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Y/n sat in a cell with two heavily armed guards, one holding a rifle to her head, and the other holding a stun baton and a donut. Y/n supposed they missed lunch. Y/n didn't know how much time had passed but it felt like hours since she was brought into a tiny interrogation room. The three men who brought her here didn't seem that keen on playing nice. The three eyed one even dragged her by the hair!
   "Six hours four minutes and twenty-one seconds have elapsed since you have been contained." Chime said trying to be helpful. Y/n sighed deeply. She didn't know what was in store for her. She thought back on everything Iris said. Y/n didn't have any regret in trying to leave but was afraid of what they could do to her family. The door to the interrogation room swung open as Clef and Bright strolled in.
  "You two lovely gentlemen are excused." Bright said with a courteous bow.
   "It means get out." Clef ordered as both men quickly left. Both men sat across from Y/n who was holding her breath. Clef pulled out a file, slamming it onto the table.
  "Talk." Clef demanded.
  "Lovely weather we're having." Y/n said with a cheeky grin. Clef slammed his hands down on the table.
  "I'm not here to play games!" Clef told Y/n angrily.
  "Clef, Clef! This isn't how you interrogate someone. Let me show you." Bright insisted, slowly pulling out a large box from nowhere. Bright set the box down as Y/n realized it was a little Caesars pizza box! "Come on, open it." Bright insisted. Y/n hesitantly reached forward, touching the pizza box.
  "Ability unable to be copied. Anomalous object copying is currently locked." Chime warned. Y/n immediately pulled her hand back. Clef leaned forward narrowing his three eyes.
  "Something wrong?" Clef asked suspicious.
  "No... I'm just not in an eating mood." Y/n explained. Bright shrugged, turning the pizza box around as he opened it pulling out a piece of cheese pizza.
  "Wait, normal cheese?" Clef asked.
  "What? I like me some cheese pizza." Bright said in an uncaring tone as he took a large bite. Bright ate loudly, occasionally moaning as he ate. Clef pinched the bridge of his nose.
  "Just open the fucking file kid." Clef demanded as Y/n slowly opened it. It all seemed to be pictures. She recognized the first one to be the bug bus, SCP-2086.
  "So, you took that hunk of exoskeleton down huh?" Clef asked. "How did it make you feel girlie?" Y/n scrunched her nose.
  "Don't call me girlie. Second of all yea that was me. I think you guys already know that. I answered those guys at the hospital already about this." Clef shook his finger as he moved the picture of the broken-down SCP-2086. Y/n saw the logo of the people who had invaded Site 17 on a wall surrounded by notes. Y/n felt that nostalgia again.
  "It's clear on your face that you know what this is. So talk." Clef demanded sternly. Y/n shook her head.
  "Honestly, this is the first time I've seen this! Before all this craziness I was just a normal teenager." Y/n told both men.
  "Trust me when I say its better if we all cooperate." Bright said digging into his third slice of pizza. "We can all go home and I can declare this a win."
  "I'm serious." Y/n told them. Clef moved the photo of the insignia. The next photo was of the containment cell of SCP-953.
  "Poor dogs." Y/n said in a sympathetic tone.
  "Oh yea, fuck the dead bodies inside, right?" Bright joked.
  "What did you get out of containing SCP-953?" Clef asked. Y/n thought for a moment before answering.
  "I was worried the site would go into full lockdown if she broke out. I wanted to make sure that didn't happen." Y/n explained. Clef adjusted his hat as he thought for a moment.
  "Alright, how about you tell me how you can steal the anomalous ability of SCP you encounter?" Clef asked in an accusing tone. Y/n felt a lump in her throat. "What? You think we didn't notice? The gas from SCP-2086. The graffiti trick SCP-1155 does. Now the question is, what did you take from SCP-953?" Y/n shot up, but before she could do anything else Clef flipped the table over sending the file and pizza box flying to the ground as Clef pulled out a sawed-off shotgun! Y/n froze.
  "Awww come on! Bad cop gets to threaten to shoot people? I want to trade!" Bright whined.
