Ch.9 Getting Sick

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(Y/n's pov)

After I fell asleep I woke up to a knock on the door. I grown and said, "Who is it?"
"Hey, little lady Newt told me that you did not feel well." I open my eyes and see the light
"Oh my gosh, why is it so bright." My head hurts bad and I think you can tell.
"Well, I can tell your head hurts. You should have the day off then when you feel better you will go back to work and try Track-Hoe with Newt and Zart. Newt has the day off so he will be with you for today."
"Okay." I squint my eyes trying to focus.
"Well, little ladielet me go get Newt and I'll talk to you in a bit."
"Alby can you get some of my friends?"
"Yeah, which ones?"
"Chuck Galley, I would say Mino but he's running the maze Winston Fry and that's all."
"Okay, I'm going to get Newt first so he will get here first. I'll talk to you in a bit little lady." I close my eyes and fall back asleep.

Meet walks in and says "Love, I'm here now and I think you may have been hungry so I got some food for you. Alby told me your head hurts."
"It does." Newt kisses me on the head.
"I will be here with you all day and Alby is getting the others to make their way over here."
"Okay," I say in a scratchy voice. I start eating. When I was done Newt sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug and lay down. We hear a knock on the door and Newt said
"Who is it?"
"It's Gally and the others." Gally barges into the room and falls flat on his face. I laugh and it hurts my head
"Hahah- ow," I say in a scratchy voice.
"Are you ok love?" As Newt says that I just listen to his voice. His voice and comforting it like a... a... a Melody.
It is a nice sound to hear. It's that deep British voice that just soothes your soul and it makes you happy to hear.
"Princess?" Newt says worriedly.
"uh... Ye...yeah I'm ok."
"Ok, I was just wondering because you scared the bloody hell out of me."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that I was just thinking about something I did not mean to worry you at all."
"It's ok love."
"LOVE!" Gally and Winston yell.
"Why you call her love?... Oh umm never mind I know." Chuck said. Fry just sits there amused.
"I know a name for you both," Chuck said in a slick voice.
"Oh yeah, little man what is it." Newt says in a play full voice?"
"Love Birds," Chuck said with a kissy face. I sigh and giggle a bit.
"Oww Gally stop yelling you hurting my bloody head."
"Sorry flower but BOYFRIEND and GIRLFRIEND?"
"I said stop yelling
I find something in the bed and throw it at Gally. I could not tell what it was but I hit Gally in his forehead.
"Newt guess what!"
"What love?"
"I hit the target that big one right there." I point to Gally's forehead.
"Okay... Okay, flower you not funny."
"Oh yeah if I'm not funny then what is Chuck, Fry, Winston, and Newt laughing?" I made them laugh even more. I giggle a bit.
"Hey, can someone go to Med-Jack and see if Jeff has anything to ease my headache?"
"Yeah, I will pretty lady."
"Thank you fry." I smile a bit.
"Okay, love birds I'm going to start building the rest of your room so I'm going to be right here."
"Okay, Bye big forehead," I smirk
"Bye flower." he sighs.
"Winston, How is your job going?"
"It's ok and speaking of my job I got to get to it."
"Ok bye, Wenny."
"Bye Girl."
"Chuck, don't you have something to do?"
"No I'm off today but I have a question for you Y/n."
"What is it Chuck you know you can ask me anything."
"Umm, So I don't really have a mom... I mean I do we all do but I don't really know her. So, I was wondering if you could be something like my mom figure?"
"Yeah, I would love to."
"Ok, so I'm going to go to the watch tower and sit up there because I have nothing else to do."
"Ok bye, Chu..... Bye, little boy."
"Bye Y/n and Newt."

Fry comes back with something in his hand.
"Where did everyone go?"
"They went to work. Well, Chuck is off he's in the watch tower."
"Okay, and Jeff does have something for that so here it is, and here is some water to swallow it."
"Thank you, Fry." I take the pill then some water. I hug fry.
"Tell Jeff I said thank you."
"Okay, pretty lady I will bye."
"But fry." I lay down and take a nap.

I woke up after about an hour Newt is still awake.
"Newt how are you not asleep It has to be boring when I'm asleep."
"I was not bored at all."
"What now?"
"Well, it's simple. I sit here thinking then admiring your beauty and it never gets old."
"Newt," I giggle with a blush.
"Love, does your head still hurt?"
"No, it does not actually."
"That's bloody amazing."
"What time is it?"
"It's 12 so it lunch time. Do you want to come with me to get lunch?"
"Yeah let's go get some because I'm hungry."
"Ok and here are your shoes love and I will help you up after you get your shoes on."
"Oh, you don't have to do that for a girl like me."
"I know I can be a total butt-hole and not do anything for you at all but I'm not like that so don't count on that happening."
"Okay." I giggle. After I get my shoes on Newt holds out a hand and helps me up.
"You ready to see everyone looking at you like it's your first day here?"
"Not really but kind of." Newt takes my Hand and holds it matching fingers like 2 puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together. I blush.

We walk in and everyone goes quiet. They start to whisper to each other All you can hear are whispers across the room. One boy stands up and yells
"Newt you're a lucky man." Another boy stands up and asked
"Are you and Y/n Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" then another boy asked
"Why are you guys holding hands?" questions fill the room.
"Ok everyone quiet" Alby yells.
"Give them a chance to answer okay."
"Ok, so someone asked Are you boyfriend and girlfriend and someone else asked why we were holding hands. I'm going to answer this truthfully. Yes, we are boyfriend and girlfriend and that is why we are holding hands."
"Oh man, I wanted to ask her out."
"Well sorry you can't she's mine."
We get our lunch and sit down.

British love. ~ {newt}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя