Chapter 9 Arc 2

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As the group geared up for the daring mission to obliterate the encroaching ship, a palpable tension settled over them, each member steeling themselves for the inevitable clash that awaited them. With a sense of grim determination, they boarded the helicopter, their hands gripping their weapons with white-knuckled resolve.

The thump of the helicopter's rotors reverberated in their chests as they soared through the night sky, the turbulent wind whipping at their clothes and tousling their hair. Yoon Hae-jin and Seo Joon-ki, their faces set in determined scowls, notched their arrows with a lethal precision, the fire-tipped heads glinting in the moonlight. As they closed in on the rusting hulk of the ship, a chorus of groans and wails rose up from the swarm of undead that awaited them on the deck.

Ji-hoon's voice cut through the roaring wind, his command ringing out with unwavering authority. "Fire at will!"

With a swift motion, Yoon Hae-jin and Seo Joon-ki released their fiery arrows, the deadly projectiles streaking through the air with an otherworldly glow. The arrows found their marks, striking the ship's deck with explosive force. Flames erupted in a spectacular display of chaos and destruction, engulfing the vessel in a raging inferno.

As the ship buckled and groaned under the relentless assault, the zombies aboard thrashed and flailed in a frenzied dance of agony. Limbs were torn asunder, and fiery tendrils licked at the ship's twisted metal frame, transforming it into a grotesque bonfire that cast eerie shadows across the turbulent waters.

As the survivors fought valiantly, a new threat emerged from the dark depths of the ocean. With a haunting eeriness, the waters churned and frothed, and a horde of zombies clawed their way onto the shore, their waterlogged bodies contorted and bloated from their macabre journey. The team braced themselves, their resolve unyielding as they faced the relentless surge of the undead.

The sickening squelch of saturated flesh and the gut-wrenching stench of decay filled the air, intertwining with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid scent of burning wood. Limbs thrashed in a grotesque ballet of violence, and the survivors fought tooth and nail, their weapons cleaving through the putrid mass with a visceral determination.

Despite the relentless onslaught, Ji-hoon and his comrades stood firm, their movements fluid and precise, a testament to their hardened resolve in the face of unfathomable horror. They battled through the long, harrowing night, their unity unbroken by the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume them.

It was only with the gradual ascent of the sun that the tide of the battle began to turn in their favor. The first rays of dawn cast a hopeful glow over the scene of carnage, illuminating the weary yet triumphant faces of the survivors as they fought off the last remnants of the undead horde. The waves lapped gently at the shore, carrying with them the remnants of the night's horrors, and the survivors stood together, their breaths ragged but their spirits unbroken.

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