B | Ironhide X Optimus Prime: It's My Life, Not Yours

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Request by; @Emo_girl3365

Ironhide's family is disgusted with his love life choices and argues he's selfish for having twins and not giving one to his infertile sister. A scary situation causes Ironhide to begin a long labor before the twins are born, and good news afterward lets Ironhide relax.

"What is wrong with you?!" Ironhide's sire yells, "you're supposed to be with Chromia!"
"I don't love her!" Ironhide argues.
Ironhide couldn't believe his sire slapped his face plate.
"She is to be your sparkmate!" Ironhide's carrier yells.
"I don't love her! I'm gay!"
"You are a disgrace to —!" Ironhide's sure begins.
"You two are the disgrace. Unable to accept who your son is and arranging who you think he should be with," Optimus argues. Ironhide's parents leave, livid, "don't worry about them. You know who you are and who you love."
Optimus hugs and kisses Ironhide.

Two weeks pass, and the two find out Ironhide is sparked. Both are not pleased that not only did Ironhide's family find out, but they also got word that Ironhide is carrying twins.
"Your sister is infertile," Ironhide's creator reminds him, "you will give one of the sparklings to your sister."
"No," Ironhide tells him.
"That wasn't a question!" Ironhide's sire snaps, "that was an order. You will give one of the sparklings to her! We will make you if we have to! You are being a selfish glitch!"
Optimus hates he yet again has to argue with Ironhide's family and tell them to leave, or he will have Prowl arrest them for threatening to kidnap.

Ironhide struggled mentally throughout his carrying. He was depressed, worried his sure was serious about kidnapping one of the sparklings and the effects of the carrying hitting him extra hard. Ironhide is exhausted but happy to be having twins.

Ironhide is two weeks overdue. He can't sleep, so while it's one in the morning, he decides to walk around the base for a while. Hoping to go into labor, but he doesn't know how possible that is.
The hallway is quiet other than Ironhide's peds. He thought he was alone until someone approaches from behind and gags him before two other bots tie up his arms and legs.
Ironhide sees his family are the ones who attacked.
"The brats are two weeks late," Ironhide's sire comments, "we're getting them out now!"
They make a cut, smiling at Ironhide's muffled scream.
"Weakling," his sire comments.
"Hold it tight there!" The four hear Prowl, "drop the scalpel and out your servos where I can see them!"
The three see the two security officers, Optimus, the terror twins, and the medics.
Ironhide feels pain, but he's certain the pain from the cut has passed. Also, this is not as painful. Ratchet confirms Ironhide is in labor. He's taken to the medbay to deal with the cut.

Ironhide and Optimus decide to stay in the medbay. Aware it could be until this time tomorrow when they're holding the twins.

"Forty hours? You don't consider this an issue?" Optimus asks.
"Only if the sparkling is not tolerating labor. Forty hours is a lot, but I'm not doing a c-section. This is rare but not a complication. He's making progress, and I don't need to be concerned. Just hope it's not a sign of how difficult the sparklings will be."

To Optimus' surprise, Ironhide doesn't want a c-section.
"... I just wish these two would be ready to come now! Frag!"
Optimus is glad intense labor has been the past twenty hours, but that doesn't mean Ironhide got much rest during the first twenty hours of labor.
Optimus does his best to comfort Ironhide.

Finally, it's time, but Ironhide is exhausted.
"Come on, you can do it, my love,* Optimus encourages.
It's a hard hour before the first sparkling is born. Ratchet isn't sure if he should decide whether Ironhide needs a c-section, but Ironhide argues he's fine. The delivery is still hard, even if the twin takes thirty minutes. The happy parents hold a sparkling, smiling at each other.

"Your family has been arrested," Prowl tells the two.
"They're not my family anymore. This is my family."
Prowl congratulates the happy parents and leaves the medbay. Ironhide can relax, knowing his sparklings will be safe. Ratchet takes them to ensure they're healthy and both the exhausted parents recharge.

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