  "Dealing with reality benders and your kind is my hobby. Which means if you try any tricks I won't hesitate to shoot you in... self-defense." Clef warned in an ominous tone. Y/n slowly sat down again as clef motioned to the table.
  "Man, good cop is the worst." Bright mumbled having to pick the table up. Bright set the pizza box and everything back on the table.
  "Now you look me in the eyes and tell me face to face. What do you know about these guys?" Clef asked as Y/n looked him in the eyes, then at his gun.
  "All I heard was that they called themselves the Ragnarök Runners! I swear to god I don't know anything." Y/n promised as Bright jumped up, doing his best batman impression.
  "Don't swear to SCP-343, SWEAR TO ME!" Clef put the barrel of his sawed off to Brights temple, pulling the trigger. Y/n flinched expecting a blood bath, but nothing came. Clef sighed as he slowly got up.
  "Alright, I believe you. Come on Bright." Clef ordered dragging Bright out of the room. Y/n was left alone again with only her thoughts. Her thoughts, and the helpful voice in her head. Y/n closed her eyes as she fell asleep, finding herself back in the white void. She stared down, facing Chime.
  "Alright, so do you want to explain what's been going on with our powers?" Y/n asked. Chime answered in a monotone voice.
  "We are leveling up slowly but surely. Contact with anomalous beings increases the chance of unlocking an extra slot to copy an ability." Chime explained.
  "So each SCP we encounter has the potential to make us stronger?" Y/n asked.
  "Correct, however some are above our current abilities. For instance, Cain is still above our capabilities by a substantial amount. Iris however, has come into range of our power."
  "So, what about the pizza box Chime?" Y/n questioned.
  "Currently unlocking the ability to copy object anomalous abilities, even ones we would be able to on a humanoid is out of our reach. Chime explained.
  "Well, that's somewhat helpful. If we unlock the ability to take abilities from anomalous objects let me know." Y/n said as the scenery around the room suddenly began to change! Y/n looked around, having gotten used to strange things she almost expected a fight! The white void shifted into what looked like a forest. In front of Y/n there was a path.
  "We have an intruder." Chime warned. Y/n slowly made her way up the path, seeing someone sitting on a bench in the distance. He seemed to be wearing an old-fashioned business suit, but Y/n couldn't quite make out a face, or race. It was like she knew he was male, he looked male but couldn't describe him.
  "Hello Y/n." The man greeted her as she approached.
  "Uh, who... who are you?" Y/n asked hesitantly.
  "Me? I'm the guy who doesn't want you touching me. However, I guess everyone calls me SCP-990. You can call me Richard though, or maybe Tony! No, Richard." Y/n blinked in confusion.
  "Well... Richard. What do you want?" Y/n asked.
  "I just wanted to warn you that shits fucked." Richard said in a matter-of-fact tone.
  "You're telling me this? I'm stuck in super jail!" Y/n complained.
  "It could be worse. Trust me, it could always be worse." Richard assured Y/n. "Speaking of which that's why I'm here. I need to tell you something very, very important."
  "How can I trust you?" Y/n asked suspicious. Richard chuckled as he crossed his legs.
  "Just describe me and tell them my number. They will listen to you then." Richard promised.     
  "Now, are you ready to listen?"
  "We are." Chime said, appearing next to Y/n.
  "Oh there you are. Well, good. This involves you both." Richard said as he stood up. "Now listen closely to me. I'm going to tell you exactly how the world is going to come to an end next."
  Meanwhile, Alto Clef, Jack Bright, and Kondraki were in a meeting with the O5 council over a video call. Each O5 member had their voices and faces hidden behind the screen. The room was a massive chamber with the screens surrounding them on either side.
  "I know I say this a lot, but I didn't do anything!" Bright promised.
  "Quiet you twit!" Clef demanded. Since Kondraki was higher up in this site, he was given the lead in this meeting. It didn't sit well with Clef but complaining about who had the speaking role wasn't going to go granting him favors.
  "As the report stated, multiple SCP had been taken, but luckily none were destroyed. This new group might have goals similar to the Serpent's Hand." Kondraki told the O5 council.
  "We didn't have this meeting to pose theories, Kondraki." O5-3 said annoyed.
