Lindsay Weir eggs her little brother

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"I mean think about it." Daniel said while driving aimlessly. "All the people in this town are real religious, but just cause it's Halloween, they'll hang pictures of devils, witches, ghosts all over their houses. It's a joke."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Lindsay agrees. "Total white-middle-class hypocrisy."

"Yeah, right. Exactly." Nick says, trying to act like he actually cares for Lindsay's sake.

"You wanna know what I think about it?" Kim asks and then burps loudly.

"That's lovely, you know your years in charm school really paid off." Ken says.

"By the way how are things going at ass school?" Kim asks him.

"Getting all A's." Ken says, making everyone laugh.

"Oh, Hey!" Lindsay says. "You know where we could go? We could go to the movies, there's a new Friday the 13th playing."

"God! Brain! Why are you hung up about doing something? What? Are we boring to you?" Kim accuses.

"Kim, come on. Maybe we should do something, we can't just drive around all night." You say.

"We aren't just going to drive around. It's Halloween, we are..." Daniel turns up the music. "Gonna raise Hell! Gonna raise Hell!" He chants along with the song, you, Kim and Ken joining in as Nick pretends to drum along.

"Do you guys have your stomping shoes on?" You laugh, Ken pats your arm and nods in agreement.

"Stomping shoes?" Lindsay looks your way. "Why would we need stomping shoes?" She asks as Daniel parks the car in the middle of a random neighborhood.

"I say, we make Lindsay do it. You know, first time and everything." Kim says, fixing her eyeliner as soon as the car comes to a stop.

"No, I'll do it, alright?" Nick says as Lindsay still doesn't catch on.

"Okay." Daniel says and Nick gets out of the car.

"What is he doing?" Lindsay asks you.

"Smashing pumpkins!" You smile.

Lindsay doesn't return the smile.

"Relax, Lindsay, it's Halloween, we're supposed to do stuff like this." Lindsay smiles to Daniel but you can tell she doesn't believe a word he has said.

You watch as Nick kicks a pumpkin on a doorstep to smithereens and the whole car cheers, except for Lindsay. Nick runs back to the car as Ken swing the door open for him and he jumps in ontop of everyone in the backseat.

"Nice job, Nicky!" You laugh, patting his back as he sits up.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Lindsay scoffs as Daniel drives away.

"Yes, congratulations to us all, indeed." Ken says sarcastically. "I'm so happy I'm not at the Ted Nugent concert."

"Never trust the cousin." You shrug.

"Oh, I've learned."

"Okay, Lindsay, your turn!" You nudge her excitingly as Daniel stops at the next house.

She gives everyone a glance in return to there encouragement and then runs out of the car to a pumpkin on some stairs.

"Oh shit!" You gasp as she completely fails at destroying the pumpkin.

"Come on! Lindsay! Come on!" Nick yells to her as she struggles to get her shoe out of the pumpkin she just kicked in. Lindsay grabs her shoe and runs back to the car, laughing.

You all laugh and congratulate her.

"Lindsay that was awesome!" You laugh.

Daniel turns up the music and Kim goes back to hanging out the window. You crawl over Ken while Lindsay crawls over Nick and the two of you also hang out the window, kicking in a few pumpkins you see along the way.

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