an average house. The outside was painted a royal blue. Pink lawn flamingos littered the front yard. For a second, Y/n thought she saw one of them move. Y/n was brought into the home and was amazed to see that the livingroom was stocked with videogames and various snacks.
  Brook jumped onto a large bean bag chair, sinking into it. They motioned for Y/n to sit in the opposite one. Y/n sat across from her, slowly sinking into the beanbag. Brook stayed silent for a short time before speaking.
  "So, what were you doing out of your dimension anyway?"
  "I was... on a mission and was forced- I've told you this already!"
  "Right. Sorry. Terrible at being social. Now then! Can I ask what's going on in your world? Specifically, if anything strange has been happening."
  Y/n thought that was an understatement. Ever since she got onto that SCP her life has been nothing but strange. If she had to pick the cause of her misery though.
  "The Mad One. He's this really weird guy who showed up suddenly and started attacking the Foundation. He attacked multiple foundation sites, took Site 19, kidnapped SCP-105 and a bunch of other SCP. Including Able who seems to be working for him."
  "Oooh. I can feel the bitterness. Able kick your ass or something?"
  "Fought him to a standstill. If you could even call it that. I was lucky to survive."
  "Mmm. Lucky." Brook said knowingly.
  "What's that supposed to mean? Why am I even here? If you are another me, what happened to you?"
  Brook sighed as she waved her hand. A table appeared between them from the floor with a Little Caesars pizza box. She took a slice, smashing it against her face plate. The pizza slowly moved into the mouth piece before vanishing.
  "What is your hair color? Favorite food? Favorite music type? Are you fat, Asian, Mexican, wonder bread white?"
  "What? Stop asking me questions! Just tell me what you want?"
  "I want you to try to answer that while holding onto the blade of my katana for me."
  Brook drew their sword, holding the blade out for Y/n to grab. Y/n hesitantly leaned forward wrapping her dominant hand around the blade. Y/n tried to answer the questions, but she couldn't. She was confused. Her voice came out unsteady as she spoke.
  "My... I-I- my name and my interests are... my name is Y/n." She paused. "Y/n. Y/n! My name is Y/n L/n and my brother is-!"
  Why was she referring to herself as nothing but two letters for her first name? She knew her brother's name, it was David! Her parents names, her sisters name! She... couldn't remember them. The more she thought about it, she even began to forget David's name. She tried to let go of the blade, but Brook wrapped her right hand around Y/n's.
  "And the ball drops. You are a Y/n. You don't know your destiny, but so long as you march forward, you will meet it. I am to. I was pretty upset when I found out. A lot of us do not take it well. You aren't the first, and you aren't the last."
  Y/n looked into the dark blade of the katana. She could make out her face, at least what was supposed to be it before it shifted into something else. She looked like a faceless doll. Sprawled across her face were the letters "Y/n" as if they were drawn on. Brook let go as everything seemed to return to normal.
  "What... what am I?"
  "What you've always been. A Y/n. No shame in it. Unless you try to rizz up everything in your path. I've met a few others like you. One gal who could morph into any weapon she chose. Weird girl. Another group of Y/n had SCP as boyfriends. One day, they all suddenly gained names. Even weirder people. From the sounds of it though, you are going to meet a bunch of stronger monsters. So, the voice in your head is named Chime?"
  "How do you-?"
  Brook wiggled her katana around before answering.
  "Gotta love having a primordial god trapped in your blade. Makes dimension hopping and rooting out people who put the milk in the bowl before the cereal. Anyway, it seems your world is in a bit of a crisis. You need to be trained."
  Brook sheathed their katana, making it vanish as they stood up. Y/n followed suit starting to follow her out the back of the house to a massive open field. The land seemed scarred, as if a countless battles had taken place.
  "You think Able is the worst thing? Sister you haven't seen anything. If you want to survive, I'm going to show you the level of fighting you'll have to reach."
Brook whistled loudly. A flock of birds took off into the air being startled by the approach of 682 who knocked over a few trees."
  "What?" He asked grumpily.
  "Come fight the new girl. I need to see what I'm working with before showing her what I can offer in teaching."
  Y/n looked between both of them. Brook had already defeated Able as if they were a novice. The last thing she wanted to do was fight this giant lizard. She didn't get the chance to decline as the monsters massive tail flew toward her! Y/n sank into the ground. She appeared under the monster, stabbing 682 in the stomach with a massive sword. He roared out, rushing forward dragging Y/n out from the ground! Y/n let go of her sword as she was stomped on by his back right leg. Had she not used the force of the leg to push herself into the ground she would have been flattened.
  Y/n swam through the ground, until a massive mouth dug into the ground like a diggers claw. She was in its mouth! Y/n used her speed to jump out of the mouth before it clamped down on her like an iron maiden. She slid along the ground, looking back to her monstrous opponent in shock. He had changed forms.
  The hair on the back of 682 had vanished, reappearing in long strands around his body. They seemed alive, moving around as they scraped the ground. His eyes were closed tightly. His claws seemed almost bigger, like they were meant for digging. His scales had been swapped out for short fur that looked like dirt would just fall right off.
