Ch.14 New greenie

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2 weeks and 4 days later
I wake up and get my running gear on and I go eat breakfast the sky is still slightly dark so all I see is black outlines of trees. I open the door connecting mine and Newts and and walk into his room but hes not there. I walk out and see Minho walking to brackfest as I look over all the sleeping gladers. I walk throught them being quiet as posible and I walk over to chuch and look at him with a smile. I put my hand on his cheek and kiss his forhead and say "Thats my sleepy boy." I smile softly and whisper " I will be back latter today.".  I run to eat breakfest and see Minho already eating and I smile and say "Hey Minho, Have you seen Newt hes not in his room." "No I did not see him yest butterfly." "ok thank you." I say grabing my breakfest and saying good morning to fry then going and sitting down across from Minho.

I soon finish my breakfest and its still dark out so I walk to the gathering place so I dont wake anyone. I open the door and walk in and go to the frount of the room and turn around and Newt is there and I acidently punch him and I put my hand over my heart and say " You scared the booldy hell out of me."I then relize what I did and I see newt there in a little bit of pain and I say  "Oh my gosh are you ok? I'm so sorry." "Princess Is not your fault dont be sorry and yeah im ok... mabey just a littel bruse on my ribs but Ill be fine. You have a mean punch tho... you strong little thing." he says with a grin and I blush a littel. "Where did you come from tho?" I asked. "I came from the dark corner over there." he points to the darkest corner and I look at him and say "I though you was still in bed and I cheacked and you was not ther I was so conffused and then I come here to be quiet and not wake up anyone and boom you apear out of the darkest corner of the room and scare the bloody hell out of me." I giggle and he chuckles a little. "Im just glad you are ok." I say and look him in the eyes. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same as I rest my head on his chest. He lifts my chin so im looking him in the eyes and I blush but continue to hold him and he whispers "You know I love you right?" I nod and blush more his hand still on my chin. He leans in and our noses touche and he whisper "good." I blush way more and get buterflies. He leans in more and kisses me. I close my eyes and he does the same, felling like we are the only 2 people in the glaed. I kiss back holding it for a couple of seconds. Minho barges in and I pull away and look at him and then look away embarrassed and Newt looks at Minho and whispers "Bloody hell.....we have been cought." I look over at Minho and he says "So...I'm missing all the action but I'm glad I am... also butterfly it's time to head out..." "Yeah I think we should head out it's time anyways."I say then look at Newt and I hug him and say
"Well...Ok babe I have to head out I'll see you after we come back and didn't alby say for us to get back early cuz I have to go down in the box the get the new greenie?"
"Yes my love you need to come back early today for the new greenie. So what do you think it will be a girl? you or...a boy?"
"That don't matter as long as we expect them." I say and kiss him bye.

Me and Minho run the maze and we get bored so we run back to the glaed and I look at my watch and say
"Minho we need to hurry the new greenie will be up soon I have to go down and get them so let's run back." I say and he nods in agreement and we run back fast. We get into the glade and hear a loud beep sound and I run over to the box and stand next to the box waiting on it to open as everyone surrounds me. I hear Newt's voice and I look over and see him making his way over to me and I smile at him and look back down at the box and I hear people saying "is it going to another girl? Or just another man?". I feel a hand on the middle of my back and see Newt standing there beside me and I smile and kiss his cheek and the box doors start to open and I look down.

The box opens and we lift the doors and I jump down and see a greenie in the corner and I say. "Bloody hell. It's another guy not a girl." I look at the greenie and stick my hand out to him and he takes my hand and stands up and he hugs me and he says "Are there any other girls like you here cuz your an angel?"
"You can let go and no I'm the only girl here my name is Y/n and I have a boyfriend so I'm of limits it's also in our rules that no man can touch me unless I allow them to." I smile at the greenie and I look up at Newt and say "New greenie has a crush." Newt gets jealous and he jumps down with us and the greenie looks at him Newt wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him and says
"Greenie I'm newt, Y/n's boyfriend."
"Well Newt your one lucky man to have a women so fine."
I look at Newt and he's smiling at me but  then helps the new greenie out the box and then whispers to me
"Don't let him bother you ok my love?"
I whisper back"I won't I promise."
Will looks at Newt and say"someone's jealous."
"Oh bloody hell no one was talking to you will now go." Newt says to will.
I wrap my arms around newt and we head off to the bonfire.

British love. ~ {newt}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum