Mr. Rosso knows everything...

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"So, going to the Rusty Nail with Nick." Kim nudges Lindsay as the three of you walk ahead of the guys on your way to go pick up the IDs.

"This is like your guys' first real date." You say, more of a question to see if they've actually done anything before.

"I don't know, not really." Lindsay blushes. "It's like a double date, plus Ken and Y/n."

That shuts you up. 

"Plus, me and Nick aren't going out or anything." Lindsay continues as you wish the conversation would just stop already.

"Yeah, but you're definitely more than friends." Kim says.

Lindsay scoffs. "I don't know." She smiles. "We only kissed once, and it's not a big deal."

"Do you think Nick feels the same way?" You ask.

"Yeah, I'm sure he does." Lindsay says, not too confidently.

You look back towards the guys, Nick talking to them probably about some random band. You catch Ken's eye, he mocks Nick and you smile, going back to your conversation with the girls.


"Congratulations, everybody." Howie says as he hands out the IDs. "You're all of age."

You look at the ID in Lindsay's hand with a questioning glance.

"Who the hell is Jesus H. Garcia?" Ken says, voicing the stability of these that everyone is thinking.

"It's Hey-zus." Howie corrects, "It's your new identity. Tell me that picture doesn't look like you."

"This picture doesn't look like me, man." Ken says.

"Better than mine, mine looks Chinese." Daniel says.

"Yeah, mine says I'm Chinese too." Nick adds.

"Mine says, I'm 29." Lindsay says.

"Doesn't matter, mine says I'm 34, I get away with it all the time." Howie says.

"Why don't you give us the money back." Daniel sighs.

"That's top grade stuff. You don't get refunds."

"Just give us the money back, man." Nick says.

"Alright." Howie sighs and gets the money from his pocket. "You know, it's hard to get ones for you guys, no one in Canada looks like you."

"You know what," Ken stands up. "I think I'm going to go with Jesus, here. I think I can pull it off." He says, showing you the picture.

You doubt his confidence.

"Finally, a sane man!" Howie says, "Oh buy the way, we're having a sale tomorrow on dress shirts, you guys should come by."

"Oh, thanks Howie." Nick smiles.

"Yeah, thanks for nothing." Daniel adds as Howie walks off.

"Wait, that's it?" Lindsay asks. "We don't have IDs and the band's playing tonight."

"That was my only connection." Daniel shrugs.

"Wait, I might know someone." Lindsay says.

"What?" You look at her. "You do?"

"Yeah, Millie has this cousin. He makes fake IDs ever since he got out of jail." 

"Okay, sounds tight." Daniel says. 

"So we'll head over there tonight." Lindsay says. "Before the band, I guess."


"Man, I'm nervous." Lindsay says as the six of you walk towards the bar.

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