Operation road trip, part one

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Time had passed to the day before the scheduled invasion. Y/n had spent this time practicing with her weapons. Raven Squad and Clef helped train her as quickly as they could. Y/n had sat down with both Clef and Bright explaining what would happen to SCP-166 and SCP-590. She explained that SCP-590 would be taken and SCP-166 would be killed and cause an XK end of the world scenario in the resulting war. She described that the Ragnarök Runners would be teleported straight into the cells of the SCP unlike their last attempt from the outside.
  Clef and Bright both intended to stay and fight, but the SCP that were demanded to be handed over would be moved offsite. Clef had arranged for a convoy to leave Site 19 the day prior to the invasion. Each truck would be heading to different sites until Site 19 could be properly defended, or retaken. Y/n would be escorting a small part of the convoy across the country to Site 17. She was taking SCP-166 and SCP-590 somewhere safe along with a few other SCP.
  The first SCP they were transporting to Site 19 was SCP-173. Raven Squad moved through the corridors of the lowest levels of site 19 as they headed for the containment cell. Bookworm and Ginger wheeled a small human sized cage with bars through the clean white halls. Lucky and Taffy walked up front while Y/n stayed in the back. Everyone was dressed in their equipment and armed to the teeth. The tension in the air was palpable. The feeling of tension increased for Y/n as she passed one of the newer cells on the lowest level. Able's coffin had been moved to Site 19 until they could rebuild a containment chamber for him under the sea.
  Y/n only gave it half a glance before she continued on with her duties. As they reached the end of the hallway Taffy scanned her keycard in a door as it opened. The group walked inside to a large room with a blast door inside. Above them was a guard on the balcony.
  "Do you know the drill with this SCP?" The guard asked.
  "Oh we know about it." Ginger told the guard. "Keep your eyes on it and never blink. Did you get the D class in there already?" Ginger asked.
  "They arrived not long before you." The guard confirmed. "Better hurry before one fucks up like they always do." The guard hit a button as an alarm sounded. Y/n watched as the blast doors opened revealing three men in orange jumpsuits staring right at a strange statue. The statue seemed to have a green and red face drawn on it. Its body was made from concrete with rebar sticking out from various sections of its body, five fingers made from rebar adorned its hands. Y/n's face scrunched up under her helmet smelling something foul in the cell.
  "Y/n secure SCP-173 we are opening the cage." Taffy ordered as Y/n walked over, but as she did one of the D class glanced at her. She blinked not noticing as the statue snapped the neck of the D class that looked away!
  "JESUS! NO ONE WAS LOOKING?!" Ginger shouted as Y/n moved behind the statue, picking it up as she carried it to the cage. Y/n put the SCP into the mobile cage as Taffy and Lucky shut and locked the cage.
  "We are clear!" Bookworm called out to the guard as Lucky took out his sidearm, executing one of the remaining D class.
  "OH FUCK, OH NO!" The last D class, a woman shouted as Taffy shot her once in the head. Y/n looked away feeling terrible. Orders had come from the top to execute all D class on site to prevent escapes or to prevent them from joining the invaders side.
  "Unable to copy abilities. Also terrible last words." Chime joked as Y/n shook her head. The five made their way out of the cell as the guard closed the door behind them.
  "Good luck to you all." The guard told the group as they left. Other strike teams and MTF were escorting objects and entities all over the site as well. She could see a group of guards guiding what looked to be a mass of chains in a humanoid form. Y/n's visor identified the entity as SCP-1770. She would have loved to try and touch it, but now wasn't the time to harvest power. Many of the groups began to head toward the direction of a freight elevator. Raven Squad stopped moving at the end of the hallway that split into a T. The freight elevator to their right and the rest of the groups next escort being in the opposite direction.
  "We will escort SCP-173 to the transport. Will you three be fine getting the next one?" Taffy asked.
  "We have this. You and Lucky go get in a truck." Bookworm assured Taffy. The two nodded as they headed off to the next target.
