Chapter 11 Arc 2

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Ji-hoon and Sun-woo looked at the crumpled paper, Ji-hoon read the riddle out loud:

"In the deep abyss, where shadows entwine, Lies a power ancient, both foul and divine. Beneath the waves that whisper and howl, A monster stirs, wearing a darkened cowl.

From the depths it watches, an unblinking eye, Sowing the seeds of chaos, bidding worlds to die. In the hearts of men, fear takes its toll, As the ancient terror reclaims its role.

Beware the night, when the stars lose their gleam, For the beast stirs from the darkness, a harbinger of an endless dream."

Sun-woo's eyes shook with fear but not for himself, but for Haneul, his niece's safety. As Ji-hoon and Sun-woo delved into the intricate details of the cryptic message, a shiver of unease coursed through them. The riddle spoke of an ancient power, an entity that defied comprehension, its existence shrouded in the mists of time and mystery. The fragmented words hinted at an impending reckoning, an awakening that threatened to plunge their fragile world into further chaos and despair.

"A force beyond the known realms," Sun-woo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "This riddle speaks of something that surpasses our understanding, something that defies the laws of nature."

Ji-hoon's brows furrowed as he absorbed the implications of the riddle's enigmatic message. "It's as if the very fabric of our reality is at stake," he mused, his tone heavy with concern. "We need to understand more, to piece together the fragments of this puzzle before it's too late."

The weight of the unknown bore down upon them, each word of the riddle leaving a lingering sense of foreboding in its wake. Their shared determination to safeguard their sanctuary was now overshadowed by the looming threat of an ancient power that threatened to encroach upon their fractured world.

As they grappled with the riddle's elusive implications, the distant roar of the restless waves underscored the urgency of their quest. The night stretched on, each passing moment laden with the weight of their shared determination to unravel the mysteries that threatened to tear apart the tenuous fabric of their reality.

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