The doctor will see you now

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The zombie stood still as if observing Y/n carefully. Y/n went to raise the gun she had been given by Hound, only to find that it was gone. She didn't know how, but Meili had disarmed her. Y/n summoned a spear, deicing that keeping a distance while fighting it would be best. However, the undead simply began to wander off. She could hear its footsteps vanishing far, far away until Y/n was left in the deafening silence.
  "Zombies don't tend to ignore people."
  "Agreed. Might I suggest that we investigate Site 19?"
  "Not much else we can do, Chime."
  Y/n slowly walked around as she tried to get her bearings. The hallways were deafeningly silent. Once Y/n learned where she was, she decided to make her way to the armory.
  "Gregory! Are you there?"
Y/n forced open the door to the armory. A foul smell of rot filled her nose as she was forced to cover her face. She was about to enter but stopped noticing a trip wire. She slowly stepped over it, looking up to see a clear bag filled with what looked like sawdust and a lighter.
  "Chime, is that... some sort of makeshift dust explosion trap?"
  "I do not recommend setting it off to find out."
  Y/n made her way to the cage where she would normally find Gregory, her stomach turning when she found a corpse. It was so decomposed that Y/n was only able to tell it was Gregory by the name tag on the grey uniform. In the corpse's right hand was a revolver, in their left Y/n noticed a tape recorder. Y/n slowly phased through the wall as she stood behind the corpse, now noticing that it was missing some of its skull.
  Y/n gripped the tape recorder as she hit play. The somewhat familiar voice of Gregory spoke out in a shaky tone.
  "Its... it has been over two months since everyone died. At first, we thought it was some variant of the "Flesh That Hates" but it made no sense. The infection was instant. Humans don't burn, they melt. That was the first thing that came to mind seeing a victim. I had seen someone set themselves on fire before, but this... there was no flames. Their skin melted with the bone into jelly. No, a puddle of organs and twisted flesh. Firearms had no effects. They didn't have organs to damage or blood to lose."
  Y/n's felt the bile in her stomach start to rise in her throat. Whatever they had gone up against seemed like hell.
  "Cutting weapons had some effect. If you cut them into small enough chunks, they couldn't drag you into the god forsaken sun to turn like them. We were supposed to be an evacuation point, but... but they had SCP-682 transferred here for a test. He broke out a month after the end. Destroyed our indoor gardens, damning us! It burrowed into the ground and the rest of us haven't heard from it since."
  Y/n frowned. She had heard that number somewhere before.
  "Everyone who could, decided to try and go raid for supplies, try to fix out indoor food system... we haven't heard back from them in two months. Then the breaches began. We just let the monsters wander into the sun for it to take them, but... some of the SCP got wise as to what was happening. I'm not letting them, or the sun take me alive. I hope whatever the fuck hits my trap is sent to hell. If you are hearing this, the site is lost. If there are still any gods... why?"
  The tape ended as Y/n set it back into the hands of the corpse. Y/n remember Meili's words. She could understand now that if he had wanted to kill her, all he would have had to do was throw her outside. Y/n checked the armory carefully, not even finding a single bullet left. It was like the site had thrown everything, perhaps even the kitchen sink at these anomalies.
Y/n left the armory, deciding to check out the containment areas. However, before she could the speakers crackled to life. Y/n stopped as she listened to the music.
  "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when!"
  Y/n shook her head. This song reminded her of something David used to watch. After the final episode of some show, he would sing the song each time he left the house.
  "Shall we follow the source of the music, Y/n?"
  "No. Whatever it is, we need to avoid following it. Come on."
  Y/n began to run through the site. With her speed she was able to clear most of the floors before descending downward to the lower floors. The deeper she went, the more blood she found. Y/n found herself in a large room, roughly the size of an indoor basketball court. There were four doors in each direction counting the one Y/n had entered from.
  Suddenly, the music above stopped. Y/n summoned a short and long sword as she gripped them tightly. A smooth yet deep voice echoed out from the speakers.
