Ch.12 The Merical

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(Y/N's POV) continue of Ch.11

I get up and run the maze and the griever finds me 30 minutes later.
"Oh no!" I run as fast as I can out running the griever then I find an old weapon from the glade I run with it I climb the wall the griever follows I fall off the wall and roll under the views.

(Newts POV)

Hours before

We run to see why everyone is yelling we see the doors closing and make our way through the gladers and see Minho running from a griever.
I say "RUN!" I see Y/n thinking. She starts to run. I tell
"Y/N NO!" I try to grab her wrist but Miss.
Y/n pushes Minho through the doors and the doors close.
"NOO!" I tell and tear up.

I fall to my knees crying.
"Newt." I hear Minho say in a shakey voice and tears rolling down his face as all the graders leave except for Gally, Chuck, Alby, Winston, Fry, Minho, and me, all of us crying except for Alby.
"Newt, Just believe she is in a better place now." alby says with tears in his eyes I cry more and more.
"I-i-i... Lost my only love!" I lean on the doors of the glaed.
"I-I am staying here till th-the BLOODY DOORS O-O-OPEN!"
"Newt you do-"
"Ok, Newt if you say so."
"Who wants to stay with me? Here?"
"I do, i-i-i want my mamma," Chuck says crying.
"I want my butterfly," Minho answers
"And I want my flower," Gally says
"I'll stay cuz I want my girl to be back!" Winston says with tears in his eyes.
"I'm staying for the pretty laidie!" fry says crying.
"Ok all of us will stay, Alby will you stay?" I ask
"I would but I have to run the glade." he says with tears in his eyes
"Okay," I say.

1-hour later

We all talk about how we love Y/n as we fall asleep one at a time.

3-hours later

I'm looking at the stars wishing Y/n is ok. I stay awake all night.

8-hours later

The doors open.

(Y./N's POV)

I fall off the wall and roll under the vines with the weapon.
The griever falls down then got back up to look for me. I jump out and cut it's head clean off of it body. It's body hits the ground. I drag his body to the doors of the glade and lean against the wall and fall asleep.

2-hours later

The doors open and I get really happy. I see Newt standing there then I see Chuck, Winston, Minho, Gally, and Fry. I smile with tears in my eyes and driver blood all over me.
"MY LOVE!" Newt yells. I run and hug him kissing him for a long time.
"MAMA!" Chuck runs and hugs me I hug back and kiss the top of chucks head.
"Flower you made it!" Gally look happy the other run up and hug me.
"Don't ever do that again." Minho said with tears of joy.
"Ok I won't."
"You saved me butterfly."
"Well I mean you have been here longer than me and your like my brother so I'm glad I did." I laugh.
"I killed it." I say.
"Love you killed... The griever?"
"Yes look right there."
"Woah" everyone looks amazed
"Love how did you?"
"I don't know but my head is leading cuz I fell off a wall."
"Okay lets get you to med jack." Newt suggests.
"Yeah can you carry me?" I asked Newt
"Yes." Alby walks out and smiles and then says
"I knew she would survive."
"Yeah but she need to get to med jack her head is bleeding." Chuck said.
"What happens?"
"I climbed a wall covered in vines and the driver was chasing me and I fell off the wall." I answer.
"Oh, I missed you little lady, Dont do that again, got it?"
"Yes Alby." we walk over to the med but Newt yells.
"Okay Newt I know your sad about your girlfriend but I can help you after wo-"
"Jeff she's here."
"WHAT?" Jeff terns around and sees me standing blood dripping from my face.
"Oh my gosh sit on the bed now." I sit and Jeff grabs some stuff and runs over to me.
"Ok Y/n let's clean up the blood first." he cleaned the blood off my face.
"Ok Y/n now stay still this might hurt." I grab Newts hand and we cleaned the direct cut on my head. The buts a bandage wrap around it.
"How did you survive the maze? no one survives the maze."
"Well I may have killed...the griever."
"No way!"
"She did." Newt said
"That's impressive." Jeff says.
"I know she sure is strong." Newt says and look down at me. I giggle.
"Well thank you Jeff." I say then stand up.
"No problem I will see you later."
"Okay bye." we leave the med hut. I hug Newt.

We go to breakfast and I wait for a second before I go in.
"All eyes on you my love." Newt says
"Yeah I know." I say and let Newt in first then I enter the room and everyone goes quiet and runs towards me.
"Woah chi-" I say and someone lifts me up in his arms I reach for Newts but the others get in the way.
"Hey beautiful how did you survive?" The guy who picked me up asked.
"I uhh..."
"Come on sexy you can tell us." I look confused.
"I mean I don't kno-" The guy who picked me up wispers in my ear.
"Your coming with me."
"But I"
"No buts your coming with me." the guy tells the others to black my friends behind and the guy will not let me go.
"NO, Now your stuck in my arms and can't go so I am need to put a blind fold on you and hold your hands back." I look away from him and say "NO"
"Yes no is not an answer for me." he says as he sets me down and covers my eyes with his hand at go to reach for his hand so he will let me go but he grabs my wrists and pulls them behind my back.
"Now we will walk."
"who are you?"
"You will find out soon."
"let go of me."
"no now walk and if you don't I'll do this the hard way." I start to walk as he stears me.
"we are here now go up the latter now." I walk up the later into a big tree house on too of the trees.
"go in." he says as he is behind me. I go in the tree house.
he enters the tree house behind me. I back up as he gets closer.
"Who are you."
"You can call me your new man."
"No I don't like you I love Newt."
"Not for long." I look down at the ground.
"Look at me." he says as he puts his hand under my chin to make me look at him. I back up but hit a wall. He smirks.
"what do you want from me?"
"I want you." he says then grabs my hand and pulls me close to him and he kisses me. I push him off and wipe my mouth.
He throws me to the ground. I back up still sitting on the ground. He lifts me up and throws me on the bed and says
"How did you survive sexy?"
"I killed it."
"That's surprising considering your a girl." I jump off the bed and run for the door. He grabs my arm and throws me to the ground. I grown in pain.
"Don't run form me I want to love you."
"Get way from me!"
"Never." He says and kisses me. I box him in his man part and run to the door and go down the later.
"OW WHAT THE HELL. YOU BI*** YOU WILL BE MINE!" He says and chases after me I make my way through the glade and find my way to my friend and hold onto Newt. I have tears in my eyes. The guys see me and runs on the me and I hide behind Newt.
"Look man why did you take her away I was trying to get to her!"
"Well I don't care hand her over to ME!"
"No she's not going with you she is staying here with me and the others." the guy grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Newt then grabs my waist and tries to kiss me as I try to back away from him and reach for Newt.

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