  "It is a better lead then what we have." O5-5 reminded the others.
  "Which brings us to my next suggestion." Kondraki interrupted the O5 council.
  "This better not be a suggestion to weaponize an SCP for the task force." O5-12 said impatiently.
  "Need we remind you that we have plenty capable task forces?" O5-4 chimed in. "MTF Alpha-1 the red right hand. MTF Epsilon-11 the nine tailed fox. MTF Omega-7 was a grand disaster, and your new band of ragamuffins are a liability."
  "Because we used a bloodthirsty sociopath to lead." Kondraki reminded the group. "We also now have MTF Alpha-9, last hope as you said."
  "Yes, and it seems two members have been kidnapped." O5-4 responded.
  "Which is why I want to send in a wild card." Kondraki suggested. "I know the perfect expendable candidate." The O5 council murmured among themselves.
  "You better not be thinking what I think you are." Clef said in a threatening tone.
  "Go on. I want to hear your suggestion." O5-1 ordered. Kondraki pulled up a video file on a laptop, streaming it. The footage showed Y/n fighting off SCP-953 while saving the agents.
  "The girl related to the new G.O.I." O5-6 realized. Clef looked to Kondraki angrily as Kondraki ignored Clef.
  "Yes," Kondraki confirmed, "we learned she was the child of a cult who Alto Clef encountered years ago. The Ragnarök Runners. We believe she has something to do with them, even unwittingly. Her sense of survival and duty to her family may prove well as a useful tool for the foundation's future."
  "I have to strongly disagree!" Clef argued. "She is a wildcard, worse than I am. She has no allegiance to any G.O.I let alone the foundation!"
  "Which is why we need to secure her loyalty. How many threats are we facing to humanity on a daily basis? We may be the foundation, but we can't lie to ourselves forever that we have everything under control. It is getting harder to cover up anomalies. Harder with people joining up and creating more, and more problems with the foundation." Kondraki reminded the O5 council. "We have died in the shadows, but if we stay the same without using anomalies something is going to wipe out all of us." Kondraki warned.
  "I'm not quite all there and even I know this can go XK real quick if this guy is wrong so.... Who wants to not?" Bright asked raising his hand. No one, not even the O5 wanted to agree with Bright simply because it would inflate his ego. A black and white striped butterfly suddenly appeared, Kondraki held out a finger as it landed.
  "SCP-408. I see you've taken it from containment again." 05-3 said in a disapproving tone. Kondraki ignored them as the SCP-408 instance fluttered into the air where more and more of them appeared.
  "Did something happen?" Kondraki asked. The butterflies formed into the shape of a certain number. "SCP-990"
  "SCP-990? Did someone hear something from it?" O5-1 asked. Kondraki's eyes narrowed as he adjusted his glasses.
  "I instructed SCP-408 to keep an eye on the aforementioned girl." Kondraki explained. It didn't take another explanation for everyone to understand what happened.
  "We will reconvene with a verdict shortly." O5-1 said as each screen went dark.
  "Bureaucrats." Bright said with an eyeroll. Clef tried to storm out of the room as SCP-408 suddenly appeared in his way.
  "Move your bugs." Clef ordered Kondraki.
  "Not if we are about to have another witch child incident." Kondraki said, standing firm.
  "I'm no idiot. I also still stand firm on what I said about that lil time bomb. I'm just going to squeeze it out of that girl what SCP-990 wants. After I'm done I'll come back and hear their predictable conclusion." Before Clef left, however the O5 council returned appearing on the screens.
  "We have come to a vote. One that was nearly unanimous. The girl will not be put into MTF Alpha-9." O5-1 said. "For now, you will deploy whoever is available. We will not discuss this matter further." With that, the O5 council vanished once more from their screens. Kondraki gave no reaction as Clef scoffed.
  "Well, for once the O5 council made a good decision. Good luck getting your freaks back." Clef told Kondraki but stopped as he realized Bright was gone. Clef quickly left the room, not wanting Bright to do anything stupid. Stupider than usual. Clef made his way through the facility until he got to the interrogation room, seeing Bright leave. "You better not have traumatized the kid." Clef warned.