  "It has been some time since I have had a visitor in my lab. The other doctors appeared to abandon their duties. I have sent some of my assistants to your location. Please, allow them to guide you to me"
  Each door opened, the bodies of D class, guards, doctors, and other staff slowly shuffled into the room, surrounding Y/n on all sides. Something about that voice seemed familiar. However, Chime did.
  "That was SCP-49. The plague doctor."
  "I guess we just have to fight through his undead then!"
  The dead swarmed around Y/n as she quickly decapitated one, throwing her short sword into another's chest to knock it back. Y/n rushed forward as she summoned a spear, impaling two zombies before throwing a hammer at another hitting it in the temple. Their numbers closed in around her more, and more. These undead were not nearly as terrifying as the ones she had encountered in that small town.
  Flashes of the fight with Able flooded Y/n's mind. Her breathing slowly started to increase as she grit her teeth. Y/n chose to retreat, diving directly into the floor. Y/n landed into a room filled with filing cabinets. She crashed down into a foldable table, rolling off.
  "You could have simply attacked them from in the ground. Why retreat? We would have to deal with them even after dealing with the plague doctor."
  "We don't know how many of his patients are running around. The sooner we cut the head off the snake, the sooner we can get back to learning more about this world."
  "A snake can still bite without its body, and lash its tail without its head."
  "Don't patronize me, Chime!"
Chime activated a mental map to help Y/n locate the announcement room. Y/n rushed over to the wall, diving in as she began to swim to the upper floors of the facility. Once Y/n reached the top floor, she nearly lost her stomach once again. The smell of rotting meat and bile hung over the air like a thick fog. In the distance, Y/n could see the main door to the facility forced open. The corners of the door having seemingly been crushed.
  A dark red color stained the shattered doorframe. Y/n made sure to stay well clear of the light. She made her way down the hallway until she got to the door she needed to enter. She listened closely, trying to see if she could hear him in there. Y/n turned to make sure no cameras were looking directly at her, before pushing her face through the door. She immediately regretted it.
A massive blob of writhing flesh sat under a broken roof. The sun shining down on it before it began to animate itself. Bits of arms and legs, faces slowly pushed out from the flesh of the blob as it made a wet gurgling noise. Y/n pulled her head back, but the blob smashed down the door!   She stumbled back, about to phase into the wall when the monster grabbed her leg!
Y/n still had her long sword. She dug the blade into the monsters body, but it amounted to nothing as the blade seemed to just sink into the puddy like flesh. She kicked at it as the monster began to drag her into the room! In desperation, Y/n summoned another sword, holding it with her left hand as she plunged it into the floor!
  "Ugly bastard!"
Y/n used her strength to pull the melted monster back toward her. She summoned a chainsaw, using its teeth to slice through the meaty appendages as the flesh splattered around the room. Once her leg was free, Y/n dove back into the ground. However, not before it called out in the voice of her mother.
  "Y/n, come back!"
  Had Y/n not been running on pure adrenaline, she may have stopped for the monster to engage with it. Y/n swam down to where Raven Squad would normally stay. He crawled out from the wall as she sat on Lucky's bed. If Y/n was going to get anything done, she would have to deal with the plague doctor.
  "Y/n, do you think he would be down in his containment chamber?"
  "It's a possibility. The only question I have, is of we should fight him or not."
The building suddenly began to rumble as Y/n jumped off the bed. She looked around wondering what that could have been. From what she knew, the Foundation had installed the building in a way that would prevent earthquake damage. Y/n began to walk through the halls as she headed toward the elevator.
  "We are walking?"
  "I feel like stopping to smell some roses, Chime. Humor me."
  "Very well."
  Y/n slowly made her way through the facility. The hallways seemed quiet. Far too quiet. She stopped in front of an elevator. It would take her directly to the plague doctors cell. However, something caught her eye. There were slash marks next to the elevator down the hall. A pile of meat lay on the ground dripping. Y/n thought it was blood dripping at first, however it looked like it was dripping water.
  "These things are getting weirder by the moment. Can you drink from them?"
  "I highly recommend that we do not tempt such a fate. We are lucky enough to be standing here, alive."
