Chapter 12 Arc 4

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In this picturesque scene, the palace stood as a testament to grandeur and elegance, perched majestically on the mountain. The air was filled with the soothing melody of cascading water from a nearby waterfall, creating a harmonious symphony with the gentle chirps of birds that flitted about. The sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms wafted through the air, their delicate petals drifting lazily on the breeze.

On the bridge near the palace, a lone figure stood, captivated by the serene beauty that surrounded them. Their hazel eyes reflected a quiet contemplation as they observed the graceful movements of koi fish gliding through the crystal-clear waters below. Each fish seemed to dance in harmony with the ripples, creating a mesmerizing display of colors beneath the reflecting sunlight.

As the voice called out, the hazel-eyed figure turned gracefully to face the speaker, his ethereal presence almost glimmering in the soft light of the mountain palace. The air seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy as their eyes met, hazel locking onto crimson.

"Your Majesty," the voice began, and a subtle hum resonated through the figure's ethereal form. A momentary flutter in his heart went unnoticed, his attention fixed on the speaker. The other hesitated, unsure whether to continue, but a warm voice filled the air, offering reassurance. "Seraphiel Lightbringer," it continued.

The hazel-eyed figure listened intently, his gaze unwavering. His thoughts drifted momentarily to the koi fish, their elegant movements a stark contrast to the weight of the words being spoken. The crimson-eyed figure revealed a troubling tale of one who had strayed from the teachings of the temple, enticed by a prophecy promising a greater cause.

"She has forgotten," the warm voice continued, "that the good won't exist without the bad and vice versa." The hazel eyes, now tinged with a hint of contemplation, remained fixed on the koi fish. The rhythmic dance of the fish seemed to echo the delicate balance between light and darkness, good and bad.

Crimson eyes attentively observed as the hazel-eyed figure gazed into the koi pond, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. The air hung heavy with unspoken sentiments as the messenger spoke, attempting to absolve the majesty of any responsibility.

"It is not your fault, Your Majesty," the voice resonated with a sense of loyalty. "It was her choice to go astray," the messenger asserted, seeking to shield the regal figure from unnecessary guilt.

However, before the other could continue, their words were gently interrupted by a solemn admission from the hazel-eyed deity. "It is my fault," he asserted, a weight evident in his ethereal voice. "As the deity they pray to, I wasn't able to lead her well."

Dropping the veil of politeness, the crimson-eyed figure approached the hazel-eyed deity with an air of raw honesty. "Then isn't it my fault too?" he bluntly interrupted, refusing to let the other deny his own accountability.

"No!" the hazel-eyed deity vehemently denied, but the crimson-eyed individual persisted. "Lucius," he continued, "I am death itself. I represent the end, but before that, I was once your believer too. I stayed in this wretched world to be with you. I strayed from the teachings of the temple too, and not once did I blame you for it. Even when the darkness gnawed at my soul, I stayed and didn't give in. Seraphiel had a choice. She has anchors in the form of her siblings, and she herself killed them all because of a prophecy."

"Zephyrion," Lucius called, the weight of emotions evident in his voice. Tears swam in his hazel eyes, reflecting a mixture of sorrow, guilt, and a plea for understanding. The name hung in the air, a poignant reminder of shared history and the enduring connection between the hazel-eyed deity and the crimson-eyed representative of death. The ethereal atmosphere of the mountain palace seemed to intensify, echoing the depth of their emotions and the consequences of choices made in the divine tapestry of existence.

As Zephyrion, with softened crimson eyes, walked towards Lucius, the one he had once worshipped and continued to worship, a warmth enveloped them both. Zephyrion's arms surrounded Lucius with the intention to protect, offering a solace in the midst of divine turmoil.

"I'm sorry," Zephyrion voiced out, the sincerity in his words resonating through the quiet air of the mountain palace. Lucius, overcome with the weight of his own emotions, buried himself in the comforting embrace of the other. The ethereal connection between them, forged through belief and shared experiences, transcended the complexities of their divine roles. In that moment, they stood as equals, seeking solace and understanding in the comforting sanctuary of each other's arms.

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