  "Who or what are we picking up?" Y/n asked as she walked between Bookworm and Ginger. Ginger chuckled.
  "Honestly? It would be cooler if you saw them first." Ginger told Y/n.
  "Do not keep her in suspense. We are going to see the plague doctor." Bookworm told Y/n. The group approached a door at the end of a hallway in the research sector.
  "Alright you have a point. One last thing Y/n. Don't try to touch him anywhere. We don't know how but direct skin contact causes instant death to whoever touches him. Let me assure you, it's all part of him." Ginger explained. Y/n shivered at the thought of something able to kill her with an accidental touch. They approached a room where a mobile platform with hand and ankle restraints sat outside.
  "Is this what we use to move him?" Y/n asked.
  "It is, but I don't see the guards who were supposed to be here. Ginger, open the door." Bookworm said as she raised her gun. Y/n stood back ready to summon a sword if she had to as Ginger swiped his keycard. The door suddenly burst open as two guards stumbled out, but their chest armor had been removed. Their chests seemed sewed together like someone had operated on them. Bookworm shot both guards through their helmets killing them instantly as their bodies slumped to the floor lifelessly with a satisfying thunk.
  Bookworm and Y/n breached the room as the smell of rot, chemicals, and strangely lavender filled the air. Standing in front of them was a man in a plague doctor's uniform with his hands raised. He stood six feet tall, and his eyes held hints of irritation and calmness.
  "Ah, forgive the cured. They can be.... Irritable." SCP-49 explained.
  "Irritable nothing! You-" Ginger began to angerly say before he was cut off.
  "I have cured these gentlemen. They were gravely ill, and one of you seem to be as well." SCP-49 explained looking to Y/n. "Come, don't shy away from my cure." SCP-49 insisted.
  "I'll pass. Ginger!" Y/n called out. Ginger rolled the mobile platform into the room.
  "Are you quite sure madam? My cure is most effective, are we going to meet a patient? It has been so, so long since I have been provided with a proper subject." SCP-49 said excited.
  "Transfer. We are going on a road trip." Y/n explained as Bookworm motioned for him to sit on the platform.
  "A moment if you would." SCP-49 grabbed a bag, tucking it into his black cloak. "Shall we be off then?" He asked sitting cross legged on the platform. Taffy moved to secure his wrists, while Ginger bound the plague doctor's ankles. Bookworm and Ginger guided the mobile platform on either side as the three left the room empty. As they retreated to the T shaped hallway the foot traffic had decreased. Once they arrived at the freight elevator Y/n stopped.
  "Can you two handle him from here?" Y/n asked Bookworm and Ginger. "I need to take the other elevator up to human containment."
  "Of course. From here on it should be easy. We will wait for you outside. Call us when you are ready." Bookworm told Y/n.
  "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance madam." SCP-49 said to Y/n. "Please do come visit me, you need treatment for the pestilence before it... festers."
  "No thanks, doctor appointments give me anxiety." Y/n said as she moved toward the normal elevator. Once inside she spoke. "Y/n L/n to humanoid containment, under Jack Bright's authority." The elevator dinged, accepting her order as it closed. The elevator moved upwards until it got to the desired floor. She stepped off walking down the hallway, stopping for a moment as she saw SCP-2338-A being transported in a large tank.
  Y/n waved as the jellyfish, and the girl inside of it waved back. Once they got onto the freight elevator Y/n moved down the hall toward the containment chamber of SCP-166. As she walked closer, three figures walked out of the observation room connected to SCP-166 chamber. Two familiar, one not. The familiar ones were Jack Bright and Alto Clef. The stranger was a teenager who seemed to be eating a chocolate bar. He had short red hair, with pale white skin decorated in freckles.
  "Is that him?" Y/n asked Bright. Bright nodded, with a rare but serious expression.
  "This is SCP-590. My little brother." Bright introduced the boy. "But you will call him TJ." Bright said a little more sternly. Hearing his name TJ looked up.
  "The kids retarded." Clef explained bluntly as Bright glared at Clef.