  "Fair point."
  Y/n pried the elevator doors open, looking into the inky darkness below. The stench of death flooded her nostrils. She took a deep breath, and then jumped down. She gripped onto the cables using them like firepoles as her hands began to get rope burn. She slowed her decent once she saw a bit of light below. Y/n pride the doors open as she nearly gagged. The hallway seemed to be covered in dead flesh. It almost seemed like that was what it was made from.
  "Some of these are dripping water as well." Chime noticed.
  "Something tells me we have a third party loose in this facility. Let's get going."
  Y/n slowly made her way through the hall of sliced flesh that dripped down on her. She watched carefully to make sure none of it moved. Once she made it to the other end of the hallway she found a set of stairs. If memory served her right, this would lead her down to the Euclid containment area. She had only been down there a few times. Though, with Chimes help the area was mapped out. When Y/n began to approach the room where the plague doctor was supposed to reside in, the metal doors swung open as undead poured out!
Y/n summoned a trident, impaling one of the dead as she shoved them backward! The group tumbled backward as Y/n summoned a bat, using her speed and strength to quickly cave the head in of each undead. She stepped over the bodies, swinging the blood from the bat as she cracked her neck.
  "I'm here to make a house call, doctor!" Y/n called out.
  The cell was much larger than the previous world. There was a massive viewing window into the doctor's chamber showing off the various shelves filled with jars containing unknown liquids and body parts. The plague doctor paid her little mind. On an operating table was one of those blobs, held in place by spikes nailed into its body.
  The plague doctor was injecting it with a syringe with one hand while writing on a clipboard on a cart with his other. He only passed a glance in Y/n's direction before speaking.
  "Ah! The patient has arrived of her own voilition," his voice came through the nearby speakers with a crackle. "You've made quite the mess of my assistants. They are notoriously hard to come by."
  Y/n approached the glass, slamming her open palm against it as she made her bat vanish.
  "I'm not one of your patients! What happened to the outside world? What happened to the SCP Foundation?"
  The plague doctor finished his procedure as he set his tools inside of a small bag. He put his hands behind his back before approaching the glass. The plague doctor looked Y/n in her eyes before speaking in his ever-calm tone.
  "My dear. You have the pestilence, which makes you my charge. Of course, there is no need to fret. My cure is most effective."
  "Answer my questions! I'll come in there and snap that beak off."
  The plague doctor ignored her as he slowly stepped away from the glass. He gave no thought to Y/n's threat as he began to resume his experiment.
  "This sickness is unlike anything I have encountered. Those who step into the sunlight are nigh instantly melted. Appropriate. Seeing a human melt as if they were being covered in invisible flames is quite the experience. Here, observe the following."
  The plague doctor produced a scalpel as he cut into the pile of flesh that didn't even scream, save for the mixture of voices that seemed to escape its mass. The plague doctor pulled out what looked to be a heart. However, with how melted it was it was hard to tell. Then, it suddenly pulsed.
  "Normally a heart would stop beating shortly after being removed from a body. Yet, even removed it continues to beat as if blood is pumping through it. Observe my next action closely."
The doctor crushed the heart in his hand like a grape. Y/n watched in a mixture of fascination and horror as the heart in the doctor's fingers continued to beat. Even as he flattened it in the shape of pancake, even as he tore it in half like paper, the heart continued to beat.
  "Dear God..."
  "I'm afraid God has long since abandoned man. This is but a world that was once a dream. Now, even nightmares no longer remain. Just the void that grows ever expanding, devouring all life into nothing which claims to be the greatest of anything."
  The plague doctor dropped the flesh back onto the body as it began to meld into the body. The plague doctor returned to the glass as he spoke to Y/n keeping eye contact with her.
  "Now then. Come inside and I shall cure you. No need to fuss."
Y/n snapped out of her trance as she stepped away from the glass.
  "Like hell! I'm not going to let you touch me!"
  "I do hate it when the sick refuse treatment. Kicking and screaming like a child seeing a needle.    However, there is always an advancement in modern medicine to solve a problem."
