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My head is pounding. Never again alcohol! The blanket is so nice and warm. Maybe I can close my eyes for five more minutes and go back to sleep? But since when does mine smell? ceiling so different? The smell is somehow familiar to me. I pull the covers even further over my head and bury my face in the pillow. Also that doesn't smell like me. I jump up. In whose bed am I lying? The sudden touching down almost makes my head explode. "Ah damn!" I curse with my hand on my forehead. The merry-go-round in my head slowly stops turning and I look around the room. Definitely not my room. There are clothes on the chair next to the bed. I quickly lift the blanket and exhale in relief because it's not mine. the carry I fortunately still. But who do they belong to then? The room doesn't offer many clues that could help me answer my question. On the desk are pictures of people I don't know and a dog I've never seen. The only ones I know of occur are the pictures with the members of the band. That can only mean that I'm in their apartment with them. But in whose room? I'm trying hard to remember last night. Changbin wanted to carry me home. Is this his room? And if so, where is he? Why do I panic so much just thinking about it to have slept in his room and maybe not alone. I slowly get up and walk to the door. I pause for a moment and then open it. Beyond is a long hallway with a staircase at the end. More doors lead off the hallway. Probably the boys' rooms. No one is in sight, but I hear muffled voices downstairs. I go back into the room and check my appearance in the mirror. My makeup is only slightly smudged and my hair doesn't look too messy. I run my hand through it briefly and then enter the hallway. In addition to the voices, I also hear laughter. Definitely Felix's. The boys seem to be doing well after the evening. I slowly go down step by step and at the end of the stairs I discover a large room, the living room, which is completely empty. only one few blankets are crumpled up on the sofa. Apparently someone slept on it last night. Maybe the boys are in the kitchen. I look for the space from which the voices come and quickly find it. All eyes are on me as I enter the kitchen.

Except for Han, everyone looks pretty fresh. Nobody looks like they have a hangover. Or they can dub it all just fine. Only Han is half hanging on the table, pretty exhausted, clutching a glass of water with an aspirin bubbling in it. He complains loudly about his headache. "Good morning," Felix smiles at me. "How did you sleep?" "Very well. Thanks," I look around, embarrassed. "Erm... whose bed did I sleep in?" "Chan's." Minho answers me briefly and succinctly and then sips his coffee cup again. "Do you want one too?" Chan gets up and goes to the coffee machine. "Or would you prefer an aspirin like Han?" Everyone has to laugh. All except Han, who covers his ears. "Don't be so loud!" "Just don't drink so much next time!" Jeongin nudges him. "Ahhhh..." Han cringes. "Don't touch!" "Wouldn't he rather go back to bed?" I'm a little worried about him. He really doesn't seem to be doing well. "He doesn't want to." Seungmin shrugs. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Really." Han tries to sit up straight and can't even open his eyes properly. Chan hands me a coffee cup and I happily take a sip. Just right. "If I slept in your room, then where did you sleep....?" "On the couch." I look at him apologetically. "No problem." I'm trying to remember the moment we got here at the apartment and what happened to "I'll take you home". Apparently you can see from my face that I have no more memory. Felix gives me a helping hand. "Actually, we wanted to take you home. But nobody knew where you lived. And you weren't available. We thought you could stay with us." "You didn't even wake up when we got here. Chan then carried you into his room. You didn't want him anymore let go when you were upstairs." Minho doesn't even look up from his phone when he says this. I blush and bury my face in my hands, embarrassed. "Oh God. I'm so sorry!" I bow apologetically to Chan. I can't even look at him without blushing. How embarrassing! "Like I said, no problem. I have the only single room. So it's only logical that you sleep there." "Sure, because of that." Minho can't seem to resist a comment. In response, he gets a death stare from Chan. But he doesn't see it because he's still looking at his cell phone.
"I definitely need breakfast. And a coffee, please" I said.

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