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Aspen and I are now making our way into the casino

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Aspen and I are now making our way into the casino. The lights are dimmed and there are people at every table dressed in the most elegant outfits.

There are waiters running around serving people champagne and finger foods.

"I'm excited to gamble, do you know how?" Aspen asks me enthusiastically.

"Yes, I know how. I haven't in a while though so I'm a little rusty."

"Can you teach me?"




"Please?" I look at Aspen who now has her hands clasped in a pleading look and her lip pouted with the most adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only this one time."

Aspen squeals excitedly and grabs my hand dragging me over to the table.

"Okay. This is called blackjack." I say as Aspen looks around at the table. "Do you want to play this first?"

"Yes. We're already here so I might as well stay."

"The objective of the game is to beat the dealer. You beat the dealer by drawing a hand value that is higher than the dealers hand value. If the dealer draws a hand value over 21 you win. If you draw a hand value of 21 on your first two cards when the dealer does not then you win. Do you understand so far?" I explain to Aspen.

"Yeah...I think so. When I play can you help me out?"

"Of course I'll help you out baby. There's a little more I have to explain though." Aspen nods her head looking at me intently. "You lose by drawing a hand value that is over 21 and if the dealer has a higher value than you at the end of the game."

"It sounds...simple. I'll learn more as I play."

"Yes, you will. Are you ready?" I ask her.

"Yes, I'm ready. Just a little nervous."

"You'll do great." I say smiling at her warmly.

We continue to watch the next game. The dealer ended up winning that time. I explained to Aspen everything that the person did wrong so she could learn better.

As she was going to sit down this woman came and took her seat. I was going to say something but Aspen had already beat me to it.

"Excuse you miss. Number one you just bumped into me and number two it's not your turn. I've been waiting here." The lady turns around looking Aspen up and down. "Who are you?" She asks with a disgusting look on her face.

"Fix your face cause you know damn well you like what you see. My name is Aspen Sorrentino. I work for Nailea Laurent. Who the fuck are you?"

"The name is Sloane Anderson. I own multiple businesses all over the world." She says cockily while flipping her hair over her shoulders.

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