Daniel Desario and Kim Kelly are back together

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"Hey you wanna go?" One of Daniel's cousins, who you really didn't know, shouts making you look up from the conversation you were having with Kim.

The older man is standing across from Ken, who has a confused look on his face.

"What?" Ken responds. You glance between the two of them, knowing something is about to go down.

"I said, do you want to go!" The man yells, pointing at Ken.

"I always want to go, grandpa!" Ken replies.

"Oh!" Kim pulls you up from the couch. "Ken's getting into a fight! Kick his ass!"

The man headbutts Ken while yelling at him, Ken just gives the crowd a confused look as the man barely bumps into him.

Then the man finally does hit him. "Let's go fat boy!" He exclaims as he pushes Ken onto the couch.

"Kick his ass, Ken!" You yell, repeating what Kim had said.

"That was stupid, old man." Ken says, getting up from the couch.

Before he could throw the next punch, Daniel was on him, holding him back so he wouldn't do some serious damage to the man.

"All right, cool off, man. Not here." Daniel says, patting Ken's back.

The old man just scoffs and stares Daniel and Ken down before walking off.

"What was that about?" You asked as he sits down.

"Like I fucking know, that guy just wanted to pick a fight."

"You should of kicked his ass, he was asking for it." Kim shrugs.

"Hey Kim." Daniel says walking up to the three of you.

"Daniel." She rolls her eyes.

"Could we just talk already, come on." Daniel pleads with her.

Kim gives you a smirk. "Whatever Daniel, let's talk." She turns to him and the two of them walk off together.

"Think they'll get back together?" Ken asks.

"They'll probably have sex than one of them will guilt the other into getting back together." You say.

"And the world will all go back to normal." He remarks, sarcastically.

"Hey, do you have any weed?" You ask.

"No, I didn't bring any."

"Ken Miller didn't bring any marijuana to a party, what has this world come to." You give him a shocked expression.

"Well I was relying on getting wasted from this beer but it's not doing shit."

"Hey have any of you guys seen Daniel?" Lindsay comes up to the two of you, very drunk.

"Um no." You lie. "Maybe you should chill on the beer, Lindsay, how often-"

"I'm fine." She says quickly. "I haven't had that much, I'm just looking for Daniel." She stumbles off.

"Covering Daniel's ass?" Ken asks.

"What? No, I can just tell Lindsay really likes him and I don't want her to see him running back to Kim all the time." You shrug.

"Daniel's an ass, she's going to find that out all by herself."

"Oh my God the police are here!" Some kid yells and everyone scrambles.

"You don't have to worry guys, it was fake beer." Lindsay's little brother says as you and Ken watch the people run for the front door.

"I know. At least I won eighty-seven bucks playing quarters." Ken shrugs.

The kid laughs.

"Hey what's your name?" You ask getting up from the couch.

"Sam, I'm Lindsay's little-"

"Yeah, yeah." You know that much about him. "She's cool, having fake beer, that's funny."

"Really?" Sam asks.

"Sure, I mean the line to the bathroom was killer and I have to go wash this terrible taste out of my mouth but seeing people act drunk like that was really fucking funny." You and Sam laugh.

"I'm gonna go out in the car and take a nap." Ken says, brushing past you.

"Okay, I'll be out there in just a minute." You call after him. "Sam, do you know where Lindsay is?"

"Last I saw her was in the kitchen."

"Thanks." You say to him before heading to the kitchen.

"You were a wonderful hostess, have us back again some time soon." You hear Kim say as you enter the kitchen and watch her and Daniel leave through the side door.

"Wow, you got Kim to like you. That's a pretty big deal." You say, walking over to Lindsay.

"Well, she's just drunk. She'll get over it in the morning." Lindsay sighs.

"Yeah..." You don't mention the whole fake beer situation seeing how Lindsay got 'drunk' off of it as well.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Lindsay says.


"What do you think about Nick?" She asks.

You don't say anything for a minute, taken aback. You didn't want to assume that now that Daniel was with Kim again that Lindsay would try out Nick next but it seemed to be the only explanation. She was all over Daniel and now the sudden switch to Nick? It didn't seem real.

"Honestly, Lindsay, I think he's the most worth your time out of the whole group." You sigh. "He actually feels something, he's emotional, he's real. He hangs out with a bunch of freaks but that's just because he likes drugs, he's actually a really special guy, much better for you than Daniel."

Lindsay gives you a long stare.

"Don't try to deny it, Lindsay. I've seen the looks you give Daniel." You smile at her. "It's cute, but don't waste your time with Danny, he can't function without Kim. They're so toxic to each other but they'd die before actually breaking up."

"But they break up all the time." Lindsay sighs.

"Yeah, ironic isn't it?" You scoff. "In all honesty, Lindsay, you seem like a smart person, I don't know why you want so bad to hang around us and impress Danny?"

Lindsay shrugs. "High school sucks, I just thought that maybe if I found some people who just have fun then it would suck little less."

You look at her, she looks like she is about to burst down crying.

"You've seen the geeks I hang out with, it's like all they care about is school and college then their future careers and how much money they can make being the smartest person ever. I can't handle it anymore."

"Lindsay, you don't have to excel at school to have a good future. High school should be about having fun but don't let us drag you down, right now we're on the same path John Bonham took, chocking on his own vomit."

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