Chapter 20 (Alone and locked up)

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I'm sad because that bastard Noah cheated on me with old wives... I'll keep going even if it hurts...

One day at work, he was looking for something in the "Works" (an important room). Azael comes in because he has been waiting for me for a long time, and it was already 5 o'clock and no one was there. It turns out that I had left the keys outside and Azael unlocked the door and the door closed.

-😽Nooo shit, we're locked in!!!-I say it upset.

-❤️‍🔥Like this? Don't you have the key?

-😽I left her outside...

-❤️‍🔥Oh great webon! I had never met such a brutal person. - Angry tone.

-😽Shut up, toad! -Then we both sat down. An hour passed.

*Something falls*

-😽Ayyyyy Marika, take this son of a bastard gonorrhea care chimba seventy thousand ultra forty thousand jueputas, pichurria, pirobo, toad, webon, old cacorro!!!!!! - I say it upset. Azael looks at me with a serious face.

-❤️‍🔥No, thank you, for being a brave warrior! -Sarcasm.

-😽with pleasure, dear Rascaziel-I say it with a mocking tone.

-❤️‍🔥 Stop calling me that stupid, it's not funny at all!! -Serious tone.

*cat comes out*

-❤️‍🔥A...look at a cat.

-😽 Awwww yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

-❤️‍🔥Oh yes... I'm melting with tenderness for the cat.-Sarcasm.

*middle finger*

I call the mirri meow and he comes closer. I caress him gently and with affection.

-😽Do you like kittens?

-❤️‍🔥Yes..., how can I not like them? -Azael calls Michi, the cat gets up and lies on his legs. Azael caresses him and the cat purrs.

-😽Sometimes I wonder why you are so dry and cold with people.... Right now you are so attached to Michi.

-❤️‍🔥Normal, that's how I am...-Serious tone.

-😽That's exactly what I'm talking about! You think it is like that, but...what if deep down it's not like that? -Azael thinks for a while...

-❤️‍🔥I think you're right...he is confusing. I don't even know why I am like this...

-😽It's good that sometimes you reflect on how you are inside. -I look at him happy.

-❤️‍🔥 Well... thank you for the words... They help me connect a little with myself...

-😽Don't worry, it came out of my soul to talk to you this way.

-❤️‍🔥 Apparently... you're not as irritating as I thought...

-😽 What you say surprises me a little mijo. Because this part of your way of being... I didn't know it... Do you want to be my friend?

-❤️‍🔥 I'm not interested at all.- He answers me seriously.

-😽Veeee And why? -I say it with a sad tone and with wet puppy eyes.

-❤️‍🔥 For the simple fact that it is not interesting for me to be your "FRIEND".

-😽Let's do something. Let's be friends for a week, do you agree?

-❤️‍🔥Well.... but if I can't stand you, you will continue to be just my assistant.-He says it, accepting.

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I hope you like this chapter, here Azael and David stay locked in a company room all night and become "FRIENDS".❤️🤗

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