  "Autistic. He is autistic." Bright clarified. TJ seemed to squirm slightly in place as Bright's voice became softer. "He can heal physical and mental wounds but gets them in return. He tends to get scars from healing wounds in the place of open wounds. He can get tumors on his body from healing cancer... and his mental ability..."
  "Came from the own boy's father forcing him to do experiments with people with mental retardation, leading him to his autistic state. He may look like a teenager but mentally he is three." Clef finished explaining for Bright.
  "Right, and TJ is mostly nonverbal." Bright said as he gently rubbed the top of his brother's head. TJ leaned into the touch. "TJ doesn't like to be touched but will let family touch him without issue. He has trouble with loud noises so let him listen to some music while you are traveling." Bright told Y/n as he handed her a small purple backpack that appeared from seemingly nowhere. "He can feed himself and go to the bathroom himself, but he doesn't like confrontation. Try to keep your voice down. Why are you smiling like that? It's creepy." Bright said to Y/n who was smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
  "It's nothing. I can just tell you care deeply for your brother. It's nice seeing you serious for once." Y/n told Bright who turned his head away.
  "Just.... Let TJ have the bag when you load him up in the transport vehicle. It has everything you will need and everything he needs from snacks to coloring books to keep him occupied." Bright finished as he leaned down, putting his hands on TJ's shoulders. "Hey, buddy? I need you to go with my friend here. She is going to take you some place safe." TJ nodded as he hugged Jack, before moving to stand behind Y/n.
  "What about SCP-166?" Y/n asked.
  "She knows your coming." Clef assured Y/n. "The truck your taking is modified from plant material so it should take a longer time for it to be affected by her powers, should. Every now and again along the way you'll have to switch out transports at designated drop offs. Don't fuck this up kid."
  "Don't swear in front of my brother." Bright scolded Clef. Y/n walked past Clef as she went into SCP-166 chamber. The deer girl stood there with a packed bag. She smiled seeing Y/n.
"It's good to see you, are you here to guide me to the next site?" SCP-166 asked. Y/n nodded as TJ peeked from behind her. "Oh? Who is this?" SCP-166 asked.
  "TJ, I just met him to. We should get going before we miss our window." Y/n urged as SCP-166 nodded. Y/n led SCP-166 out from her cell as they began to walk past Clef and Bright. Clef had his hat tipped down, avoiding eye contact, however SCP-166 stopped.
  "Oh. Hello Bright." SCP-166 greeted nervously. "Is this an acquaintance of yours?" She asked.
  "I am." Clef greeted with a half wave.
  "It is nice to meet you. May God bless you in life." SCP-166 told Clef as the man laughed bitterly.
  "God? I killed my god. I won't be welcome in the lord's kingdom no matter how hard I pull on those pearly gates." Clef told SCP-166 whose ears began to droop. Before she could speak to Clef any more Y/n called after her. SCP-166 hesitantly left, giving a glance back to Clef who refused to look up. Once the trio were out of earshot Bright spoke to Clef.
  "She's going to be safe. She's with Y/n." Bright assured Clef.
  "What makes you trust her so fully?" Clef asked with a scoff.
  "I don't, but she is earning it little by little. She told me the Ragnarök Runners would kidnap my brother and kill your kid. It was a good start." Bright explained.
  "For you. Once she has served her purpose Y/n is going into containment." Clef said stubbornly. Bright frowned as he stood in front of Clef.
  "Do you really want to do that? She's loyal." Bright pointed out.
  "For now, but that's it. She works with us because she has to. Her power keeps growing, and eventually she may become a threat we can't terminate or control." Clef reminded Bright. The two began to walk and talk.
  "Remember that corpse she tossed off the plane? We learned something interesting with a recent interview." Bright said with a wry smirk.
  "What would that be?" Clef asked.
  "SCP-2571 is up for neutralization status." Bright explained as Clef stopped.
  "Cragglewood Park, right? What? Did that body have something to do with it?" Clef asked. Bright shrugged.