  "Warning, unable to copy abilities." Chime said suddenly. "This creature is an anomalous apex predator. Infinite adaptability, infinite regeneration. Anomalous ability creation."
  "Infinite adaptability?" Y/n said out loud. "No way, are you saying that thing evolved to detect me in the ground?!" Y/n said aloud.
  "Less talking to the voice in your head, more stabbing!" Brook called out.
  682 roared out as they lunged forward, diving straight into the ground! Y/n could see the disturbed ground digging toward her. Y/n used her speed to out maneuver the enemy in the ground, however, she suddenly tripped! She rolled along the ground, barely dodging the jaws of 682 as it roared out! Her eyes briefly glanced to the ground. There were small bone outcrops protruding out. Had he placed those there to slow her movement?
  While Y/n was distracted, she suddenly felt something grab her right leg and arm! Hooked tendrils sank into her body, reeling her toward the mouth of 682 like she was a fish! She tried to strike them with an axe, but it shattered against the tendrils! Just before she got to the mouth, Brook called out.
  "Stop the match!"
  The tendrils stopped. 682 slowly closed his mouth as the tendrils retracted into them. He looked to Y/n with nothing but contempt.
  "... Vermin."
  Y/n clenched her fist, gritting her teeth as the monster walked past her. She could have come up with something eventually. The fight barely lasted a minute! Every SCP she had faced so far presented their own trial, but nothing had beaten her so blatantly. Y/n felt Brook smack her on the back.
  "Chin up! Remember, power levels are bullshit. When it comes down to a fight, skill and experience are the defining factors. Luck to, but, ya know Master Chief already has that super power covered. Now, time to tag in! Watch and learn how your senior does things, rookie! 682! Warmups over!"
  682 turned around while Y/n quickly returned to the house, standing next to it. 682 shed their fur as they let out a low growl.
  "Finally. Maybe I'll feel something."
  682 began to slowly steam as their body creaked and cracked while Brook drew their katana. 682 evolved into a smaller form, like that of a horse. Bone like armor appeared along its joins as a long, scythe like tail protruded from their rear replacing their lizard like tail. It slashed around, almost cat like.
  "What's our score? Five hundred and twenty six to four hundred and fifty nine?"
  "With me winning."
  "See you grumpy bastard? You have a sense of-"
  682 lunged at breakneck speed. Faster than Y/n could follow with her eyes. 682 bit Brook's katana while their tail lashed at Brooks head, coming down like a guillotine! Brook blocked the strike with her armor, but in response the tail split off into several smaller scythes, striking Brook all around her body! Brook protected head with their free arm while driving their katana through 682, slicing off their lower jaw! However, as that jaw sprouted water it acted like a violent chemical reaction, detonating like a flash bang!
  "Cunt!" Brook shouted, blinded as 682 smacked them away with his tail.
  682 moved quickly again as it tried to wrap its tails around Brook's neck! However, before he could Brook slashed the tails off, each exploding and popping like flash bangs! The fight was taking place at speeds Y/n thought she would only see in anime. Craters and slashes appeared around the field instantly.
  "Chime... can you see what's happening?"
"Negative. Even I cannot unscramble this. It is much like two gods facing one another. These two are on entirely different levels."
  Y/n heard footsteps approach from behind, she took her eyes off the battle for a moment as Able approached. Y/n felt her body tense as he glared in her direction. Y/n glared back causing him to scoff.
  "The Able from your world seems to be too much for you."
  "That obvious that I don't like you?"
  "Your stare is like an angry toddler not given their... technology. Pitiful. Fighting another version of myself is an excellent battle. For you to survive, you must have some talent."
Able summoned a black longsword causing Y/n to summon her own. The two stared in a stalemate while Brook was thrown through a tree by 682.
  "I've been training to fight him again. You, again. Any tips?"
  Able put his sword away, but Y/n was hesitant to. He leaned down, whispering something to Y/n. She tensed up, having him so close to her. Once he was done, he sprinted toward the fight, intending to make the battle a three way. Only for 682 to send Able flying into the house with his tail.
  "Stay out of this!" Brook and 682 shouted.
Brook and 682 circled one another, preparing to end the fight. Before they could, a bell rang from inside the house. Both parties ceased fighting as the plague doctor stuck his head out from one of the windows to shout out.
  "Dinner! Stop fighting and come eat!"
  Brook put their sword away while 682 slowly began to revert to their normal form. Brook rushed toward the house, screaming in delight.
  "Chicken nuggets! Let's go!"
Before Brook could enter the house, Y/n stuck out her hand to slow her down.
  "Hey, can you... maybe train me?"
  "Train you? Sure, but first, you'll have to enter the tournament to learn a lesson."
  "... Tournament?"
  "Well, it's less for you and more for the voice in your head. It's not a physical fight. Prepare to duel after dinner. Because I'm sending your ass to the shadow realm. Right after I banish some chicken nuggets to the graveyard. Prepare, to duel!" 

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