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The boys invited me to one of their dance rehearsals. I sit on the sidelines and watch them warm up, fooling around the whole time. These guys can't pull themselves together and behave for two minutes. "Ok, ok. Let's go!" Chan rounds up the boys and starts the first song. Maniac plays and everyone starts dancing their parts. It's amazing how in sync they are. The choreo looks really difficult. They're the only ones who make it seem like it's super easy. "Well done! That was perfect" Minho is obvious proud of others. "I think it's Red Lights' turn now." Hyunjin checks his phone and confirms this with a nod. While the others sit down with me, Chan and Hyunjin stop and warm up again. "You'll like it!" Changbin nudges me in the side with his elbow and grins widely. I have no idea what he means. Until the song starts. That sounds pretty...sexy. Chan and Hyunjin start the choreo and I can't take my eyes off Chan. I see that he, too, is watching me in the mirror. He only takes his eyes off me during a few parts of the choreo, only to quickly turn them back to me. Changbin is still grinning stupidly. "I told you you'd like it." "Keep your mouth shut!" I push him slightly, making us both laugh. Not to mention that choreo and that Changing looks with Chan, the song is really good. It sounds quite intimate at first, but if you pay closer attention it has a completely different message. I don't think it will be the last time I listen to it.

The song ends and the two come over to us. Hyunjin grabs a water bottle and downs it almost in one go. "Sarah, can you actually dance?" Minho has leaned forward to see me and is now looking at me expectantly. "Well, a little. A few classic standard dances. A little Latin moves. But nothing like what you're doing." "Uhh, Jeongin has the perfect song for you!" Changbin jumps up, goes to the speaker and connects his phone. A song begins to echo through the room that actually sounds very Latin American. I hear Jeongin singing “Maknae On Top” to himself. "Ready?" Changbin holds out his hand to me. "Now?" I look around nervously. "Sure. Come on." Changbin comes up to me, grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor of the rehearsal room. We both dance to the song and it's incredibly fun. I hear Changbin rapping his song parts quietly to himself and I have to smile. Minho taps him on the shoulder, indicating a change of partner. Now we both dance and he is truly a born dancer. Unlike me. But right now I don't care. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. The others are also dancing and goofing around as usual. Only Chan is still sitting in his seat, watching us all with a warm smile. When the song is over, Minho thanks me for the dance. "You can dance really well. Well, not perfectly, but with a little practice..." "Thanks for the compliment Minho." I know he didn't mean any harm. That's just how he is.

Chan has now also joined us. "He's right, that was good." He grins at me and I give him a smile too. Suddenly we hear a quiet, slow song playing. I look around confused and notice that there is no one left in the room. Just Chan and me. Who put the song on? Minho! Chan and I look at each other. He holds out his hand to me. I slowly take it and he pulls me towards him. Close together we slowly turn to the song. His right hand is around my waist while the other holds my hand. Nobody dares to let the other out of their sight for even a second. Our Eyes remain fixed on each other. We continue dancing to the music, swaying back and forth to the melody. "Aren't there certain rules? K-Pop Idols have to comply?" I ask him with a smile on my lips. “And those would be?” He smiles at me too, still looking deep into my eyes. "Hmm...like don't swear, don't make faces in front of the camera...don't dance romantically with your stylist?" His smile widens. "I think it's clear that we're not the stereotypical idols. So I guess the latter is fine." Aha, so he just admitted that this is romantic for him! Again we just look at each other in silence and slowly turn around the rehearsal room. We slow down and eventually stop. At some point Chan breaks the silence. "I'm very glad you're still with us."

He says this in a serious tone, as if it would have actually hurt him if I hadn't accepted the extension of my contract. "I'm glad to still be with you too," I take a short break. "Being with you most of all." My heart is racing like crazy and I notice how I'm slowly turning red. His cheeks are also slightly red as he leans down slightly toward me. Our lips are only a few centimeters apart. Is this really happening here? We close our eyes and slowly get closer to each other. Suddenly the song is interrupted in the middle and “Night Dancer” is now playing. Startled, we look up and let go. "Ah, sorry! I'm so sorry!" Han comes bursting through the door with his cell phone in his hand. Followed closely by Minho, who hits him on the upper arm. "You idiot!" Han runs to the speaker but doesn't manage to unpair his phone, Minho still cursing behind him. Now the others come back into the room. Chan and I step away from each other and look at the boys. "This damn cell phone. I'm really, really sorry!" I start to laugh nervously because the situation is so absurd. “Anyone want to go out to eat?” Since the mood is now "ruined", I try to cover up the unpleasant situation. "Oh yeah!" Felix's enthusiasm is contagious. "I'm really hungry." Jeongin rubs his stomach.

"The bill is on Han!" Minho still seems mad at him. "Hey, why?" "Because you're an idiot!" Little by little the boys leave the room again until Chan and I are alone again. "Well then we should go before they eat the entire restaurant without us." Han has now managed to unpair his cell phone from the speaker. I see that Chan is grinning stupidly as he puts his arm around my shoulder and leaves the rehearsal room with me.

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