  "Maybe, but some kid who went to a therapist about Cragglewood Park talked about a girl wielding swords. No new reports about it have come in regarding SCP-2571." Bright explained.
  "Your point? We may have not found more victims yet." Clef said dismissively.
  "Ah ye of little faith. All I'm saying is the kid's heart is in the right place. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill." Bright warned.
  "I'll do what I have to and put our trust in her until she isn't useful. Until she does what she is told she is expendable after." Clef said angrily.
  "Well, you go pout. I have to sharpen my chainsaw blades! Oh this is going to be a fun fight!" Bright said excited as he walked away from Clef.
  Y/n had made her way to the surface with TJ and SCP-166. They had exited out of the hanger. The runway was bustling with activity as hundreds of people rushed around. Y/n had told Taffy and the others that she was on her way. However, first she had to check in with the scientist who was in charge. She walked up to Gears, but he spoke to her before she could greet him.
  "SCP-590 and SCP-166. You must be the last of Raven Squad. Y/n L/n?" Gears asked.
  "That would be me." Y/n confirmed.
  "Hmm." Gears made a noise of acknowledgement. "Truck 238, modified for SCP-166. The key is in the ignition." Gears spoke to another MTF as Y/n carefully led the two SCP through the crowds until she got to her truck. It was a white box truck. Y/n opened the back for SCP-166. Inside was a single bed, and some water bottles.
  "I'll drive slow." Y/n assured SCP-166 as the deer girl slowly entered the back, sitting down on the bed as she took a bible out from her bag. Y/n closed the door, locking the back as she led TJ to the side of the truck, helping him inside. "You get to drive shotgun with me." Y/n walked around to the driver side, hopping into the driver's seat as she set the backpack on the floor.   "This is Y/n, ready and waiting for departure." Y/n said into her helmet.
  "Roger." Taffy said. "We will be departing to Site 17 in ten minutes or less."
  "Are we sure we want to let a teenager drive a truck alone with two SCP?" Ginger asked. "I mean, doesn't she need a special license for this? Does she even know how to drive? I don't think any of us asked."
  "She drove a Humvee through a hot zone. She will be fine in a truck." Lucky assured Ginger.
"A heavily armored truck worth more than a Lamborghini." Bookworm pointed out. Y/n was busy as she opened TJ's bag. Inside she pulled out a coloring book, an MP3 player with headphones handing them to TJ who gladly began to use them. She also pulled out an old fashioned camera from the bag. Iris's camera. The truth was Y/n would be taking a different route while swapping out trucks left by Bright and Clef at certain points of the journey. Before she got to Site 17 she would abandon the mission as planned. After explaining the situation to Clef and Bright they had made a decision to protect the SCP.
  The two would be broken out of containment and taken to a remote cabin deep within the Northwoods of the United States. Y/n would split off from the main group during the journey. Taffy was only told the half-truth, believing Y/n was taking the main targets down a different route to prevent SCP-173 and SCP-49 from accidently escaping during transport do to the ability of SCP-166.
  There was also the precaution that there may be leaks in the Foundation. The trucks leaving would show up at sites with their cargo unannounced. The sites didn't know which SCP would grace their doors except the highest of the brass. Y/n waited patiently seeing that most of the trucks had been loaded up. Some trucks were even dummy trucks, being driven to fake destinations. TJ was doodling listening to his music with a blank expression. Finally after waiting the order came through.
  "Alright people let's move out. Stick together and follow the GPS or stick with the group." Taffy ordered as the trucks all began to roar to life! Y/n started her truck as it roared to life joining the mechanical choir around her. "Begin operation." Taffy ordered as the first rows of trucks began to pull away. Y/n turned on her GPS as she drove into the desert with the trucks. Many honked their horns, wishing good luck to the others. Y/n would have honked back but didn't want to scare TJ.
  The ride was bumpy as the massive convoy traveled kicking up dust. Eventually, Y/n could see a road. Trucks went left and right along the road as Y/n slowed down. Once it was her turn she took the left path careful not to crash into anyone.
