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A week has now passed and some of the band's dates were scheduled. Interviews, performances, video recordings, etc. This time we were supposed to go to Tokyo for a big interview. For me that means flying with the band. It's not that I hate flying, but I still don't like doing it. As we stand in front of the plane, my knees go weak. Not even 2.5 hours, Sarah. You can do it!  "Are you okay? You look so pale." Sumi stands next to me and looks at me worriedly. "Yeah. Planes just aren't my favorite form of transportation." "You'll have to get used to it. This won't be the last time." "I know," I take a deep breath and then get on the plane, There is a special seating area for the staff, which I head for. "Hey, Sarah. There's another seat here!" Jeongin waves at me and points to the space between him and Han. "Shouldn't I rather sit with the other staff?" "Nonsense. Come on. You're practically already part of the band!" Han stands up to make room for me and I sit between the two of them. The plane slowly taxis onto the road. I squeeze my eyes shut and grip the armrests. "Sarah?" "Hm?" I carefully open my eyes and look at Han. "Are you afraid of flying?" "No. It's just that the start is bad." The plane's turbines start humming loudly and I close my eyes again. A hand frees mine from the armrest. Fingers intertwine with mine. I slowly open one eye and look at Jeongin, who smiles encouragingly at me. "Don't worry, I don't particularly like flying either." My smile probably looks as forced as it feels. The plane takes off and I feel myself being pushed into the seat. Jeongin's hand squeezes mine. In fact, it calms me down a bit. Relieved when we're finally in the air, I let go of Jeongin and try to relax. Pretty hustle and bustle on the plane. Flight staff hand out snacks and drinks and some staff from JYP remove laptops and tablets from their bags in the carry-on hold. "Do you want something to drink?" Now Han is also worried about me. "Thanks, that would be nice." "Good. You're really pale. I think you need a little sugar!" He gets up and goes to a stewardess. In the row next to us, Chan leans across the aisle and studies me. "Chan, everything is really fine. Don't worry about me so much," I try with a smile to cover up the situation. "We just want to make sure you're comfortable. Not that you quit after this day." "Haha that's about to happen! As if you could get rid of me so easily." Chan smiles with relief and leans back in his seat. Just then, Han gives me a squeeze Cup with cola in hand. "Here, drink this."  "Thanks again."

After 2.5 hours the plane finally lands and taxis down the road towards the airport. I have never been happier to have solid ground under my feet. How did I survive the flight from Miami to Seoul?! Together with the band, we employees are led through a side entrance to the airport, where a lot of security personnel are already waiting for us. "There are really...a lot of security people." "When we get to the airport hall, you'll understand why." Sumi pats me encouragingly on the shoulder and falls back towards the other employees. Two double doors open for us and we stand in front of an escalator. Below us is the airport hall. Full of people who want to fly on vacation. And journalists, photographers and a lot of excited fans. I stop and look at the crowd that seems to be waiting for the band. My heart starts racing and my fingers tremble slightly. Way too many people. "You're welcome to wait until the pack has left and come along." Chan stands next to me and seems to notice that the crowd is making me nervous. "Oh nonsense." "Then maybe you want these?" He hands me a cap. "When we get down there, there'll be a flash of flashes. Probably not that pleasant for you because you're not used to it. That helps a little." I'm happy to take the cap and put it on myself. “Suits you,” he smiles encouragingly at me and I ride down the escalator with him and the other band members and employees. The journalists immediately start asking questions and the photographers take as many pictures as they can. I look around in panic. It's incredibly crowded here now. Especially because the fans also love it pushing and wanting to be as close to the band as possible. I'm constantly being pushed or pushed away. Suddenly I lose touch with the others and a crowd of fans swallows me up. I am pressed against strangers and have the feeling that I can no longer breathe. The people around me don't seem to care. They keep pushing forward towards the band. Chan! I recognize his head in the crowd and see him searching around. "Chan!" I helplessly try to shout over the screams of the fans, hoping that he will recognize my voice and find me. His head jerks in my direction. I extend my hand towards him. He fights his way back to me through employees and fans. The security people try to push the fans back, but they don't really succeed. They're more likely to press them People around me are even more together and therefore also of me. Tears come to my eyes. This is too much for me. "Sarah!" Chan pushes aside some fans who don't get along because he's so close to them. He finally gets a hold of my hand and pulls me out of the crowd and towards him. "Everything's fine," he leads me down the hallway to the others. "We'll be out soon."

I no longer notice anything around me. As if in a trance, I allow myself to be led to the exit and to a waiting van. Chan pushes me into one of the car seats and sits across from me. Staring in front of me, I don't even notice that Han and Changbin sit down next to us. The door closes and the car drives off. "Sarah?" Chan carefully takes the cap off me and notices my shaking hands. "I think she's having a panic attack." Han turns to Chan, who takes my hands in his. "Sarah, do you hear me?" My vision clears and I look into his eyes. Immediately my breathing quickens and the shaking stops worse. Chan slowly strokes the backs of my hands, trying to calm me down. "You did it. Get some rest. We'll be driving for a while." He still looks very worried. I slowly calm down. My heart is no longer racing, my hands are hardly shaking and I no longer feel like I'm going to faint. I remove my hands from Chan and lean back in the seat. The cool window glass calms my nerves even a little, as I lean my forehead against it and close my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. Someone shakes my knee and I look up sleepily. Chan smiles at me. A head rests on my shoulder. When I look to the side I see Han leaning against me, fast asleep. "We'll be there soon," Chan whispers so as not to wake anyone. Changbin is also sleeping. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah. And thanks for getting me out."
"Sorry I lost you in the crowd."
"It's not your fault!"
"I still should have taken care of you!"
"The main thing is that I made it out of there and you guys didn't leave without me."
"Never! We need you!" We both start laughing. "Hey, why are you so loud?" Han has sat up and rubs his eyes sleepily. And Chan and I have to laugh again. This time about Han, who is sulking because we woke him up.

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