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Like yesterday, a Pitbull song shrills in my ear, I get ready, eat something and then drive to the concert hall. In fact, I'm more awake than yesterday. That may be mainly because today is the big day and I'm pretty excited. The last concert of the tour and my first concert with the band. And it looks like it won't be my last either. At least more gigs with the band will be waiting for me after the contract extension. At the thought of not having to leave the chaos today forever, I grin to myself. Riding a bus on the way to work has never been better. Sumi is already waiting for me with a coffee mug in hand "So? Are you ready for the big day?" She hands me the mug. "Don't think that it will be easier than yesterday. This is something completely different." I take a sip of coffee and immediately feel like I have more energy. "Ready when you are, Sumi. We smile at each other and then head off to our respective jobs. A few hours pass in which we rehearse again for the final time.

In the evening I just want to go get some fresh air. But when I see the crowds of people in front of the concert hall, I quickly turn around. Like yesterday, I'm preparing the make-up for Felix and Chan's first appearance. And like yesterday, I blush when I see Chan in his stage outfit. "See that TV over there?" Chan points to the wall behind us. I nod. "The concert will be broadcast on it. So you're welcome to watch it if you want." "Believe me, you'll still hear them back here. So just join in." We both start laughing because we still have the memory of the last interview in our heads. When the two girls next to me almost passed out because of him. "Don't you find that a little funny sometimes?" "You get used to it. In fact, you can turn it off really well at some point." I motion to him that his make-up is done. Before he goes to the others, he looks at me for a while.


"I just wanted to tell you that I... well, we... are really glad you're staying with us longer." Why am I blushing again? I look at the floor in embarrassment. "Aww, thanks. I look forward to working with you guys as well." "I don't just mean work. In fact, we would be happy if you could come by our house in the next few days. Minho could cook, we'll watch a movie and talk." I look at him with raised eyebrows. "So you mean kind of like...friends?" "Yes. Yes, just like friends and not like work colleagues. After all, you're already in our chat group." He is right. I never thought about it. But it's certainly not normal for the stylist to be in a chat group with her clients. Chan has put his hands in his pockets and is now impatiently waiting for a reaction from me.

I would be very happy and would like to come by your place," relieved he starts to grin. "Very good. That's what I wanted to hear." He points to the band behind him. "I have to go then. Big concert and all that. See you in a moment." "Me anyway," I say, pointing to the screen. Chan nods. He looks like he's uncomfortable with something. Is he embarrassed because I can see the performance? I must have imagined that. Shortly afterwards I understand why he looked like that. The performance begins with a pretty crass show act. The first members sing and the choreo is absolutely amazing. In fact, Chan was right, I hear them Screaming fans backstage. Somehow I'm relieved that I don't have to be up there with them. And then the moment came. The song continues and Chan walks from the back row to the front row to the edge of the stage. He grins to himself like he's planning something. And then he takes his top and pulls it up. So you can see his full stomach and muscles. More than his outfit already reveals. He didn't just do that, did he? He's also visibly uncomfortable. I wonder why he's doing it at all. After the first performance, the boys come back behind the stage. Now it's time to change. Remove make-up and put on new make-up.

This time a simple make-up, since it can get pretty hot on stage and the make-up gets ruined when the guys sweat. Chan approaches me. This time he's wearing a tank top, but it's cut out very far on the side. At least it shouldn't get too warm. "I wonder where the rest of your outfit goes. I think we have a clothes thief among us." He looks down at himself and starts laughing. He knows exactly what I mean. "Who knows. Maybe you are." He raises an eyebrow and looks at me like he's guessed a secret. "Now you got me. But I'm only doing this for the girls up front," I point to the screen. "Actually, I work for them." Chan starts laughing out loud, which automatically makes me laugh along with him. The rest of the concert is quieter. Every now and then the guys come back and have their make-up touched up, but mainly we stylists have our peace and quiet and can watch the concert comfortably from the sofa corner of the backstage area. I'm pretty excited about the way the guys can move. The choreos look so complicated, but they make it look like it's really easy. Some of the choreos are pretty sexy. Sumi seems to notice that I have to grin to myself. "Well? Never seen one of the choreos, huh?" She has to laugh and moves her eyebrows up and down. I nudge her with my elbow to let her know we're not going to talk about this any further. But I still can't take my eyes off it release screen. The concert is over, the guys thank the fans one last time and then come back to the backstage area. "That was a great concert."

Still full of energy, Han runs all over the backstage area. Or maybe he had too much coffee. "You guys were really good," I say to all members as they join the corner of the sofa. "We were thinking about going out for a drink to celebrate the day and at the end of the tour," Changbin sits down next to me and puts his arm on the back of the sofa. "Are you coming with me?" "Oh yes, of course. I just have to put my things away." "Relax. We'll drive to our apartment first," Hyunjin looks around. "I think we all need a shower first." The others nod in agreement. "Then let's just meet at the bar in 30 minutes? I'll send you the address right away." Felix takes out his cell phone and puts the address in the group. The boys make their way to their apartment and I start cleaning up my make-up station. After I'm done, I say goodbye to the other stylists and get on with it on the way to the bar.

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