  "How you holding up kid?" Ginger asked.
  "Doing good. Cargo seems fine to." Y/n answered. "What's the ETA to the first truck swap point?" Y/n asked.
  "Twelve hours. Around then your truck should start to show some problems from SCP-166 anomalous nature." Taffy told Y/n.
  "Roger, roger." Y/n said, having changed her voice changer into a B-1 battle droid with Brights help. He showed her all sorts of settings.
  "Lay off the jokes this is an important assignment." Bookworm scolded Y/n. "Keep your eyes peeled. You have a job to do."
  "Well, I guess I'm in charge now." Y/n said in the voice again before switching it back to normal. The drive continued as their massive convoy traveled through the desert road until they arrived at a highway. Trucks went left and right as the convoy became smaller and smaller. The convoy traveled through towns, through cities and forests as the number of trucks decreased to Raven Squads three. Several hours had passed. TJ had run out of paper to draw with, and the music in his ears had long since fallen silent with the batteries drained.
  With the truck it was easy to travel without stopping for gas. TJ kept himself entertained now by simply watching the scenery pass by. Soon enough though they would have to stop for gas as they entered a city. Y/n didn't even know where they were. She hadn't paid attention to the road signs, or the GPS having mostly followed the group once it was down to just them.
  "We will be making a stop for fuel up ahead. Let's make it an in and out trip." Chime told the group as they pulled into a gas station. The area around them had two side streets and office buildings. The three trucks pulled up to the pumps as Y/n turned the truck off.
  "Remember to empty your bladders or get some snacks. It's considered a work expense." Ginger reminded everyone.
  "I disabled the cameras in and around the gas station. Everyone is clear to exit the vehicles." Bookworm told everyone as Y/n unbuckled herself.
  "Need to go to the bathroom bud?" Y/n asked TJ who nodded. Y/n hopped out as she came to the passenger side, opening the door for TJ who slowly climbed down. His legs wobbled slightly, having become a little numb from sitting for so long. Tapping came from inside the back of the truck.
  "SCP-166 wants something. Will one of you guide SCP-590 in to use the bathroom?" Y/n asked.
  "I have you covered." Lucky volunteered as he approached. Y/n sent TJ off with Lucky as she went to open the back of the truck, taking a notice at the odd lack of people around considering that they were in a city. Once she opened the back she saw a squirming SCP-166.
  "I-I am sorry to bother, but there is no bathroom back here." The deer girl told Y/n embarrassed. Y/n spoke into her helmet.
  "She needs to pee. Why didn't you guys put a bathroom back here?" Y/n asked.
  "What? They were supposed to put a portable toilet back there! God damn interns." Ginger complained.
  "We don't have interns." Taffy told Ginger. "Damn it. Ginger go inside and get a bucket for SCP-166." Taffy ordered.
  "Man, this blows!" Ginger complained as Y/n watched him head into the gas station.
  "They are bringing a bucket, sorry." Y/n apologized.
  "It's... its ok." The deer girl replied solemnly. Y/n closed the door locking it back up. Bookworm came around putting gas in the trucks as Ginger came with a bucket and lid handing it off to Y/n before going back inside. Y/n knocked on the door and passed the bucket to SCP-166. Y/n waited for a time as she surveyed the area. Y/n saw the clerk inside talking to Ginger, who was in full tactical gear open carrying a rifle. A knock came from the door as Y/n opened it. She was handed the closed bucket as Y/n used her strength to chuck it away.
  There was no way she was going to open that. Y/n closed the door locking it back up as she looked to the rising numbers of the gas. These things seemed to guzzle gas. The first truck finished refueling, then the second, and finally Y/n's. Lucky suddenly spoke through the headset.
  "We are coming out now. Are we ready to roll?" Lucky asked.
  "Refueled and ready to roll out. It looks like I'm paying now." Ginger said as he pulled out a card to pay the cashier. The cashier's expression suddenly changed as he pulled a shotgun out from under the counter! Ginger barely managed to grab the barrel as the man fired blowing apart a snack filled shelf! Tires screeched as the empty streets were suddenly filled with black vans!