  "Clef, go inside." Bright said in a surprisingly serious tone. Clef narrowed his eyes, reaching into his lab coat pulling out his sawed off, this time he loaded it. Clef breached the door as he saw the girl sitting there, looking at Clef. Y/n waved, and before Clef could say anything she spoke.
  "SCP-990 wanted me to mention SCP-166 before we do anything else." Clef froze, for a split second he didn't know what to do. In that nanosecond he regained his senses, moving to sit down at the other end of the table.
  "Talk." Clef ordered, in a cold, demanding voice. Y/n steeled herself.
  "I can't say much, because if I do things may go badly. SCP-990 said to keep details to myself, and you'll know what to do when the time comes involving whatever SCP-166 is." Clef felt himself relax a little, it seemed the kid didn't know who or what SCP-166 was. However, that didn't mean Clef dropped his guard. "All I can tell you is that I need to go and help get Iris, and some SCP called SCP-4051. I need to go to a place called... unlondon." Clef relaxed in his chair, leaning back in it as he thought hard, but quick.
  "Well, seems like nothing ever goes how I want it to. Ok, raise both your hands above your head." Clef ordered. Y/n complied, raising her hands above her head. Clef raised his shotgun, firing! Y/n fell backwards as the chain between her cuffs was blasted apart!
  "ARE YOU INSANE?" Y/n asked, knowing that that should have at least ricochet and killed her! Let alone she wasn't even sure normal ammunition could do that!
  "I'm Alto Clef, but you'll call me sir." Clef slowly stood up. "How long do we have before, well I don't have to say it."
  "SCP-990 said it would be about a month and then you would know what you need to do." Y/n explained. Clef gave a few half nods.
  "Alright, but you're keeping the cuffs around your wrist. Think of them as a reminder that you're not free. You work under me." Clef told Y/n a bit reluctantly. "However, if you step out of line. If you try anything I can and will shoot you. Do you understand?" Y/n nodded. Neither wanted to work with the other, but this was a necessary evil and both knew it.
  "I understand." Y/n said as she slowly stood up.
  "That's a good girl. Now come on." Clef walked to the door as Y/n followed him outside. Bright was standing there, tapping his foot.
  "I turned away some guards that heard the shot. You two better be thankful!" Bright said, angrily stomping off.
  "I'll handle the paperwork for your... transfer. Let's head to the hanger." Clef moved as Y/n followed closely behind. "I'm going to need to train you how to actually fight. You look like the best you could do is a cheap karate kick you learned at the mall." Y/n ignored the insult as she sighed.
  "I have the skills of a violent caveman." She told Clef.
  "Anyone, even a woman can swing a stick and rock around." Clef said. "I'll be teaching you how to shoot, assassinate, and survive. I'm only going to teach you everything once. So, I hope you are a fast learner." Clef warned.
  "I am a fast learner." Chime said in a prideful tone as Y/n simply nodded and kept silent. The two of them made their way to the stairs Y/n had been captured in before. However, they weren't alone.
  "What are you doing here Cain?" Clef asked the robotic man. Cain was ascending the stairs from the humanoid containment wing.
  "An event is being hosted in the hanger. All personnel were invited to attend." Cain explained in his usual robotic tone.
  "An event? Site 17 was just raided who-?" Clef stopped as he realized the answer. "Come on Dorothy, you to Tin Man." Clef ordered as he rapidly ascended the steps. Y/n and Cain exchanged a glance as the two walked after Clef. Once they reached the top, Clef kicked open the door to the roar of a massive crowd! Y/n looked around in surprise to see the massive hangar filled with people, in the center of the crowd was a wide-open space with a sound system, and Dr Bright.
  "HERE IS OUR CHALLENGER!" Bright said into the mic he was holding as the crowd roared out. Clef fast walked over to Bright as he gripped Brights shirt.
  "I am not here to play games. I am going." Clef said through clenched teeth. Bright covered the mic as he spoke.
  "Oh you aren't the challenger, she is!" Bright pointed to Y/n as Y/n felt embarrassed. This was sudden, and what were they even doing?