The plague doctors robe began to flutter with an eerie red glow. Indescribable symbols appeared around his robe as the glass began to melt into flesh. Y/n jumped back as the plague doctor stepped through the wall of flesh which grew eyes around it. Each one focused on Y/n who suddenly developed a splitting headache.
  "Alert! We are under the influence of anomalous influence! Y/n, our body will freeze up if we get too close to the plague doctor!"
  Y/n took a step back for every step the plague doctor took forward. Chime didn't seem to know about these abilities either. Did he have different powers in alternate universes?
  "Alternate universes?" The plague doctor asked inquisitively.
  "He can read our minds!"
  "I know Chime!" Y/n said out loud.
  The plague doctor tilted his beaked head. It seemed like he couldn't hear Chime, though he seemed to hear something else.
  "Static? Most unusual. I suppose someone will be far less afraid of medicine if it is explained. I believe the term for this is Sarckicism. A practice of flesh. With this I have gained important knowledge into the inner workings of the pestilence."
  The doors behind Y/n opened as more of the plague doctor's undead flooded into the room! Y/n expected to fight the horde, but before she could their bodies began to twist and snap. Their chests cracked open like teeth filled mouths. Long tendrils of flesh lashed from their bodies. Y/n tried to phase through the floor, only for a familiar intense shock to resonate through her body! Her shoes smoked as she fell to her knees, falling onto her ass as she scooted back.
  "Ah, yes. I witnessed your ability and activated the buildings defense systems. Now, come here, this will be over with quickly."
  The closer the plague doctor approached the less and less Y/n could move her body. What weapon could she create to make him stand back? What weapon would allow her to easily slice through the ever increasing horde of mutated undead? The building suddenly rumbled again, causing the plague doctor to lose his footing. Y/n, out of panic summoned a boomerang. She threw it hitting the plague doctor dead between his beady eyes.
  Y/n didn't focus on killing the undead. She only focused on clearing a path. She summoned a sledge hammer, using her super strength to sweep the undead aside. Compared to the forest of trees she had to fell, they felt like twigs in comparison. Y/n rushed down the hallway, but as she did the walls suddenly broke! Moan, melted flesh began to leak out as melted arms tried to grab at Y/n.
  "Y/n!" The flesh moaned out in the voice of her mother.
  Y/n slammed her sledge hammer into one of the hands, squashing it into the wall while more flesh burst from the cracks! The plague doctor was hot on her trail. His abominations trying to deal with the writhing flesh. Y/n avoided the elevator, instead kicking the stairwell door off its hinges. With her speed Y/n was easily able to ascend the steps without being caught. She fled through he facility, more flesh began to appear from the walls cutting off her path.
Eventually, Y/n was herded into the cafeteria. She began to use tables to block doorways and entrances. However, as she began to seal the final door, a flesh tendril stuck through! Y/n was prepared top cut it in half, however she could see the plague doctor on the other side of the door. She jumped backwards while the plague doctor forced the doors open.
  "Now, now. You have no reason to fret. I have designed by cure to be quick, and effective."
The floor began to melt into flesh as the plague doctors black robe began to pulse. His body began to grow as tendrils formed out from his body one after the other. He grew taller, and taller until he was well over fifteen feet tall. Multiple heads began to protrude from his body. Each one looking directly at Y/n.
  "Do you believe he can still kill us with a touch using those tendrils?"
  "I don't intend to find out, Chime!"
  Y/n jumped back as a tendril slammed into the floor, cracking it! Y/n formed a shield with serrated edges in her left hand, and a spear in her other. Y/n beat her spear against her shield as she prepared to fight to her last breath. With Y/n's speed she was able to dodge each tendril that came down at her. She wouldn't be able to run forever.
  Y/n sidestepped the next tendril. She threw her spear into it impaling it into the floor. An electric current ran up the length of the tendril causing the plague doctor to cry out in agony! Y/n used this chance as she threw her shield like a discus, cutting off another tentacle. Y/n summoned a similar shield as she jumped backward dodging two tendrils.