  "AMBUSH, AMBUSH!" Taffy shouted as she began to open fire. Inside Y/n could see Ginger wrestling with the cashier. Three men with rifles came from the back room of the gas station as Ginger smashed the cashiers head against the glass between them before ducking behind a shelf that was riddled with bullets moments later! "Y/n secure SCP-590!" Taffy ordered as she ducked a bullet barely missing her!
  Y/n charged forward summoning a claymore as she rammed her full bodyweight into the glass doors! They crumpled as she ducked down barely dodging a hail of bullets! The cashier got up, about to take aim as Y/n summoned a black spear throwing it through the glass! The spear impaled the cashier through the throat as their shotgun went off, shattering the glass as he crumpled to the ground! Y/n crawled to Ginger who was shoving chips into his face.
  "Seriously?!" Y/n asked.
  "I stress eat! You got this!" Ginger gave a thumbs up as a few chips fell from under his helmet. Y/n rolled her eyes as she took Ginger's sidearm, coming out from behind the shelf as she blocked the bullets with her sword, firing three shots! Each one struck the men in the head sending them to the ground. Once the bullets stopped inside Lucky barged out of the bathroom holding his sidearm in one hand and TJ in the other.
  "Are we clear?" Lucky asked as Y/n bonked Ginger in the head with the butt of the pistol dropping it into his lap.
  "Inside maybe but Bookworm and Taffy are still pinned outside." Y/n explained as Lucky sat TJ down. TJ ran over as Y/n put her sword away. TJ hid behind Y/n shaking nervously the teenager looking ready to cry. Y/n frowned. She would have to end this quickly. Ginger began to loot as Taffy spoke through the helmet.
  "Any time now! We are pinned out here!" She said urgently.
  "I am on my way!" Lucky said excited. "Y/n, get the child to the truck and be prepared to go." Lucky ordered as Y/n nodded. Before Lucky could get outside a bullet came flying through the front window! "SNIPER!" Lucky shouted as he ducked down.
  "Taffy we have a sniper pinning us down in here! Do you have eyes on him?" Ginger asked urgently.
  "Negative we've been keeping our heads down the bullets are falling like rain out here!" Taffy responded. Lucky pulled out a knife as he checked the reflection in it.
  "I count one across the street on top of an office building, third floor. I'm unsure if there are more though." Lucky warned.
  "About how bullet proof would our box trucks be?" Y/n asked.
  "Nothing short of an anti-tank rifle is getting through that armored plating. If you plan to do what I think you're doing you have my permission to execute." Taffy said over the mic.
  "Understood. Lucky, Ginger! Guard TJ for me." Y/n ordered as she dove into the ground! Y/n swam to her box truck as she swam into the cab from underneath. Y/n put the key into the ignition as it roared to life! The truck beeped as it backed up. Y/n positioned the truck in front of the gas station's front door as bullets pelted the side of the box truck.
  "Coming out!" Ginger said as he, Lucky and TJ came out. Y/n opened the door as Lucky lifted the startled TJ into the passenger seat before slamming the door. TJ rocked back and forth as he looked around nervously. Lucky slapped the door twice signaling Y/n to move the truck forward! Y/n slowly moved the truck forward as the duo outside kept their heads down. Once Y/n got them close enough to their trucks they dashed out. Lucky began to open fire on the vans as Ginger tried to lay down suppressive fire on the sniper.
  "CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!" Y/n heard the familiar voice of Bourbon shout from a megaphone. The gunfire stopped as Y/n looked to TJ.
  "Stay here, alright? I'll be right back." Y/n promised as she locked the doors, moving to phase out of the truck as she ran to join the others.
  "YOU HAVE SOME NERVE!" Taffy shouted angrily at Bourbon.
  "WE JUST KEEP MEETING LATELY!" Bourbon shouted back dropping the megaphone. "You need to surrender Y/n and whatever SCP you have back there." Bourbon ordered.
