Extra Chapter 2

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"In the cosmic twilight, a prophecy foretells imminent world destruction, with salvation lying in the hands of one with eyes of molten gold and their beloved. As celestial forces align, their love becomes the anchor in the tempest, guiding them through the trials of destiny. Together, their intertwined bond holds the key to dispelling darkness and ushering in a new dawn for the world."

Seraphiel woke abruptly, gasping for breath, a lingering prophecy echoing in her mind. Hastily reaching for paper and ink, she transcribed every detail, her thoughts fixated on the mention of "molten gold." Gazing into the mirror, her sapphire eyes, tinged with gold, affirmed the words of the prophecy.

"Gold..." Her eyes trembled as the weight of realization settled in. A smile slowly graced her face. "I have gold eyes, just as the prophecy foretold. I am the savior, destined to save the world." Her eyes gleamed with a moment of joy, but it quickly faded as a sobering thought crossed her mind. "But the ones who will destroy it..." Flashes of monstrous entities from her realm haunted her thoughts. "They are the threat; I must save my kind, I must eliminate them," she declared with determination, nodding to herself as she began crafting plans to fulfill her prophesied destiny and safeguard her world.

Screams echoed through the room as a small blonde child, with teary blue eyes, desperately called out, "Sister, Sister Sera." Confusion clouded his mind as he witnessed a bloodied figure, draped in his sister's skin, mercilessly slaughtering every member of the temple. His gentle sister, albeit a bit obsessed with her work, had never been capable of such horrors. In that chilling moment, the child grappled with the horrifying realization that the person before him could not be his sister.

He scrambled to his feet and fled, his mind racing with disbelief. "That person, she can't be Sister Sera! But..." His thoughts trailed off as he recalled the peculiar changes in his sister's behavior after receiving the prophecy. She had begun mumbling while laughing to herself, acting unusually special, avoiding him and her other siblings. The small blonde child remembered her engaging in inappropriate acts that were entirely incongruent with the demeanor expected of a maiden of the temple of Lux. The pieces of a disturbing puzzle began to fall into place, leaving him to grapple with the haunting realization that something had profoundly altered his sister.

His desperate run was abruptly cut short as he stumbled, and a chilling laugh filled the air. Flinching, he turned to look back, only to find himself on the floor, detached from his own body. A disorienting sense of detachment enveloped him, leaving the small blonde child in a surreal state as he witnessed the unfolding tragedy from a disembodied perspective.

The blonde girl looked on blankly, her laughter resonating warmly through the bloodied hall of the temple. "I'm so sorry, my dear brother, but your sacrifice is for the greater good. Don't worry; it will be worth it," her voice echoed, carrying an unsettling mix of warmth and detachment. The dissonance between her gentle tone and the gruesome scene surrounding them added an eerie layer to the unfolding tragedy.

A white-clothed figure screamed and cried out in horror as his children, his believers, were coldly killed off for the so-called "greater good," as the murderer claimed. He yearned to descend, to intervene, but the knowledge that his presence would disrupt the delicate balance held him back. A black-clothed figure, crimson eyes filled with both despise for the blonde woman causing distress and disgust for her ruthless actions, cradled another in a futile attempt to shield them from the unfolding tragedy. The cosmic forces of balance trembled as the temple became a stage for the clash between tragedy and divine restraint

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