  Y/n began to repeat her process. Each time a tendril attacked she would impale it into the electrified ground. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as Y/n groaned out. She suddenly wished she had a steak. She hadn't eaten properly and as disgusting as the burned flesh smelled, cooked meat was all she could think of, well any food would have done for the desperate girl. Even something she hated.
  "Y/n, focus!" Chime urged.
  "Sorry!" Y/n said out loud.
  "If you were sorry, you would take your medicine like an adult, madam!" The plague doctor scolded .
  Y/n was at a loss for what she could do. No matter how many times she pinned a tendril they pulled themselves out from the floor moments later.
  "Any bright ideas, Chime?"
  "I advise we look up."
  Y/n looked up, but all she could see was the ceiling. Y/n furrowed her brows trying to understand what she meant, until the idea came to her.
  "We can sure as shit try!"
  Y/n threw aside her shield, summoning a second spear. She pulled her arms back, tossing them at the ceiling! The ceiling cracked from the hard impact as Y/n repeated the process again and again while dodging the tendrils. Finally, the ceiling began to collapse. The plague doctor tried to cover his top head with the tendrils as the ceiling fell on top of him. Y/n barely managed to hide underneath the nearest lunch table as the dust began to settle.
  Y/n coughed as she tried to wipe the dust from her eyes. She slowly crawled out from her hiding place, looking to the pile of rubble at the center of the room. She nearly jumped from her skin as it began to move. The plague doctors main body slowly pushed out from the rubble. His robes covered in blood and concrete dust. He casually wiped himself off as his cloak glowed with those symbols.
  "It is time, to take your medicine."
  "Alright. I've had enough of this world! Meili! Get me out of here!" Y/n demanded.
No response came as the plague doctor stepped forward with his right arm extended. The floor began to rumble once more as Y/n tried to steady herself. She was expecting more of those flesh monsters, but as the floor beneath the plague doctor began to crack Y/n wished it was.
  From the ground sprang a massive set of jaws that enveloped the plague doctor. The maw was long and green, covered in scales. Rows upon rows of teeth made Y/n shiver. Following those jaws was a green head the size of a semi-truck cab with red eyes that spoke of endless malice. Time seemed to slow down as those massive jaws closed like an iron maiden around the plague doctor, whose eyes were filled with fear. Y/n couldn't tell of he was reaching out to her to administer his cure, or to beg for help.
  It didn't matter as those jaws severed the plague doctors arm at the elbow. Everything had happened in the span of a second while Y/n held up her arms to block the incoming rubble. The monster slowly dug its way from the ground like a mole as two massive paws with five long claws as long as Y/n's body grasped the ground for support to pull itself up. Its body was covered in scales, spikes ran along the length of its spine down to the tip of its tail. A patch of messy hair covered the back of its head and front shoulders.
  Its body had to at least be the size of two large school busses. Those malice filled eyes locked onto Y/n as the monster swallowed everything in its mouth. It snorted out and spoke in a voice which could only be contempt.
  "... Disgusting."
Y/n didn't know if it meant its meal, or her. She didn't want to know. She summoned a Scottish claymore on instinct but that just caused the monster to reach out with its right paw, flicking her into the nearby wall like a bug.
  Every fighting instinct told Y/n that this was an opponent she could never hope to beat with her current strength. She tried to stand, but her legs refused to move. It was like she was staring down death itself. The monster opened its jaws wide as it snarled down at Y/n.
  "Easy, Reptar! We need to talk to this one. She might even cure my boredom!" A female voice suddenly called out.
  The monster snorted as it slowly closed its mouth. His head craned to look at the source of the voice. Standing there was perhaps one of the weirdest things Y/n had ever seen. It looked to be a blue kurata, a Japanese suit of armor. The helm was in the shape dragon with two horns on its head. On the forehead of that helmet seemed to be a symbol, for what Y/n didn't know. In the figures right hand was a katana as black as the deepest reaches of the abyss with flashes of red appearing now and again. The figure introduced themselves as they walked over.
  "My name is Y/n L/N, monster ass kicker and interdimensional bad ass. Now thrill me!"

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