Nick Andopolis is not into me

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"Oh man, you wanna know something way messed up?" Daniel Desario asked the group, hiding out underneath the school bleachers, smoking weed.

You, sat next to Ken Miller, who happened to be the freakiest freak out of all the freaks underneath those bleachers.

Nick Andopolis was across from you, you glanced at him as he took a puff of the joint then past it to Daniel.

"You know that Molly Hatchet shirt I was wearing the other day?" Danny continued as he took the joint from Nick. "You know the one with the executioner guy holding the bloody axe and under his foot is the severed head?"

"Yeah, we get it. What about it?" You asked, pulling your knees up to your chest.

"Hey, that's my shirt." Ken says.

You and Nick chuckle as Daniel just rolls his eyes and goes on.

"Yeah, so anyways. My mom makes us go to church every week and we got to dress up. And so I get there and the stupid priest says I can't come in."

"Danny, you can't wear stuff like that to Church." You say as Ken blows a cloud of smoke right next to your face.

"Why not, man? It's Church, you're supposed to forgive people there." He laughs, "So you hate my shirt, forgive me and let me in."

"Hey, I believe in God, man. I've seen Him, I've felt His power." Nick cuts in.

Ken gives him a skeptical look.

"He plays drums for Led Zeppelin and his name is John Bonham, baby!" Nick laughs.

You knock him with your foot and take the joint from Ken.

"You shouldn't joke about that stuff, man." You say, holding the joint between your index and thumb.

"Yeah, why not?" Nick asked, leaning closer to you and raising his eyebrows.

"It's like judgement day shit. Pay the piper." You nudge him once more.

"What like 'the end of all time'?" Ken asks.

"Oh come on, Y/n, the end's not supposed to be until like a billion years from now." Daniel says, sitting down.

"I don't know, maybe after Carter, our next pres will run this place to the ground." Nick said, eyes wide.

"Maybe he'll finally get ride of all the hippies." Ken says.

You laugh. "Whoever it is will probably target the potheads before the hippies, dude." You laugh as Ken rolls his eyes.

"Y/n. Coach Starr, is looking this way." Nick says.

You pass the joint off to Ken and he hides it as Coach Starr walks over to the group.

"P.E. doesn't take place under the bleachers, there's a field right behind me where it takes place." He says.

"Oh is there?" Nick laughs, high off his ass. His laugh turns into a cough.

"I don't think you happen to be alergic to P.E. class, do you Mr. Andopolis?"

"No Coach." He says, calming his cough.

"Asses out on the field ladies." Coach says with an aggravated sigh.

"Sure, Coach." Daniel said, wiping the dirt off his ass as he stood up. "Come on ladies, let's go kick some balls."

Ken laughed.

Before any of you could even get to the field the bell rang for lunch.

"There is a God!" Nick shouted, raising his hands toward the sky.

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