Kim Kelly is heartbroken

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"Mom?" Lindsay calls as you, her, and Kim enter Lindsay's house.

"Oh hey honey!" Lindsay mom looks back at you from the dinner table. "Are these your new friends?"

"Yeah, this is Kim and Y/n, we're going to be in my room."

"Are you sure you don't want some dinner?" Lindsay's mom asks cheerfully.

"Whatcha eating?" Kim says, holding back her tears.

"Oh, veal piccata." Lindsay's mom responds, you know that that was probably the best sounding dinner that you and Kim had heard in a long time.

You had a pretty stable home life, but your dad left when you were two and your mom could never afford more than TV dinners, so a home cooked meal always sounded Heavenly.

"Looks good."

"Smells good." You smile.

"Well sit down, all of you, I'll get some plates."

You, Kim, and Lindsay sit down as Kim goes to town on the plate of food Mrs. Weir fixes.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Weir." You say, it just hit you that it had been a hot minute since that last time you had a joint and every time you sobered up the hunger hit you bad. Which was weird, Ken always ate while high and you always ate while sober.

"Thank you, hon." She smiles. "Is everything alright Kim?" Mrs. Weir asks like it's the first time she notices her crying.

"Mom, she's having problems with her boyfriend." Lindsay responds.

"He's an asshole." You say as Lindsay's go wide and her little brother holds back a laugh. "Um, excuse my language. I meant, he's a jerk."

Kim starts crying again.

"There, there." Mr. Weir says, patting Kim on the shoulder.

"I mean, you're a guy." Kim looks up at Lindsay's dad. "Right? Why are guys only interested in sex?" Lindsay's eyes go wide again and Mrs. Weir mouth drops. "It's so sick."

Mr. Weir is at a loss for words when Sam starts burping.

"Damn!" Kim takes a break from her crying to look up at Lindsay's younger brother.

You scoff as Sam gets up and leaves.

"I'm telling you he has a parasite." The mom says.

"A parasite!" You grab Lindsay's arm, wanting to break out laughing again.

"Don't listen to her." Mr. Weir says looking at you.

The phone rings and Mrs. Weir gets up to get it.

"You two look familiar." Mr. Weir says, trying to make conversation as Lindsay leaves to table to not so sneakily eavesdrop on the phone conversation. "Do either of shop in my store?"

"Yeah, we go in, but everything there is so overpriced we can't afford any of that." You say.

"Yeah," Kim chimes in. "You know, you can get the same stuff at Sportsmart for a lot less."

"You don't say?" Mr. Weir looks genuinely interested and not offended. He seemed like the type of guy who could take a little constructive criticism.

Lindsay comes back to the table as Mrs. Weir hangs up.

"Lindsay, can I see you in the kitchen for a second?" Mrs. Weir asks, Lindsay follows her to the kitchen.

"Think Lindsay's getting into trouble?" You ask Kim.

"I don't know maybe we should go save her." She says.

"Trouble? What trouble?" Mr. Weir asks.

"Oh nothing." Kim says as the two of you head towards the kitchen.

"Mrs. Weir?" You call, she turns to look at you. "Thank you for dinner, it was wonderful."

"Yeah. And you guys have such a nice house." Kim smiles. "You think it would be cool if we hung out here for a little bit?"

"Oh, of course, girls." She smiles. "Make yourselves at home."

"Thanks." You and Kim say in unison.


"I'll get it!" Lindsay jumps up from the couch as the doorbell rings.

You, Kim, and Lindsay had just been in the middle of watching some cop show with Lindsay's parents while eating ice cream. You had to admit, it had been a pretty good night.

Kim was being really nice to you and Lindsay, although you assumed that was just because she's had such a shitty day.

Also the whole business with the crushes and Nick and Ken hadn't been brought up all day because you were just hanging out with the girls.

However you would do about anything for Ken to walk through that door right now with a joint in hand, hell you would even settle for a cigarette at this point.

"What the hell is taking Lindsay so long?" Kim asks.

"Who knows, let's go see." You say helping Kim up and walking to the front door.

"Oh no." Kim sighs as you see Nick standing out on Lindsay's porch.

"Hey Y/n." Nick says.

"Hey Nick, what are you doing here?" You ask "I was just thinking about how good it was that we haven't seen you all day." You smile.

"You cannot do that, okay!" Nick says. "Not after what Kim said-"

"What do you want, Nick!" Kim asks, cutting him off and saving your ass.

"Kim thanks a lot for almost running me over back there!" He shouts.

"Nick!" Lindsay whispers to him.

"Look, Daniel's out at the car and he would like to talk with you."

"What are you? His chore boy?" Kim scoffs. "Well why don't you go tell your master that I don't ever want to talk to him again. He's scum!"

"He's waiting outside, why don't you go tell him yourself!" Nick shouts back, matching her yelling tone.

"No way! I'm not going out there. He can just forget it. Go tell him to go to Hell!"

"Kim, look" Nick lowers his voice. "If you don't go out there, then he's just going to come in here."

"Maybe you should go talk to the boy." Mr. Weir says behind you, making you jump. "Outside."

"Just tell him how you feel, honey." Mrs. Weir says, clueless to Kim and how she's handling the whole situation.

"I'm not going to talk to him again." She looks back to Nick. "Ever! So you can all just bite me!" She walks off back towards the bedrooms.

"If she's planning on sleeping over, she can forget about it." Mr. Weir says. "You too." He points at you.

"Well unlike Kim, I have a nice family to go back to, the poor girl just basically got thrown out today." You look towards Mrs. Weir, hoping to get some sympathy for Kim but she doesn't budge.

"Y/n can we please talk?" Nick asks.

"Nick, can we please just forget about everything that happened." You sigh.

"Wait, what happened?" Lindsay asks.

"Nothing happened, there's nothing going on." You look towards Nick. "So drop it. We need to talk to Kim." You head back to the hallway.

"Those guys are going to make up, don't worry about it." Nick says as you and Lindsay head towards the rooms to look for Kim. "Just relax."

"It's hard to relax after the day we've had." Lindsay scoffs.

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