  "Engaging in a city? The G.O.C are growing bolder and stupid!" Ginger taunted.
  "It helps when you have very reliable information!" Bourbon explained. "My source is very, very reliable. I'd tell you since the dead are great at keeping secrets, but we both know in this profession that's a chance we can't take!"
  "The Foundation won't let you get away with this Bourbon!" Taffy warned. "If our trackers stay still too long the area will be swarming with MTF!"
  "They can come and glue you back to pieces then." Bourbon said bitterly. "I have rockets with me that can melt through your trucks armor. No matter if you try to run we will kill you all! So, surrender! For old times' sake Taffy. You may hate my guts, but I don't hate you. You really want to die protecting a bunch of freaks and a killer?"
  "YOU ARE ONE TO TALK!" Taffy shouted angrily. A loud crash suddenly resounded through the area as Y/n peaked out! A pickup truck had slammed into one of Bourbon's vans! Gunshots rang out as people began to appear from out of nowhere!
  "Foundation agents?!" Ginger asked hopeful. Y/n looked, seeing one of the newcomers had the symbol of the Ragnarök Runners tattooed on their forehead!
  "Absolutely not!" Y/n said as she rushed toward her truck. "EVERYONE HIT THE ROAD!" Y/n almost made it to her truck as one of the G.O.C rushed her! Y/n knocked his gun away and pulled the nozzle from the station spraying the man with gas! Y/n kicked him backwards as she summoned a rapier, slashing the ground as she sent sparks at the man! He caught fire as he screamed trying to extinguish the flames on his armor.
  "RETREAT, RETREAT AND REGROUP!" Taffy shouted as Y/n phased into her truck. TJ had hidden on the floor of the cab keeping his head down. Y/n floored it as she crashed into one of the vans heading down a side street! She lost track of the other trucks as they were forced down a different road as an RPG nearly hit them. The sounds of gunfire echoed behind them and like a calming storm it grew distant with each passing second.
  "Does someone want to tell me what the fuck just happened?" Ginger asked. "The G.O.C and the Ragnarök Runners? Who sent out the invitations to an invite only party?"
  "Bourbon did say he had a source, logically so too did the others." Lucky chimed in.
  "What are the odds that they show up at the same place?" Y/n asked.
  "Not good unless they both have the same leaks. This operation and details are known only to the higherups. The SCP Foundation has a rat, a New York sized rat." Taffy said sounding annoyed from her recent encounter. "Y/n head to Site 17 or meet up with us when able. You're on your own till we link back up." Up ahead Y/n could see a roadblock. Two trucks blocked the road as one man held up an RPG!
  "GONNA HAVE TO CALL YOU BACK!" Y/n summoned a sword as she stuck between the hole in the steering wheel to prevent it from turning. As the man fired the RPG Y/n used her strength to launch herself through the windshield using her swimming ability! She summoned a large flat sword, smacking the RPG out of the air as it hit a fire hydrant! She unsummoned the sword as she braced herself, the truck hitting her as she phased through the windshield! She slammed her body into the seat with a groan as she gripped the steering wheel flooring the gas pedal.
  The truck slammed through the barricade missing the men that belonged to whichever side! Y/n didn't know nor care, but the sound of their cars being crushed like pop cans felt like music to her ears. TJ slowly came out from hiding as Y/n took a left turn into a more populated area. She didn't think either group would follow her this far. As she veered into traffic cars honked as they hit the brakes! She checked the side mirrors, pleased to see that she wasn't being followed.
  "Do you perhaps believe it is time to call Taffy back?" Chime asked.
  "Right, Taffy!" Y/n said into the helmet. All she got was garbled static.
  "Like I said, call her using the long-range function." Chime pointed out as Y/n's eyes danced across the visor. She focused on Taffy's number as the helmet dialed her.
  "There you are!" Taffy said with relief. "What happened? Did you make it out alright?" Y/n felt a breath of relief hearing her voice.