  "I'm getting in on the training to Clef, and if you don't let me I'm tattling to the council!" Bright stuck out his tongue as Clef took a deep breath.
  "Fine." Clef walked over to Y/n. "Whatever this is, win or lose. I don't care we are leaving after." Y/n gulped as she approached. Bright explained what he was going to do.
  "It's time to train you with trial by fire! The ultimate training, social anxiety and the embarrassment that comes with it! You and me? Are going to rap battle!" Bright suddenly ripped off his clothing, revealing that he was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans underneath. Bright also wore red shoes and a red hat. Behind Bright, there was a woman with long red hair, wearing a red dress sitting on top of a pair of speakers. There were two guards next to her, holding guns.
  "Using D class for props again?" Clef said with a small chuckle.
  "Why not? We have a whole lot of them." Bright said as he struck a pose. "Alright kid, show me how witty you can be! I'll go first! Oh yea, and by the way if you lose two out of three rounds I'm going to shoot you." Bright informed Y/n casually.
  "Wait I don't know the first thing about rap battles!" Y/n said trying to stop this.
  "INSULT HIM!" Clef shouted helpfully. The crowd calmed down as Bright suddenly began.
  "Better pray that luck of yours keeps paying off don't sit there like 173 or you'll end up dead bud!" Bright tossed the mic as Y/n clumsily caught it. She tried to think of how her brother would insult someone.
  "Standing there pretty tall about to fall how's it feel to be the only person who can actually be trans?" Y/n asked. Bright rolled his eyes taking back the mic.
  "Think that's clever? About time you learn real people aren't hurt by crappy forum troll taunts! Try not sucking on your next turn!" Bright tossed the mic back to Y/n as the crowd cheered.
  "Always standing tall with each body you steal, how's it feel that even the girl bodies you steal have bigger dicks than you?" Bright yawned as he yanked the mic away from Y/n!
  "I think I won that one folks! What do you think?!" Bright held his hand to his ear as the crowd cheered. "Thought so! You're going to have to try a little harder than that!" Y/n looked to Clef who shook his head, not seeming to care to step in. Cain, however waved Y/n over. Y/n quickly went over to Cain.
  "Jack Bright has siblings under SCP designations. Bright's is SCP-963. He does not like to be referred to it. His brother, a younger one is kept under foundation custody." Y/n felt thankful for a little bit of help.
  "Thank you, but why are you helping me?" Y/n asked confused. Cain gave a small smile.
"Bright has done things that make my pacifism want to snap." Cain explained as Y/n slowly walked away. Bright twirled the mic in his hand.
  "Ready for your daily dose of led?" Bright asked.
  "You ready to be dead?" Y/n asked a little more confident. She was trying to push out the crowd as Bright howled with laughter!
  "You got a spine after all!" Bright said as he began. "Too bad that couldn't protect your family, running faster than 096!" Bright tossed Y/n the mic.
  "Teapot calling the kettle black! The man the myth the moron who leaves his family in containment! What's wrong 963? 953 got your tongue and your balls?" Bright narrowed his eyes as he swiped the mic away from Y/n!
  "I didn't abandon no one unlike you who left their family without saying goodbye, mommy and daddy thinking you're dead in a gutter! I hope you're not a one trick pony because you're going to need more than that to upset a Bright, alright?" Bright tossed the mic back to Y/n.
  "I may be a pony but at least I ain't a dog letting my family rot in some cell somewhere! You ever think about how he feels seeing his brother walking around as a free SCP?" Bright narrowed his eyes.
  "Alright Y/n I'll give round two, to you! However, round three is about to be mine!" Bright said slightly angered. "However, what's a boss battle without an obligatory second phase?!" Bright pulled out a flash bang as he tossed it at Y/n! The crowd went silent, looking away and covering their ears as Y/n was blinded! The ringing in her ears disoriented her as she rubbed her eyes.
  "ASSHOLE!" Y/n shouted. Once her vision returned in a few seconds, and her ears stopped ringing she could see Bright. Bright was holding a chainsaw and wearing a pink magical girl outfit.
  "Now you face the power of Jack Bright in all his glory! Get ready to have an extra hole in you!" Bright said as he began his verbal assault!
