Day 30 Doing Something Sexy

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It was Christmas Eve and Blue was still trying to think of the perfect present for his husband Lust. He had searched every store Lust liked and found nothing his husband would like or something he did find Lust already had. So he was stuck trying to find a perfect gift that might not even exist. When he went home Lust looked worried when he saw Blue looking worn out and exhausted. "Hey darling what's wrong? You love Christmas!" Lust asked. Blue only sighed and leaned back into the couch. "I've been trying to find the perfect gift for you darling but I can't find anything!" Blue exclaimed.

Lust kissed his cheek and popped a fresh cookie into his mouth with a grin on his face. "Blue sweetie don't worry I don't need any fancy gifts or anything like that for Christmas as long as you're here with me during the holidays I'm happy." Lust said. And with that he went back to the kitchen to finish up dinner and pull out the last batch of cookies from the oven when Blue was struck with a wonderful idea. At dinner Blue casually mentioned something that totally wasn't a red herring. "Hey Lust? I might not be here for Christmas." He mentioned.

"What? Why is something wrong?" Lust asked concerned. "Boss said he might give us a mission on Christmas for something important might be to track down Ink since he's still out in the multiverse." Blue said a downtrodden look on his face. Lust sighed and started to pick at his food. "On Christmas of all times? Does he have to?" Lust asked. Blue shrugged and kept eating trying to play it cool. "Boss said that it was a maybe darling I might just get lucky and worm my way out of some work because it's Christmas." Blue said trying to bring a smile to his husband's face.

The rest of dinner was silent and Blue cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes while Lust took a shower all the while Blue was asking for a favor. As Lust got out of the shower he saw Blue getting ready to go out which confused him. "Hey where are you going? Almost all of the shops are closed?" Lust asked. Blue sighed and didn't meet his husbands face as he walked to the door. "No... Blue he wouldn't would he? He may be the god of negative feelings but doesn't he have a heart?" Lust asked almost pleading.

"I'm sorry Lust... I'll make it up to you I promise I won't let you down I'm so sorry." Blue said his voice cracking. "This is a joke right? Please let this be a joke Blue..." Lust begged tears pricking the corners of his eye sockets. Blue showed Lust the text he got from Nightmare trying to avoid his beloveds crying gaze as much as he could. Lust broke down sobbing and fell into the bed weeping shooing Blue away as if he couldn't stand the sight of him. Blue left the house a small smile on his face and joy coursing through him since his plan went smoothly.

Blue opened a portal to an underlust that still had shops open and went into one and started looking around for something perfect and right there in the corner of the store there it was, the perfect thing. He bought it and grabbed a giant box that he made sure had a lid and ran through a portal to a secluded place where he wrapped the box and went home wearing the perfect gift he had picked out and hid in the box waiting for morning. As if it was clockwork Blue woke up at 6:30 still in the box just waiting for Lust to come downstairs.

Through the box he heard muffled footsteps walking down the stairs. Lust had cried himself to sleep and his husband not being there on Christmas was still like a thick fog playing his mind as he wandered into the kitchen and munched on some cookies. Not the most healthy breakfast but it was Christmas and he needed this little pick me up. As he walked out of the kitchen ready to watch whatever Christmas specials the tv channels had offered for the day he saw it.

At first he rubbed his eyes and blinked but when he got closer and read the tag he started to cry again. It was a giant gift almost as tall as him from Blue, what had this idiot done now? Was this an apology gift? What in the world did he buy that was this big? As the thoughts were swimming in his head he lifted off the top and saw his husband inside wearing dark blue lingerie. "Blue? What on earth!? What are you doing in there!" Lust asked. But he was quickly silenced by a big kiss from Blue.

"Merry Christmas Lust." Blue said a smile on his face. Lust started to cry from joy the tears streaming down his face as he kissed Blue over and over. "You finally ready sweetie?" Lust asked. Blue nodded and hugged Lust tightly as Blues husband carried him up to their room to begin.


Blue was taking a shower while Lust was finishing up getting dressed hopefully his magic would work and they would get a child. But honestly who knew what would happen but Lust felt fairly hopeful even though the code of his AU worked against him he had a good feeling. Blue just got out of the shower when the doorbell rang, Lust went down while Blue dried off and got dressed.

As Lust opened the door he saw his paps standing there with a big grin and lots of gifts. "Paps! How are you! I haven't heard from you in a a bit how's it going?" Lust exclaimed. As the two were catching up Blue went down and was immediately met with a big hug from Lapis (Lust Paps nickname). "What's all this for?" Blue asked. Lapis chuckled and answered "Well sans here told me about your sweet gift."

Blues face exploded into a bright blush and looked away embarrassed. "Sorry baby but I had to! You were so sweet I couldn't not tell that to my brother!" Lust chuckled. Blue sat down next to Lust and smiled gently at him cuddling against him. Just as things were starting to settle down another ring from the doorbell. Lust looked to Blue curiously. "Could it be?" Lust asked.

Blue shook his head. "I doubt it he never even came to visit when I was with the stars I doubt he would come over." Blue said flatly. But Blue went to the door and when he opened it was greeted with his papyrus. He almost slammed the door in his face, almost, but since it was Christmas he let him in but he kept his distance.

They talked and exchanged gifts and it was mostly awkward conversation between Blue and his Paps but conversation non the less. Swap pap left before dinner started leaving Blue with his preferred family to spend the holidays with. The turkey was pulled from the oven at 7:40 ish, Toast had already been fed and had been taken for a walk by Blue leaving only dinner and some goodbyes left on the agenda.

The dinner was wonderful as it always was, Blue and Lust wished Lapis a Merry Christmas as he left leaving only the two of them to stay in each others company and fall asleep nuzzled into each other.

A late Merry Christmas to all of my readers and a Happy Holidays as well I hope you enjoyed this final chapter and maybe if I have the inspiration I may be doing some bonus chapters but until then I hope you enjoyed!


30 day OTP lustberryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon