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Monarch's Lair:

Gabriel was in a pod, which allowed him to transfer the kwamis power to his pod. This way he could heal the Cataclysm effect. Sadly, it failed. Natalie was controlling the computer which allowed to transfer the powers. "Didn't anyone tell you it was dangerous to take away other's powers without their consent?", said Roarr. All the kwamis were exhausted.

"I told you no power will help fix a Chat Noir cataclysm effect", said Kaalki. Natalie took them out of their cages and gave them food.

Fencing Class:

"Fencing is over finally", said Kagami to Adrien, as Marinnette came in her scooter.

"Adrien, no more four minutes and thirty seven second dates. We should tell you father about us", said Marinnette.

"I am not sure he will accept", said Adrien.

"Your father is so cool, like he is allowing you to eat food in the cafeteria and he's making you pancakes every morning", said Marinnette delightfully.

Kagami's and Adrien's cars pulled up. "You guys have given me the courage to stand up to my mother", said Kagami as she got in the car.

Agreste Mansion:

Marinnette and Adrien got into the car and went to the Agreste mansion. "Adrien, how was fencing practice?" asked Gabriel.

"It was good father," said Adrien, as his dad gave him a hug. "We came to talk to you about us".

"Well, me and Marinnette will be more comfortable, if we talked alone. You may go to your room", said Gabriel.

Adrien went to his room. "So I hear you want to be a designer and date my son", said Gabriel. "My son is an amazing person, you are a baker's daughter. My son is up near the stars, while you are looking at him from below. Either you give up Adrien or your childhood dreams and have this pancake".

"I lost my appetite", said Marinnette as she left the kitchen. Once she made it to the doorway, she stopped. "I don't need to taste your pancakes to know how they taste. Too much flour and less butter. Too much cruelty and less sweetness, just like you", said Marinnette, leaving Gabriel in shock. She ran up the staircase to Adrien's room. "Adrien, I will always be there for you", she said, as she gave him a hug. She left the Agreste mansion.


Bourgeois Hotel:

Audrey Bourgeois was sitting in her room. She was wearing five alliance rings. She needed them because of her immense anger and they also had a relaxation program. She was upset because Zoe was being friends with low class people no matter how much Audrey told her not to.

Monarch's Lair:

"Kaalki, your power is now mine ", said Monarch, as he pressed the horse ring to Kaalki's cage. "My akuma evelize this soul, voyage!"! said Monarch, as the akuma flew into her hat. "Ultra Queen, I am going to transfer you some powers. Orikko, Daizzi, Mullo, Ziggy, your powers are now mine", he said as he pressed the rooster, pig, mouse, and goat rings to their respective cages. "Transfer", he said, as he pressed the horse, rooster, pig, mouse, and goat rings. Those symbols appeared in five of the alliance rings on Ultra Queen's hands.

Outside in Paris:

Marinnette was worried about how she stood up to Mr. Agreste, but she saw Ultra Queen. "Genesis", said Ultra Queen, as she drew twelve cars, by drawing a ginormous box. "Multitude", she said, as she split into twelve. "Sublimation, power to trace people by the objects they leave behind, voyage!" They all said as they went into different portals, ending on other sides of Paris.

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