  "There are one hundred things I'm not allowed to do, and roasting you is about to be at the top of the list after they see what's left! You stepped into the shadows now the Bright who is anything but your saving light!" Bright tossed the mic to Y/n as she caught it with ease this time.
  "Allow me," Chime told Y/n, "I would like a shot at him. Repeat after me." Y/n began her retort.
  "At the top of that list is your ability to wrap, what crap! Lyrics so cold they make Cain's voice seem warm! You're no magical girl, only thing magic about you is the fact your still employed!" Y/n tossed the mic back to Bright.
  "I see your finally getting into things, too bad you can't get out of this life your now in! Look at you, you call me a dog but someone points a gun in your face and you bow wow!" Bright taunted as he tossed Y/n the mic back.
  "Least I know who I am and where I stand! Look at you, Boyfriend, Pico, Taki! How tacky can you be? Stealing bodies like a parasite you can't even tell who you are anymore you overgrown Gary Sue!" Y/n taunted. Y/n tossed the mic back to Bright.
  "Everything you say I'm the man who invented it I'm the original man without a plan making jokes and making people croak your just a sad little bitch who like everyone else will end up in a ditch!" Y/n took the mic back.
  "The only bitch here is your bitching all bark but no bite like the dog you are now sit down and be quiet like a good boy!" Y/n said dropping the mic as the crowd cheered! Bright turned to address the crowd surrounding them.
  "WHO WON?" Bright called out, turning back to Y/n only to realize she was gone! Dr Clef had grabbed Y/n loading her onto a helicopter. Y/n felt like she did terrible, but it was somewhat fun.
  "Don't go smiling yet. We have a lot to work on before you're going to go out there and fight the anomalous. You got lucky three times, but luck won't always save you. You need skills and power. Let's head back to my site and then we can talk about your, lack of skills." Clef said as Y/n deflated slightly.
  "At least I did something useful back there." Y/n said out loud as Clef turned to her.
  "Pardon me?" Clef asked annoyed.
  "You could have gotten me out of there! You could have helped say no to his crazy contest!" Y/n complained.
  "You also learned a little something." Clef told Y/n. "Bright may be an idiot, but he had a point. Getting under your opponent's skin is a good tactic. If you couldn't take that from your experience then you may be hopeless to teach." The helicopter finally began to fly while Y/n stayed silent for the duration of the trip. Hours passed as the helicopter flew. Y/n was surprised that it hadn't stopped to refuel but supposed the SCP Foundation had things other people didn't.
  The helicopter eventually arrived in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. A mountain range in the middle of the desert. Y/n could see the pilot was speaking to someone, but without a headset she couldn't hear anything over the blades. Looking out the windows Y/n noticed what looked like small craters in the ground. The pilot descended as the desert suddenly revealed a massive landing strip!
  Military vehicles scurried around on a massive tarmac. MTF were seemingly out repairing vehicles, doing maintenance or cleaning up blood stains. As the helicopter landed two armed men raced over, opening the door as Clef stepped out. Y/n slowly followed as she looked around in wonder.
  "CONTACT!" One of the MTF shouted as Clef whipped around.
  "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Clef shouted. Dr Bright had attached himself to the underside of the helicopter. He slowly crawled out from underneath like a deranged boogieman. "Let's go before he gets up." Clef ordered as Y/n didn't want to look back.
  "What is this place exactly?" Y/n asked as a few MTF passed by.
  "This is Site 19, the largest containment facility the foundation has. We have hundreds of objects, ranging from Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Along with a few other categories. Believe it or not Bright works here to." As the two entered the main building they had to pass through a metal detector. Clef set it off but didn't slow down. "Kids with me." Clef said as Y/n walked through.
  "Yes sir." The guard replied as they went deeper into the facility. As the two entered a hallway, they were greeted by Taffy who stood in their way.
  "I hate to say it, but good to see you back in one piece." Taffy greeted Clef. Taffy looked to Y/n, realizing who she was instantly. "Did they give approval for this?" Taffy asked Clef in a serious tone.
  "I don't need it. This is something I'm doing." Clef said sternly, not wanting to be questioned. Taffy couldn't help but chuckle.