  "I'm fine but TJ is a bit frazzled. I can't say I blame him. I managed to smash through a blockade and got onto a highway. Now may be the best time to separate until we can regroup at Site 17." Y/n suggested.
  "Understood, and kid? If you believe in a god, I'll help pray to them that you make it safely there." Taffy said.
  "Understood, over and out everyone." Y/n told Taffy as she ended the call. She drove, and drove until the city began to vanish behind her. She became paranoid that as she entered the countryside there would be another ambush waiting for her. TJ didn't share her anxiety, having seemingly forgotten about the entire ideal as he looked at a herd of cows grazing in the fields. Y/n had expected to smell the typical horrid smell of roaming cattle, but instead she was greeted with the scent of flowers.
  "Our pursuers seemed to have lost our trail." Chime said pleased. The truck suddenly hit a pothole as a loud clunking noise began to resonate through the truck!
  "Well that sounds expensive." Y/n said as the scent of flowers began to grow stronger. She cringed as her helmet suddenly let out a high-pitched screech! "GAH!" Y/n ripped off her helmet as she dropped it onto the floor, seeing that grass and flowers began to sprout from it!
  "Oh no." Chime and Y/n said out loud in unison as the truck began to violently wobble! Y/n immediately mom armed the unbuckled TJ as the truck swerved into a shallow ditch! Y/n hit her head against the dash as she blacked out for a moment. When she opened her eyes she saw TJ shaking her. Her eyes were blurry, but she noticed a new scar on TJ's forehead. Y/n slowly sat up as she shook her head. The truck smelled more like flowers, which sprouted from the dash and from the ceiling.
  She quickly realized the truck was on its right side. Y/n grunted as she motioned for TJ to move into the space between the seat and the floor. TJ moved into the space as Y/n unbuckled herself, falling ass first into the passenger side window! She grunted, slowly standing up as she climbed her seat. Pushing open the driver side door.
  "Y/n, smoke!" Chime warned as Y/n looked. The engine had caught fire, and she realized she smelled gas. They had not properly secured the cover of the trucks gas intake.
  "Oh fuck, oh shit!" Y/n reached down as she called for TJ urgently. "Come on buddy take my hand!" TJ reached up as Y/n pulled him out, careful not to dislocate the boys arm with her strength! She set the teenager down on the grass as she summoned a long black sword. "166!" She called out skipping the acronym. She knocked along the back of the box truck.
  Y/n forced it open the back as she saw SCP-166 on the side of the truck! The mattress was upturned, and SCP-166 was wheezing seemingly having trouble breathing! Y/n raced over, pulling her from the wreckage! TJ was out of the ditch, getting close to an electric fence meant to keep the cows back! Y/n whistled at TJ who jumped, looking back to her as he came over!
  "It appears she is having an asthma attack." Chime pointed out. Y/n suddenly remembered something. The air quality of cities! She had essentially put SCP-166 in a gas chamber, slowly choking her with smog filled air when she opened the door back in the city. Once they were far away enough from the truck TJ tried to touch SCP-166, but Y/n grabbed his hand stopping him.   "Unable to copy ability." Chime informed.
  "She should be fine soon big guy, just give her time to breathe." Y/n assured TJ letting go of him. While the breathing of SCP-166 began to slow the truck caught fire!
  "Y/n, did we happen to grab Iris's camera?" Chime asked as Y/n's eyes widened! She had messed up badly. The truck was already engulfed in flames, and if the truck had plants sprouting from it... the camera was as good as gone. She had planned to send it home through the mail, tell her parents to keep it safe! If they had just gotten to the other trucks and had time to mail it in the city, things would have turned out fine.
  One thing was at least certain for Y/n. She was trapped in the countryside surrounded by farmland and cars were passing by. Some stopping to help. She had a girl with deer like features and an autistic boy at the side of the road. She would need to come up with excuses quickly and figure out how to get halfway across the country with no money, and no supplies. It couldn't be as hard as fighting monsters and super humans, right?

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