Chapter 13 Arc 2

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As Min-ji's consciousness slowly emerged from the clutches of the haunting nightmare, he found himself enveloped in the warmth of Ji-hoon's protective embrace. His gaze flickered toward Eunwoo's crib, the innocent visage of his beloved child casting a bittersweet shadow over the harrowing revelation that had seized his subconscious. A shiver coursed through him as he grappled with the implications of the monstrous entities that loomed within the hazy corridors of his dream realm.

"How could his sweet baby be a product of those monsters?" Min-ji's mind raced, his thoughts consumed by a desperate need to shield Eunwoo from the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf their fragile world. "Child of the Abyss? Forgotten Light? No, his baby shouldn't come close to the field. He can't get his hands tainted," he resolved, a flicker of determination igniting within him as he steeled himself for the daunting challenges that lay ahead.

Suppressing the swell of emotion that threatened to engulf him, Min-ji gently extricated himself from Ji-hoon's tender embrace. With careful, measured steps, he navigated the familiar confines of their shared sanctuary, the weight of his newfound knowledge heavy upon his shoulders.

His mind raced as he mulled over potential strategies to safeguard their fragile existence. Memories of his childhood, steeped in the dark arts of his mother's nefarious trade, stirred within him, igniting a dormant fire that had long since lain dormant within his soul.

Min-ji was no stranger to the ways of the viper, having imbibed the intricate knowledge of poisons and toxins that had been passed down through generations of his family. Though he had forsaken the treacherous legacy of his mother's grim profession, he knew that the time had come to harness the skills of his past in service of a noble cause.

"My dearest," the ethereal resonance of Park Mi-yeon's words reverberated within the confines of Min-ji's subconscious, a bittersweet echo that evoked a sense of profound longing and affection. "In the darkest corners of this existence, lies a treasure unseen. Once it's within your grasp, hold on, never release its glow. Guard it fiercely, for it is more than just a light, it is your everything. This holds true for the intangible, the unseen, love."

A resolve crystallized within Min-ji as he mapped out the contours of a plan that would see him tread a treacherous path, one that would require him to confront the darkness that threatened to consume the sanctuary he held dear. With the echoes of the nightmarish vision still reverberating within his consciousness, he steeled himself for the daunting trials that lay ahead, determined to shield his loved ones from the encroaching malevolence that lurked just beyond the boundaries of their shattered world.

In the flickering lamplight, Min-ji delved into the depths of his memories, recalling the intricate recipes and brewing methods that had once defined the clandestine art of his mother's craft. A sense of trepidation mingled with an unyielding determination as he contemplated the dire implications of employing such lethal measures in defense of his sanctuary.

The night stretched on, each passing moment laden with the weight of Min-ji's resolve as he meticulously laid out the framework of a plan that would see him craft a poison potent enough to repel the encroaching forces of darkness. With a meticulous attention to detail, he methodically sifted through the labyrinthine corridors of his memories, resurrecting the long-buried knowledge that would serve as his most potent weapon against the nightmarish terrors that threatened to breach the fragile walls of their besieged haven.

Bathed in the muted glow of the lamplight, Min-ji's silhouette wavered, a specter of determination that wavered between the fragile threads of his past and the daunting promise of an uncertain future. With each carefully calculated step, he inched closer to the precipice of a confrontation that would test the limits of his resolve and force him to confront the shadows that lurked within the recesses of his own soul.

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