Chapter 18 (Bad influence)

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After being such a disastrous babysitter, I went back to work at the company. It turns out that one day like any other, I happened to pass by the secretary by chance.

-☺ What stress! So many customer complaints make me desperate...- she Angry, she arranges a pile of folders.

-😽Is everything okay here?

-☺No, my head is going to explode from so many things!!

-😽If you want, I can help you, dear friend.

-☺thank you.

-😽This way you and I help each other.- I smile at him.

As the days went by, Sofia and I helped each other with work and sometimes we had fun together like good friends. One day I invited Sofia and she accepted. I was planning to take her to a "Taylor Swift" concert, the cost was very expensive and I didn't have any money, but I'm so smart that I got the tickets. XD

The big day arrived and I, well dressed, went to Sofia.

-😽I have a big surprise for you.- she says it happily.

-☺Please tell me, because curiosity kills me!!!

-😽You'll see it when we arrive.

Sofía and I are going straight to the concert. While there, I get the tickets.

-☺woow It's a Taylor switf concert! -She says it, very excited, super happy and she hugs me.

-☺Thank you very much for inviting me, since Taylor Switf is my favorite singer and being here is a dream come true. Well let's go for a night full of madness and fun.

-Have fun dear.-While there I get the tickets.

-☺How do I get the tickets if they are so expensive?!

-😽Don't worry, I have my contacts. -It's a good thing I got them because this mission is pure fun. I give the tickets and we go in. All night long we sing and dance happily.

-☺David, seriously, thank you for this great detail, now if you are my great friend, you have definitely earned my friendship.

-😽Ah, it was with a lot of love since I wanted to spoil you and I know you didn't expect it hahaha good HEALTH.

-☺HEALTH dear new soul friend.

After the concert we left, I took Sofia to her house and then I went to mine to rest. I can definitely say that she was the craziest and funniest thing in my life with Sofia.

The next day

I was late for work just like Sofia, but I went into my office.

-❤‍🔥David I need to talk to you right now!!-He says it furiously. I got up and approached the boss.

-😽What happened, boss?

-❤‍🔥 You and Sofía have arrived very late these days... -He says it with a serious tone.

-😽Aha, so what?

-❤‍🔥Like what? So what? You are a very BAD INFLUENCE on my best employee.

-😽She has every right!! Because these days she has been very stressed and I am not like you, who is bitter and only thinks about himself. So if that's why I want to talk, don't screw me and go away!!, because I'm going to work. - I quickly walked to my office.

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