When we break away from each other, I also see tears in them and that only makes my pain about saying goodbye even worse.

"Write to us as soon as you land, okay?" Felix sobs.

"In any case. I will try to visit you as soon as possible!"

Once again, I hug everyone individually and then make my way to my gate.

Most passengers are already waiting at the counter and I stand at the very back. This will take a while.

In my mind, I review the time in Seoul. Remind me of all the beautiful moments. On my first day at work, the first meal with the boys, to Sumi. And to Chan... why did I fall in love with him? And why didn't I tell him how I feel before I left him?

I'm looking at my cell phone again. Still nothing.

I continue to digress with my thoughts and stare at myself as the snake slowly moves on.

"Sarah!" I hear someone calling my name.

Immediately I turn around in search of the source and hope to see Chan.

I quickly realize that it wasn't him. It was a father who called his daughter, who happens to be the same name as me.

I'm in tears again, because I wanted so much that Chan would still show up. My gaze moves back and I stare at the back of the person in front of me.


                     Third person POV

Chan runs from the car to the airport. Somehow he quickly made it through the security check and is now looking for the right gate. He runs up and down the aisle. Past countless people who are all not the right person.


He turns to the person who addressed him and discovers Seungmin. The others are also with him and everyone looks at him irritated.

"Where is she?" Out of breath, he stops.

"Where have you been all the time?" Minho seems to be mad at him.

"WHERE IS SHE!" He literally yells at his bandmates. Some passengers walking past them look at the troops confused.

"She is already at her gate. Probably already on the plane..." But before Changbin can say anything else, Chan keeps running.

"Damn!" he curses on the way to the right gate and sincerely hopes that it is not too late and that he will reach it in time.



I hear my name again. But that's certainly just the father from before. I ignore the calls. Only when someone right next to me says my name again do I look up.

And there it says Chan. Do I picture him?

"Sarah..." He is completely out of breath.

"Chan? But what are you doing here?" I certainly don't imagine him!

"Stop you from getting on this plane!"

"Chan..." We already had the topic and I don't understand why he's still trying. "I tried to call you. I wrote messages. Why didn't anyone arrive?"

"My cell phone gave up the ghost last night. I'm sorry. It was incredibly difficult to find out when you were flying. I couldn't ask anyone... Please Sarah, don't fly."

"You know I can't do that. I will get on this plane and go back to Miami..."

"Please, you can't just leave me like that. Not before..."

"Before what?"

He's getting closer to me. Before I can think about what happens next, he covers my face. And suddenly his lips are on mine. A timid kiss. He gives me the opportunity to withdraw. But I would never come up with this idea.

I return his kiss and at this moment there is only him and me. No plane, no fear for my future, no stewardess calling me to board.

"Miss? They are the last one. The boarding is almost over," I hear muffled in the background.

Slowly I detach myself from Chan and look deep into his eyes.

"I have to...," I start hesitantly.

"No, you don't have to." He shakes his head and I see tears gathering in his eyes. Just like me.

"Don't make it even harder." A tear runs down my cheek.

"I love you Sarah. And I don't want you to leave me..."

"Miss? I have to ask you to hurry." The stewardess is getting impatient and I hate her for it.

Before I can change my mind, I'll give Chan another kiss, this time more intimately, because it will be the last one. I take a few steps backwards towards the switch and have to see in Chan's disappointed face.

"I love you too, Chan. It's not forever...," I say to myself.

More and more tears run down my cheek. I can't stop looking at him. The man who has grown so close to my heart in recent months that friendship became love. A love that must not be and has nevertheless arisen. A love that was granted to us far too short. A love that may not survive the distance.

"Sarah..." I hear the pain in his voice and it breaks my heart to leave him there alone.

I give my ticket to the stewardess at the counter with a heavy heart before I get on the plane.













P.S.: No, I'm not such a heartless person again. I have a little extra for you. So on to the next chapter ;)


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Thank you for being there until the end. It gave me an incredible amount of pleasure and I hope you do too. Until the next story by me and CarolAnnDoe

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