Day 15 Injury

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Blue was getting ready for another simple mission with the others, they were going to be scouting new negative AU's for Nightmare. But apparently the stars had the same idea as they did. Blue didn't mean to get hurt, but Killer was going to get hit and he could have died! Blue had to do something. So he pushed Killer out of the way and got stabbed, and splashes with Inks acid paint, and struck with an arrow... in 4 places.

Blue fell to the ground shaking in pain and trying to stay awake, not willing to close his eyes. Cross grabbed Blue and ran through the portal in a retreat, Nightmare did his best to siphon the pain away but there's only so much he could do. "Who else do we go to!" Killer shouted. Cross was pacing nervously around the room, pacing the same path he had done before when almost all of them had gotten badly hurt.

"Lust..." Horror rumbled. Everyone snapped their heads towards Horror. "Lust? Why him! He's pretty much worthless in a situation like this!" Killer crowed. "Made... hole hurt less... made... better..." Horror muttered. With no options left Nightmare set out to find Lust, who just happened to be peacefully sleeping on the couch with a little doll of Blue in his hands. But moments after Nightmare walked in Lust jolted awake startled by the sudden dark aura.

"L-lord Nightmare..." Lust muttered. Nightmare guided Lust through the portal and into Blues room, the moment Lust saw Blues condition he started politely asking for medical supplies. Oh and of course paint thinner to stop the acid effect of the paint eating into Blues ribs. Of course the Bad Guys were not well equipped for something like this so they only had about a third of the needed medical supplies, plus the paint thinner.

Lust made sure that they went and got the rest of the supplies while he kept a close eye on Blue. "Lord Nightmare? May I ask you a few questions?" Lust asked. "Ask away child." Nightmare responded. "Why did Blue keep this from me? Him working for you I mean." Lust said simply. "He did not want you worrying so much about him again. I have felt many memories of his where most of it was him worrying what you would think about him fighting like he did." Nightmare asked.

"Then why did he accept this job?" Lust said quietly. "He needed the money, the rotten apple that calls himself my brother and the dollar store acrylic paint freak stopped sending him money. So I offered a helping hand, and we do not operate like they do, I treat my workers with respect!" Nightmare snapped. Lust jumped and got more tense which made Nightmare slump back into his chair. "I'm sorry about that little outburst." Nightmare apologized.

From that day on Lust stayed with Blue in Nightmares castle, Horror was still the gentle giant he remembered and was very happy when he found out that he was doing well with Dust. Even if they were exes that doesn't mean they still can't be friends. Horror made sure that Lust got food every day even if he didn't eat it all Horror would visit Lusts house and give the scraps to Toast who couldn't come along.

Nightmare checked in everyday to make sure and Blue hadn't dusted in his sleep and to siphon away all the extra negative energy in the room. Killer mainly stayed away due to orders from Nightmare about making it worse. But Lust was happy that he got to spend more time with his lover even if one of them was asleep. Blue woke up in the middle of the night calling out for Killer, and after Lust reassured his boyfriend that killer was ok Blue calmed down.

"Lust? Lust darling what are you doing here?" Blue asked when he settled down. "They brought me here to help you it was Horrors idea." Lust explained. Blue kissed List the moment he stopped talking and hugged him tightly noticing the Blue doll next to Lust. "You missed me that much?" Blue asked. "You have no idea." Lust said before sealing their words away with a kiss.

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