"First cockpit has agreed."

"Spiritual co-link in preparation—"

"Three, two, one..."

At the moment the countdown cleared, Lin Han suddenly felt himself wrapped in a strong yet gentle power.

At this moment, he could feel He YunTing's spiritual power. Toughness was his shell to resist the Zerg, while gentleness was the most primitive truth in his heart.

An eternally sincere heart no matter what.

Knowing that he couldn't pilot, Lin Han began to concentrate, and in this burst of power that enveloped him, followed the mental co-link system, trying hard to transmit his own power to the other side as well, carrying all the beliefs he had put in—

The next moment, instead of operating the mecha, he saw M2742 regain its footing with a power that carried a devastating force.

The scarlet sandworm briefly lost its power to fight, while the sandworm with the dark green tentacles was still trying to drag the mecha's leg. Lin Han clearly felt the mecha's outward spiritual power become more pure, and the sandworm hissed. It saw the huge mecha turn around swiftly, and threw away the sandworm that had been firmly dragging the mecha's leg with a single blow!

After the psychic link, either's mental fluctuations would also infect their companion.

After He YunTing received his spiritual power, Lin Han only felt his blood boiling along with He YunTing. He could almost feel his tense nerves, red eyes, and the surging blood that had never wavered...

The most intuitive thing was that the mecha belonging to He YunTing had suddenly boosted in performance. After shaking off the green sandworm with vertical tentacles, he ran straight towards the scarlet sandworm that had just had two of its limbs blown off, and the speed at which it built up power at its forehead doubled. It soon burst into a blinding white light — the vortex magnetic rail gun blasted decisively into its brain, and before the giant creature could hiss, its most precious brain had already been blown to bits.

The Zerg's limbs splattered and scraped across the mecha with an eerie noise.

Even though Lin Han could only see his back, he was filled with unprecedented confidence at the moment. He watched the screen with unblinking eyes, and suddenly a violent wave of vertigo came up—

But He YunTing didn't seem to be affected, so Lin Han gritted his teeth and channeled another bit of his mental energy.

There were two more Zerg corpses on the ground, and Lin Han realized with a jolt that in addition to the ghostly green one, the last two sandworms were also waving their limbs and coming at them—

Two seconds later, they let out a sharp scream and joined forces with the green sandworm, and all three of them came at M2742!

Instead of attacking them directly, two of the sandworms used all of their limbs to trap the mecha's leg, while the green sandworm's tentacles rose high and came straight at the mecha's front.

The two inside the mecha felt a dizzying sensation at the same time — the two sandworms used all their strength to lift M2742 high into the air, while the frontal sandworm began to probe with its mouthpiece and peck at the front of the mecha that had just fired the vortex magneto cannon. They wanted to continue the plan they hadn't completed earlier and wanted to drop them to death.

"That green bug is the leader!" Lin Han said loudly into the communicator, holding back the weakness of the incessant loss of spiritual power. And just as Lin Han said these words, the entire mecha was actually lifted up by the monsters and began to lift it overhead!

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