Cold Shadow: Prologue

Start from the beginning

Fatima: *splashes* Happy to have momma!

IA: I know sweetheart. Mommy is happy to have you too.

Suddenly, Faya jumps onto IA's back.

Faya: Me love you mor- *accidentally falls into the tub next*.

Everyone laughs as Faya resurfaces.


Felix: Do you think I'll have a destiny of my own someday?

Francis: *shrugs with a smile* Its in our blood. Might not be as grandiose as mine was.

Felix: I hope mine is. I'd love to slay an enemy as big as Deadrus!

Francis: Hopefully not anytime soon. This is an era of peace. I'd love for it to last long enough for all of you to achieve whatever life calls upon you and your siblings.

Felix: That's why I started learning to use Dawnstar early. Just to take precautions.

Francis: You'll become a great king someday Felix. And through you, the legacy of our family shall continue into the future.

The two of them soon enter the six bedded room where IA was tucking in the two youngest cubs.

IA: You're back. How was training?

Felix: Getting stronger everyday. And... feeling a bit sore *chuckles from embarrassment*.

IA: Well, one thing's for certain. *sniffs, then covers her nose* You need an immediate bath young man.

Felix: I don't smell that bad... *sniffs himself* Ok, never mind.

Felix heads to the bathroom just as soon as IA gives Francis a quick smooch.

Francis: Rough day my love?

IA: Certainly beats having to fight against monsters. Honestly, I kind of miss that thrill from being immortal.

Francis: I don't. Passiveness has always been my preference. Not to mention I haven't fought as long as you.

Fatima: Papa. Tell story.

Francis: Alright, once upon a time-

Faya: No, not a fake story. Real story.

Francis: I'm not good at telling a real story.

Florence: Come on father, don't lie. You've got plenty of real life tales to tell us.

Faron: Yeah, tell us about the greatest war Veccoran had ever seen!

Francis: Children, you already know that story.

Felix: *steps out of the bathroom* I definitely do.

Faith: So? We wanna hear it again.

All six cubs begged and pleaded simultaneously.

IA: Adorable little things aren't they?

Francis: Alright alright, settle down children...

All six cubs got quiet.

Francis: I'll tell you a story, but it won't be about me.

All six cubs frowned.

Francis: Trust me children, you're gonna love hearing this. Its about your grandfather and great grandfather.

Felix: Nice.

Faith: Ooh, sounds interesting. We don't really know too much about them so this is a perfect learning opportunity.

Faron: Why do we have to hear about some people we don't even know about?

Florence: Yeah, I highly doubt their adventures were as grand as yours.

IA: *Crosses her arms* Faron, Florence, need I remind you that I lived in their time? And I can assure you, their journeys were just as grand if not bigger than your father's. *Turns to Francis* No offense darling.

Francis: None taken.

Faya: Enough talking, tell story!

Fatima: Yeah, story time, story time!

Francis: Ok... since it seems we're all in agreement. Allow me to tell you the tale of your grandfathers, well, more specifically, your great grandfather and the person whom he called his brother...

Many years ago...

Before the greatest war of Veccoran...

Before the last Dawnbreaker reclaimed his kingdom...

Before the kingdoms were divided...

There were two golden brothers who protected Veccoran from many nefarious dangers:

Frandos Dawnbreaker, King of Goldenza and Veccoran's mightiest hero.

And Dante Aranka, faithful gold knight and Eloi of his clan.

Together, they were an incredible force unequal by any other in the realm. Their brotherly bond was so strong it seemed impossible to break. But as with many seemingly unstoppable forces, the passage of time unveils that even the greatest are not immune to its effects. For it was during this conflict, the chains that bound the golden brothers together was ultimately tested...



Cold Shadow


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