01. In Denial.

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THE TWO BOYS SAT just outside the school on the stairs, munching on snacks just after a mission. Okay. It was just Gojo snacking. Geto watched as per usual, a smile gracing his face. "That mission must've worn you out." He took Gojo's muffled noises as a yes. He swallowed the bit of pastry he had in his mouth, the rest of it in his hand. "Want one?"

"Mmn. If you insist." He leaned down, taking the baked treat right out of his hand with his mouth. He chewed on it, a nonchalant expression on his face. "It's alright I guess. Just really sweet." Gojo stared down at his hand. It was normal that Geto did that but he felt weird. He's been feeling strange lately too. Especially around Geto.

"Satoru?" Geto called. "Huh?" He turned his head to the side to meet his eyes. "You've been staring at your hand for a minute straight. Did I accidentally bite your hand or something?" He took his wrist, seeing if he had bitten his fingers on accident. "Wha--no! I'm fine, let go." He yanked his hand away, the bag of pastries falling to the floor.

His attention turned to the food on the floor, a frown on his face. "It's fine, Satoru. I'll buy you some more if you want." He got up to pick them up bit by bit and placing them back into the bag. "You don't have to." He stood up as well, crouching down to help. "You're acting strange. You wouldn't turn down free food." He held out the bag for Gojo to put the pastry bits in.

"Can't a guy be considerate for once? Jeez..." he huffed, his cheeks a bit red from the earlier interaction. He stood up and brushed the dust off his uniform pants. Geto stood up as well, holding the pastry bag in hand. "Whatever. I'm gonna throw this away." He walked up the steps towards the school. "Oh," he turned back around to see Gojo behind him. "Let's inform Principal Yaga we're finished with the mission."

"K.." he followed his bestfriend into the school, hands in pockets. They made a pitstop to throw away the trash before making their way to Yaga's office. Geto knocked a few times, waiting for his go ahead to open the door. They briefly informed him about their mission. It was just Geto talking. Gojo looked around the room aimlessly, focusing particularly on the large pile of stuffed animals in the back of the room.

They were soon out in the halls again, walking alongside eachother, with Gojo invading his personal space. His arm was around his neck as they walked side by side. "Hey, Suguru." Geto turned his head to the side. Their faces were so close. "Hm?" He looked at him, expecting him to say something. "Uh..I-" his mind went blank for a moment. He let his arm fall from his neck, and slide his hands into his pockets once more.

Geto was a bit confused but didn't question it. "What were you gonna say?" Oh, right. He was going to ask him something. "Are you gonna be in your dorm?"

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?"

"...No reason. I've uh..got to do something I'll see you later." He started to walk ahead of him. Geto had gotten a glimpse of his face. He was so red. Was he coming down with a fever? "Uh...okay." He stood there in the hallway, watching Gojo hastily leave.


"Shoko!!! You have to help me. I think I'm broken." He latched onto her arm, a pout on his face as he whined. "Ugh, Satoru get off!" She waved off her arm in attempts to make him let go. "And what do you mean 'broken'?" She crossed her arms once he let go of her arm.

"Something weird is happening to me!" He sat on her bed in her dorm room, his legs crossed. She sat on the opposite side, her head resting on the headboard. "Elaborate..?" She sighed, her eyes slightly narrowing. She didn't have time for his bullshit today. "Well...it kind of started today. But it's been happening often--"

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