Daniel Desario takes us for a drive

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"What's up, freak?" Ken drums the bench you are laying on at the smoking patio, distracting you from the book you were reading.

"Not much, freak." You look up at him. "What are you up to?"

"Thinking about tomorrow night." He sits down by your feet.

"Halloween?" You sit up from you laying position, putting your book next to you. "What are you doing on Halloween since you can't come with us?"

You, Nick, Daniel, and Kim were taking Daniel's car out for a ride, just to drive around and have fun. Ken had declined the offer, saying his cousin was going to take him to a Ted Nugent concert.

"The same cousin who scammed you with those shrooms?" You asked.

"I'm a forgiving person." He said.

"Oh I'm sure. Just don't hold up too much hope about Nugent."

"Oh God, would you knock it off already, you're making me sick." Ken says as Daniel and Kim sit down on the bleachers, touching all over each other.

Nick follows behind and sits down next to Ken.

"Hey, why don't you make out with Y/n there and we'll call it a four some." Daniel responds, making you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, and why don't you make out with my butt and we'll call it love." Ken says in response.

"Hey, you guys be cool." Kim says as Lindsay approaches, "The narc's here."

"Yeah, watch out or I'll bust you." Lindsay jokes, leaving an awkward silence hang in the air.

"Hey, man, I ain't joking." Kim says, still in the arms of Daniel. "I heard about what you did to Brian Stoker. Saw him smoking a J outside the Quick Fill and went inside and told the some cops. Brian's in prison now, man. And I heard his brother's looking for you."

"What?" Lindsay asked back, obviously very confused. "I didn't do that."

Kim burst out laughing. "Yeah, I know. I was just messing with you." And then she goes back to kissing Daniel.

"She got me with that same joke last week." Nick says as Lindsay walks over to the three of you. "It's kind of funny though."

"Hilarious." Lindsay rolls her eyes.

"Um what are you doing for Halloween?" Nick changes the subject.

"Oh, I have to hand out candy with my mom." Nick just gives her a look. "I know it sounds really dorky."

"No it doesn't-"

"No, Lindsay, it does sound really dorky." Kim interrupts Nick.

"Hey at least she's being nice." Nick says, trying to stand up for Lindsay. "Just because you hate your mother doesn't mean everyone else does too."

"No, everybody hates her mother." Daniel says in some flirtatious way to Kim.

She laughs

"Well what are you guys doing?" Lindsay asks.

"Oh, well Nick, Kim, Y/n and I are going out in a big ass caddy and we thought maybe you would like to come with us." Daniel answers for Nick.

"Oh you mean like a double date?"

"No don't call it that, I don't want to be the odd man out." You say.

"Oh sorry Y/n." Lindsay gives you an awkward glance. "I can't." She says in response to the invitation.

It made you feel somehow better to know that it would just be you and Nick, plus Daniel and Kim but they would be so preoccupied with themselves.

"Your loss." Kim laughed.

The bell rang and Daniel made a joke about missing class as everyone got up to go.



After school


"I can't believe you got Lindsay to agree to go with us." Kim said in the front seat of Daniel's car as he made his way to Lindsay's street.

"Yeah, well the real question is where is she gonna sit?" You asked from the backseat, in between Nick and Ken, whose plans with his cousin fell through.

"She can sit on my lap." Nick laughed.

"Didn't the last time you made a move she rejected you?" You asked.

"Whatever man." Nick scoffed.

"There's plenty of room back there." Daniel said. "You girls will just have to squeeze together."

"Oh I can't wait to see that." Ken said.

"Shut it Ken." You rolled your eyes.

Daniel pulls up in front of Lindsay's house and honks the horn. "Come on Lindsay, let's go!" He yells out the window to her as she comes running out the front door.

Kim hangs out the window screaming her head off as Daniel drives away.

"Don't fall out!" Danny screams to her, holding onto the pocket of her jeans.

"Sorry for the squeeze, Lindsay, Ken's plans fell through." You say to her as she moves around right next to you.

"That's alright, it's really not so bad." She was right, it wasn't too bad, you and Nick were just closer to Lindsay than you've ever been and you could tell she wasn't exactly comfortable with it.

"I'm pretty comfortable myself." Ken says as you shift closer to him to make room for Lindsay, you knock him on the arm and he laughs.

Kim turns up the music and looks back to you while singing, you join her.

"Knock it off blondie you're going to blow to speakers." Daniel says, turning down the music and killing the vibe.

"Oh, I'm sorry Grandpa, I'll try not to blow anything of yours from now on." Kim responds and you laugh.

"Hey!" Lindsay calls the attention to herself. "What are we gonna do? There's this haunted house, it's supposed to be really scary."

"Yeah." Nick interjects. "Hey, that could be kind of fun, right?"

"For who? Losers?" Kim scoffs, breaking Lindsay's mood.

"Hey, shut up. I like haunted houses." Daniel says.

Kim laughs, "I rest my case."

"Listen, we're just gonna drive around and see where the night takes us. Is that cool with you?" Daniel asked Lindsay.

"Yeah." She hesitates. "I'm up for anything."

"Right on kid." Danny says.

"Anything, huh?" You ask her.

She shrugs. "Well, what do you have in mind?"

"Oh, nothing." You smile. "You just better be careful what you say, Kim's crazy."

"Hey! I heard that, nerd!" Kim turns to you and you throw up your hands, with an 'I didn't say anything' expression.

"I'm really glad you decided to come." Nick says to Lindsay.

"Aw, you two are adorable." Ken says in a monotone voice.

You give him and look and he smiles at you. "What am I not aloud to comment?"

"Did you really have plans tonight or did you just want to impress us?" You laughed.

"I guess I did a pretty shitty job if my attempt to impress you ended with me hanging out with you anyways." Ken said.

You shrugged. "Bored without me, Miller? Can't stand to be apart."

"Oh, you got me." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

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