John Bonham drank too much

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"No. What you got to do is look for something in the store that's expensive but looks really cheap." Kim said to you, Ken, and Daniel as you sat out on the smoker's patio talking about shoplifting shit. "And then you switch price tags with something that is really cheap." She continued as Lindsay and Nick walked up to the group.

Nick had been in a funk for a while now, ever since John Bonham died last week and Led Zeppelin had been officially announced as 'over', he just hadn't been his usually cheery self.

"Then you got to put the original tag back on it and return it for store credit. That's how I got this jacket, ten bucks this thing cost me."

"Oh, it's beautiful, clearly worth all the effort." Ken said sarcastically, Kim just scoffed.

"Come on Ken, you clearly don't understand women's fashion." You said to him.

"My dad caught a shoplifter once." Lindsay said, making herself noticed by the group. "And he had to lock him in the store and then the cops came."

Everyone gave her a blank stare, clearly she didn't realize that everyone here were regulars in the activity of shoplifting.

"Well my dad says shoplifters cost him a fortune." She went on.

"Hey, if I owned your store and caught some little kid shoplifting, I'd just take him out back, and I'd deal with it." Daniel says punching his fist into his palm.

"Oh, would you Mr. Tough man?" Kim said, mockingly.

"Yeah, I would, Mrs. Tough man." He said without looking at her.

Kim laughs. "Oh, like that time when John Ergner kicked your ass? Like that?"

"Do you mind flapping your lips somewhere else?" Daniel waved her off. "You smell."

"Hey what? Did you guys break up or something?" Nick asks.

Lindsay's mouth dropping open, she had no idea about their on-again-off-again relationship.

"No we didn't break up." Kim says. "I dumped his loser ass."

"Oh?" Danny gasps with a smirk. "Is that what happened? Ok, if it makes you feel better."

You didn't have all the details about their supposed 'breakup' so you didn't know if Kim was lying or not but from what Kim as let on, she really likes Daniel and you'd be surprised if she actually did break up with him.

You watch as Kim shrugs Daniel off and Lindsay just stares at the two, probably happy they broke up.

"Hey, uh.. Does anybody want to come see The Wall with me on Saturday night?" Nick asks, trying to cut the tension, also just looking for an excuse to see that movie for the hundredth time. "Thought I might try and experiment, see it straight once." He shrugs.

"Don't do it, you'll regret it, man. Trust me." Ken says.

"Ken, you've never been sober a day in your life, how would you know what it's like?" You ask.

"My double life." He shrugs.

"Well I would but my parents are going to be out of town, and I have to watch my little brother." Lindsay say, which immediately catches your attention.

"Uh, maybe we could all hang out at your house." Danny says the comment that you were waiting for.

"Kegger." Nick smirks, pouncing up and down. Lindsay turns abruptly towards him.

Kim laughs.

"You mean like a party?" Lindsay asks.

"Yeah, right." Kim says. "Lindsay's too lame to let anyone enter her precious little house."

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