  "Alto Clef, using an anomaly. Now I've seen pigs fly. Call me Taffy kid." Taffy introduced herself, offering a handshake to Y/n. Y/n happily shook Taffy's hand as Clef clasped both girls on the back.
  "Good news, you already met your bunk mate." Clef told Y/n.
  "Wait, you're not dumping her on me. Are you?" Taffy asked.
  "You'll be paid for babysitting." Clef promised. "Set her up in the bunks, she's going through a tougher bootcamp than any of you ever did." With that Clef walked away. Taffy shook her head as she grabbed Y/n's hand leading her down a corridor. The two of them made it into an elevator as Taffy swiped her keycard.
  "Barracks." Taffy said as the elevator began to descend. "So, I hear you met an old friend of mine named Bourbon." Taffy said casually.
  "Who?" Y/n asked confused as Chime answered.
  "The man who gave you a gun when encountering SCP-2086. He showed up after you passed out." Chime reminded Y/n.
  "Oh wait, the soldier guy with the gun. Does he work here?" Y/n asked.
  "Not anymore." Taffy said bitterly. "We used to be in the same unit. That was until he killed Dice. A long story short the G.O.C see themselves as the police of the paranormal world. They destroy objects left and right with no discrimination. Sometimes their right, but those sometimes are because they made themselves right by poking a loyal dog with a spear until it snapped and bit."
  "It's terrible losing a friend, I'm sorry." Y/n said sympathetically.
  "It's worse when you lose family." Taffy said with a sad smile as the elevator door opened. The duo stepped out as Taffy led Y/n to a room. On the door was a plaque that read "Raven Squad" Taffy smiled as she opened the door. "You group of misfits still alive?" Taffy asked the people in the room. Three people stood inside the room. The first one was a man with black hair and blue eyes. His skin was an olive color, but only on his face. His arms and legs seemed to be made from various colored cloth, patchwork. Y/n almost thought they were tattoos, but it seemed too realistic. The man was in the middle of cleaning an LMG.
  "Taffy! Good to see you!" The patchwork man spoke in a slight Russian accent. "Who is the child?" Taffy gently pushed Y/n in front of her.
  "On Clef's orders she's staying with us. Everyone meet Y/n L/n. That right there Y/n is Lucky." Taffy said introducing the Russian man.
  "I survived three times guarding SCP-682 during containment breaches. I survived alone for a day in the village that houses SCP-610." Lucky began to list off his accomplishments as one of the others interrupted him. A girl with blue eyes and blonde hair. She was big boned and was reading a document.
  "We know all about your survival rate. We don't need to hear every single anomaly that decided not to kill you by sheer luck." The blonde woman said as Taffy introduced her.
  "That's Bookworm. She's the teams lead on anomalous text. Anything we need to worry about she either translates or makes sure we don't know." Taffy explained.
  "So what's with the girl exactly?" The final person, a man with green eyes, white pale skin and red hair asked.
  "She's an anomaly Ginger." Taffy explained.
  "Damn it, when can I not be called Ginger?" Ginger asked annoyed.
  "When your remembered for something other than eating a small army of anomalous gingerbread men." Lucky told him.
  "If you are an anomaly, what do you do exactly?" Bookworm questioned Y/n. Y/n was about to answer before Taffy stepped in.
  "Let's not start asking the kid a ton of questions. Even I'm not too sure what all she can do. In time though she will. Besides, her training starts tomorrow." Taffy told the others.
"Well grab a bunk Y/n." Lucky said pointing to one in a corner. One walked over to the bunk as she slowly laid down.
  "So... what do you guys do?" Y/n asked.
  "Us? Whatever they tell us. Raven Squad is made up of whoever they can't put into other task forces until a spot opens up. There are many like us." Bookworm explained. Y/n wasn't sure how she was going to survive here.
  "You are alive. This is what matters." Chime told Y/n. She knew Chime was right. So long as Y/n was alive she had hope, if hope wasn't enough spite would do the trick. Y/n closed her eyes, tired from the long trip. She had a feeling that she was going to need her energy over the next month. 

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