Christmas Truce

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A little story inspired by the song Christmas Truce by Sabaton

The Decepticons couldn't believe Megatron came up with this plan. No trickery or betrayal will be involved. Even for a day, this didn't seem like their leader. Megatron knows his plan has a major roadblock; the Autobots won't believe him. Unless their human friend, who he has learned can tell when anyone is lying, is with the Autobots, his plan can't commence.

The Autobots have gotten used to their human friend, William Lennox, planning holiday parties over the past two years. While only for four of the Earth holidays. Like humans, many Autobots look forward to Christmas and the Christmas party. While the Decepticons have been quiet, everyone knows the cons could attack any moment.
"You've got to be kidding me. Why now?!" A soldier complains as everyone rushes to get their weapons.
"Shit, the base is under attack!" Lennox yells.

While outside, the Decepticons stand unarmed. Megatron hopes Optimus will let him talk.
The large doors of the hangar open. Autobots and soldiers stand ready for battle.
"Hold your fire!" Optimus yells.
"Sir?" Ironhide asks.
The leader questions why the Decepticons are here unarmed while everyone else has yet to notice until now.
"Why are you near, Megatron?" Optimus asks.
"Where's Jamie? I assure you I'm not looking to harm or kidnap her. I know her ability to tell if the truth is being spoken."
The blue and silver Autobot knows Megatron wouldn't dare kidnap while surrounded.
A female smaller than the soldiers approaches. Her blue eyes showed distrust towards the silver Deception leader.
She places a hand on the ground by Megatron's foot.
"What do you want, Megatron?" Jamie asks.
"A truce on the day humans call Christmas. To celebrate together."
"He's not lying," Jamie assures the Autobot leader.
"No fucking way does he want a truce!" The green trench coat-wearing Autobot, Crosshairs, argues, "even for a day!"
"You know how her power works, Crosshairs," Optimus reminds him.
"We've been fighting this war together for eleven years. I know the war has been going on for centuries. Why would I lie about Megatron wanting a truce for a day?"
Jamie could see it was not just Crosshairs who was uncertain about what Megatron was saying. Optimus is silent, thinking about what Megatron has said.
"Very well, we accept the truce," Optimus finally says.
The leader's decision is met with many complaints from Autobots and humans. Many are not surprised that Optimus' speech has inspired them. Even though they know it's just one day of not battling while the Decepticons are here. Questioning if Megatron will attack tomorrow or wait as he often does?
The decision is to go to a field outside of the city. It takes thirty minutes to get everything they'll need.

The Cybertronians gather with the humans in the large field covered in snow. A metal structure large enough for Cybertronians and humans to take shelter and converse is quickly placed, thanks to Cybertronian technology.
Energon cubes are stacked for the Cybertronians, and a buffet of food for the humans is placed in the structure along with several tables for the humans and large metal cubes for the Cybertronians to sit but not separate from each other. Both leaders know this might cause the Autobots and Decepticons to argue. Hoping they'll all remain civil for the duration of the truce.

Not only did everyone not argue, but both species went back and forth, talking about life on Earth and what life was like on Cybertron before the war started. This continued for an hour before suddenly the conversation shifted to remembering those who died in the centuries of the great Cybertronian war that still rages, and the soldiers remember the soldiers who were killed in wars on Earth. Everyone is tearing up as they remember fallen friends and comrades.
The silence in the structure is broken by Lennox telling everyone to come outside by the large fire. The Cybertronians had to carry out their large cube seats outside while logs were placed around the fire for the soldiers.

It's dark out when everyone gets outside. The cubes are placed behind the logs. Soldiers don't argue about Decepticons sitting behind them. While this is a gathering in winter, the soldiers are allowed to roast marshmallows, which the Decepticons don't get why a human would enjoy.
Only the sounds of the crackling fire is heard until a soldier suggests singing Christmas carols. A few Autobots are interested, while the Decepticons have no clue what the human is talking about. They quickly discover what the soldier meant and hear Megatron joining in the singing.
Snow begins to fall, but the singing continues for twenty minutes. When they stop, the snow has turned into a snowstorm. Rather than going back inside, it's decided the gathering is over. The Autobot medic, Ratchet, opens a groundbridge portal for the humans. Lennox stays behind to help the Autobots clean up. Megatron watches his Deceptions leave.
"At least they went along with the plan for this long," Optimus points out, "you can leave. While this truce will be over by the afternoon tomorrow, I thank you."
After a friendly handshake, Megatron transforms and flies off into the storm.

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