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1 month later

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1 month later

I've been employed with Nailea for a month now. Over the past month, we've gotten close, but we've never gone any further. I have to honor the fact that she is married after all. Until she opens the door for me, which she hasn't done, I'm not a home wrecker. She will if and when she's ready.

I'm having lunch in her office right now. Our lunch dates together have turned into a regular occurrence. Each of us selects a new restaurant to try, and then we go together to grab the food. We discuss anything and everything. I know more about her than I did previously. Her birthday is February 14th, which is coincidentally Valentine's Day, she loves Chick-fil-A, all the Scream movies, and she broke her arm when she jumped off the monkey bars in the fourth grade. Her favorite colors are brown, black, and pink.

She's opened up to me a lot more. She still has that bitchy persona but it's fading around me and I love it.

We were laughing about a story I was telling her, when she suddenly sets her food down and says that she has something to ask me. I set my food down also and put all my attention on her.

"Every year, for one weekend, a large number of companies from all over the world come together. We spend the entire weekend having parties while staying in the same location. Not social gatherings, but professional gatherings. Therefore, you consider it a business trip. It is a time for us to form new alliances and relationships." She looks at me and says.

"When is it happening this year?" I ask her.

"It's happening in 2 days. It will be in Las Vegas. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on this trip. Many other CEO's invite their interns so they can learn the basics about the business world and also make their own connections."

I stand up shocked and say "of course I would like to go! What should I wear? How should I act? Will I have time to gamble? How many people will be there-" I was about to finish my sentence when she cut me off and said, "woahhh slow your roll blondie. Too many questions at once."

I calm down my excitement and ask a few questions. "What should I wear?

She looks me up and down before saying, "pack what you would usually wear to work and fancy outfits. There will be time for you to explore during the day but the parties begin later on in the evening."

"Is there anything I have to pay for? I mean you let me know last minute." I say rolling my eyes.

"Watch the attitude. You should be grateful I even invited you. You don't have to pay for anything. I have it all covered."

"Ouuuu sugar mommy." I say giggling

She laughs at me shaking her head. "You can leave work early today so you can have time to pack. My driver is outside waiting. He will take you wherever you need to go. When you're done just have him drop you off home."

"Thank you so much. You're so sweet!"

"Yeah whatever get out and go prepare yourself. I have work to do."

I gather my belongings and make my way out of her office.

"Bye Nai. See you soon." I say waving.

"See you soon blondie." She says winking at me.

I love that nickname. She's the only one who calls me blondie. It makes my heart flutter.

I make my way out of the building when I see her driver. I make my way over to the 2023 Cadillac Escalade. It's all black down to the rims.

"Hi, Mr. Charles!" I greet him.

"Hi, Aspen. How are you?" He says opening the door for me.

I get in the car and set my belongings down. "I'm doing good, and you?"

"I'm doing alright. Where are you headed to today?"

"I have to visit Target, the wax and lash center, the hair salon, and the nail salon."

"Sounds like a lot you have to get finished today."

"I know. Nailea and I have a business trip to attend in Las Vegas this weekend. She only told me about 5 minutes ago, so I have to get myself ready."

"That sounds like it'll be fun."

"I sure hope so!" I reply smiling at him. After that we listen to music drifting off into comfortable silence.

After about 20 minutes, I reached my destination. I prepared a list of the things I had to buy. I head straight toward the skin care section first. I get extra EOS lotion, sunscreen, baby oil, cleanser for my face, lotion for my face, and Aquaphor. I go to the food after making sure everything in that part is checked off. I got me some Takis, Nerd clusters, and double-stuffed Oreos. As I approach the checkout counter, my attention wanders. I see the Stanley Flamingo cup that I have wanted since it was released. I pick it up right away, shrieking with excitement. It's just too adorable. I decided to walk through a few more aisles when I stumble upon the workout clothes. For the trip, I pick up three two-piece training clothes. They are blue, yellow, and pink neons. After deciding I've had enough, I eventually walk over to the registers. Someone cuts in front of me and takes my place as I'm getting into the line of people.

"Excuse me!" I say to the woman. She doesn't answer me so I say it louder this time. "Excuse me ma'am!"

She turns around slowly looking at me. "Yes?"

"You cut in front of me. I was going to get in line and you ran in front of me. That was rude."


"What the fuck you mean "and?" Like I said it was rude." This bitch is pissing me off.

"Listen here Alix Earle 2.0. I don't care what was rude, now leave me alone." She says turning back around.

"Okay you Walmart Megan Fox looking bitch, I'm not even gonna go back and forth with you."

"Then don't."

I take a deep breath before heading over to the line next to me. I quickly check out my items and put them in bags. That bitch just pissed me off for the day.

I hear "bye Alix Earle" just as I was about to leave the store. When I turn around, the woman who cut in front of me is smirking. I give her the middle finger before making my way towards the car.

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