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Today is an important date for the band. An interview with a Korean magazine. Apparently it will take place in front of a live audience. So that everything runs smoothly the stylists will also be there. I'm just about to pack everything I need in my make-up suitcase. I have no idea what to expect there, but I want to be prepared. Maybe I don't need any of that. My arm still hurts and I clearly saw the security fingerprints on it last night when I stood in front of the mirror at home. "Are you ready?" Sumi is standing next to my make-up station with her packed things. "Yeah right away. Just...where is it?" I search my workplace from top to bottom. "Ah there have it." I pull out my employee ID card from a drawer. I don't want to make the same mistake again. "Very good. Then let's go to the van now, so we won't be late." I run after Sumi, who leaves the backstage area and makes her way to the underground parking lot. "The band will be there," she climbs through the open vehicle door into the back seat. "We're only here for emergencies." I sit across from her next to one of the other stylists who smiles at me kindly. "Can we watch the interview or should we stay behind the stage?" "That's up to us. If you want, you're welcome to be in front of the audience. It's not my first interview with the boys. So I'm not really interested anymore." Her smile always spreads a good mood. There are a few years between us, but I often have the feeling that she is my age. At least that's how she behaves often enough. I'm glad to have her on the team. Shortly afterwards we arrive at the recording studio and indeed some fans are already standing in front of the entrance and are waiting impatiently to be admitted. It's already afternoon and I wonder how long some of them have been waiting here. I recognize a few camping chairs among the fans at the front of the line. Arrived in the underground car park I grab my bags and hurry to the stage area. A small table was prepared for all of us, which doesn't really offer much space for our utensils. Better than nothing. "Come on, find a good seat before the pack is let in." I nod to Sumi, put my stuff down and make my way to the front row.

Some band members are already in their seats and preparing for the interview. Microphones are tested, the cameras try to get the best shot and the journalist who will be conducting the interview looks at his question cards. Just as I sit down, Felix spots me. He gives me a quick wave and then turns back to Hyunjin, who shows him something on his cell phone. The seats in the hall are slowly filling up after the fans have been let in. "10 minutes until recording starts!" A voice echoes through the speakers. The seats next to me are now also occupied and the two girls are chatting excitedly over me and speculating wildly about the questions that the journalist might ask. When Chan enters the stage with Seungmin, wild screaming begins. The two girls next to me try to get Chan's attention. I cover my mouth with a hand to hide my laughter as much as possible. This can be an interesting interview. "CHAN! Ahhhhh. Here Chan!!! They are now competing in shouting and waving, trying to outdo each other. When Chan finally looks our way, he spots me and sees me trying not to laugh. He waves to the girls who are on the verge of crying. Before he takes his seat, he winks at me. That wasn't a good idea. It almost made the two girls faint.

"Did you see that?" is shouted into my right ear. Now the two girls are sitting together too. I offered to swap places so they could talk to each other without yelling at me. The journalist gradually asks his questions. Some about the band, their hobbies and other more private things. He's just asking Hyunjin about his art and how often he actually paints like that. Chan seems quite bored and looks look around the hall. His gaze lingers on me and he smiles. Let's shorten the time until his questions! I make him a fist in front of me understandable that he will now play "rock, paper, scissors" against me. He seems excited about the idea and makes a fist as well, waiting for my signal to start. 1, 2, 3...rock against paper. He has won. He grins victoriously to himself. 1, 2, 3...scissors against paper. I have won. I just shrug. Draw. He shows me that we are still playing one last decisive round. 1, 2, 3...rock versus scissors. I won again and thus decided the victory for me. Chan starts to pout not too seriously and then turns back to the interview.

The two girls next to me gape at me. I ignore her while grinning to myself. When my cell phone vibrates, I take my eyes off the stage and look at the display. It's Sumi who writes me to come backstage again. The interview will soon be over and we can make our way back. What a relaxing day at work that was. Before I leave, I open my cell phone camera and take a few more pictures of the guys. Then I sneak past the two girls. "Have fun you guys!", I whisper to them and smile at them. They seem a bit irritated and when they see that I'm going backstage and that I'm not being stopped, they almost lapse into a hysterical exchange of conversations. They're probably making the craziest hypotheses now. I will probably never fully understand fans. The working day is coming to an end when we reach the concert hall again and put our things down. "And how did you like it?" Sumi holds out a coffee mug, which I gladly accept. "Kind of crazy. You should have seen the two fans next to me. It's a miracle I'm not deaf." "Yeah, that's how it is every time the guys show up somewhere. It gets even worse at the concert!" "Maybe I should stay away from that. For the sake of my health." We both start laughing and I walk with her to the bus. "Then we'll see each other tomorrow. Try to get enough sleep. The concert the day after tomorrow will demand all your strength." "Thanks, I will. Have a nice evening to you too." We say goodbye as we take different buses. When I get home, I just throw my things on the floor and go to the kitchen to quickly make something to eat. Then I let myself fall on my sofa and close my eyes for a moment. Until I remembered that I wanted to do something else. I grab my phone and open mine Contacts. I had a very special one Picture what a certain person sure very would like.


Damn, I call that a snapshot :)

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Damn, I call that a snapshot :)


re you secretly take a pictures of me? ._.

I made that more than obvious. There's nothing secret about it. You were just too busy sulking! :,)

Okay okay I forgive you!

See you tomorrow. Good night Sarah^^

Sleep well Christopher!

Luckily we had all exchanged numbers by the third day. Amazingly, after that I even became part of a group called "SKZ Forever" where the guys just write nonsense. Sad that there are only two days left until the concert. It's the last of the tour and because of my limited employment contract it's also the end.

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