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It's way too early. My alarm clock is still going off. Somewhere across the room. Some annoying Pitbull song is playing. I chose the ringtone years ago so that I could get up right away and turn off the terrible song. So I never got a chance to fall asleep again. But now, years later, I've gotten so used to the song that I'm half asleep humming it along. Damn Pitbull, why do you make such catchy songs! As I absent-mindedly continue to sing the song to myself, I shower, brush my teeth (and chant incomprehensibly mumbled song parts) and make myself a quick breakfast. When I look at my phone again, it's only 6 o'clock. Definitely too early for my taste. Today is the last day before the concert and therefore also the day of the last rehearsals. That means not only dance and singing rehearsals for the band, but also clothes and make-up rehearsals for me. I grab my bag, lock the door behind me and walk to the bus stop. As the city rolls past me and the bus, I put my headphones in and open Spotify. Not sure what to listen to, I actually turn on a Stray Kids song. "Miroh" definitely makes me more awake. After a half hour drive across the city I'm halfway awake at the concert hall. I send a huge thank you to the person who got coffee for everyone by then. Exactly what I need. "Didn't get much sleep, huh?" Minho stands behind me, also holding a coffee mug. "You are the reason for this!", I take a sip of my coffee and then smile at him. "Isn't that your job?" In typical Minho fashion, he keeps his face straight. I never know if he really means it or if he's just teasing me. I just sigh and go in search of Felix and Chan. After all, I have to take care of her make-up. I find Felix in the cloakroom, already changed. "How can you guys be so motivated?" I yawn. "Thanks to this miracle cure," he holds up his coffee mug. It's almost empty. "You're all crazy." Once again I sip my coffee and hope that it will soon have an effect on me too. "Where's Chan?" "He's still changing. Maybe he fell asleep in the cloakroom. You never know." Felix starts laughing.
"Ok. Then I have enough time to take care of your make-up." We both go to my make-up station and I set about doing the first make-up look for the concert. Luckily it's the only expensive one. "Wow Felix, that really suits you!" I'm just putting away my used brushes and getting new ones ready when I look up and see Chan standing behind me in the mirror. My eyes pop out, I turn to face him with my mouth hanging open. "Sumi was probably right about your wardrobe." Chan is in front of me. In a bodice, the left half of which is only half as long as the right. And offers a clear view of his bare stomach. And his muscles. I find myself staring at him and quickly look back at my workspace. My head feels like it's about to explode with embarrassment. Laughter breaks out behind me. "Don't worry about it. Chan doesn't really like clothes". Jeongin stands next to me and gives me an encouraging smile. "Is that so?" I look up again, trying not to stare at Chan. "And how is he running around at your house?" Actually, that was a purely hypothetical question on my part. But I still get an answer "Like Adam and Eve." Minho shouts this across the room for everyone to hear. "Hey!" Chan glares at him. "I've seen everything. Really everything!" Minho just can't keep his mouth shut. All eyes are on me now and I must look like a ripe tomato by now. "Guys. That's not cool." Chan, looking a bit uncomfortable too, takes a few steps toward me. Don't stare at his stomach Sarah. Look him in the face! My thoughts race. "Let's just ignore the fact that Minho doesn't know what privacy is," he looks angrily over his shoulder again. "I still have something for you. Or rather we. Because it's your penultimate day." He hands me an envelope, which I accept with slightly trembling hands. I tear open the envelope and read the letter. "Are you... are you serious?" I look around in disbelief.

Dear Miss Hayes,
We hereby offer you a contract extension.
Should you decide to continue working as a stylist for Stray Kids and JYP, please come to the company office to sign the new contract.

i.A. The office of JYP Entertainment

"Nahhh, You're kidding me!" I still don't know what to say about that. "Only if you want to continue working for us." Felix, who has now also positioned himself next to me, is waiting impatiently for an answer. "That would mainly affect press appointments, appearances and stuff like that. You would be our stylist for everything." Chan is also waiting for me to say something. But I say nothing. I don't know what either. I'm way too overwhelmed for that. I hug Chan with joy. He immediately hugs me back and you can tell he's relieved. After all, this is equivalent to a promise. Shortly afterwards I realize that he is still "half-naked!" , and I let him go. I immediately feel the heat on my cheeks. Before I can say thank you, Chan and I lock arms and hug each other again. All members are with us now and there is a huge group hug. I'm incredibly happy to be able to continue working for this chaotic group. They all grew on me so quickly. Precisely because they are so authentic and don't cultivate the perfect idol image.

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