I enter the cool aired hospital and flashbacks run around in my brain as I reach the hallway in which me and Jenna used to eat Tim Hortons and everyday wish that my mom would get better. I pass by the room that my mom died in, and I stop dead in my tracks as I see another lady there, her back to me. Before I know it, I've knocked on the door and someone has said'come in' and I've entered.

The woman turns around and I almost scream. It's mom! It's really mom! She's alive, her face is tired, her eyes are tired, but despite her appearance and her white hospital gown, she's alive! I run towards her with open arms as she smiles at me, saying "My baby boy." She opens her arms and I start going toward her arms but another man whooshes past me and hugs the woman.

Suddenly I realize that it's not her. Suddenly I realize that isn't my mom, it's a look alike. Suddenly I realize, my moms dead.

And she'll never come back.

This thought enough is to keep me sobbing as I collapse into the blue chairs in the hallway, and no one notices. The man is still hugging his mom and a bunch of other kids push past me and run into the room, slamming the door. Cheers of happiness pour through and everything is so joyful for that family, for the mom and her kids.

I can't believe that my mom is dead, she'll never return, she'll stay dead. She'll never hug me or kiss me or play video games with me, she will never ever be there and feed me cookies, and scold me, and help me, and teach me how to garden.

She's gone and I can't believe it. Just then I see Liana looking gorgeous as ever. Her eyes find mine and she almost trips, running toward me with open arms. Her head is bandaged, but she's still strong.

I instantly wrap my arms back around her and feel her warmth that I've missed so much. "Liana, I've missed you."

"Me too. Please take me away." She whispers.

"You're discharged?" I ask. I don't know what I'm doing but all I know is that Liana needs me right now.

"Yes, but my brothers will be back anytime. We have to hurry, Alex." She warns. And then I take her hand and lead her away from the hospital, as we rush down the elevator and into the parking lot, into my car, and we zoom off.

"Liana are you sure.. You should be doing this? You know you have some memory loss and all-" I start.

"I'm positive. And what I've lost, I remember now." I almost choke on my saliva once she says this. Wait so if she remembers that I left her, why is she running back to me and hugging me?

"Liana, are you mad at me?" Or are you just using me right now?

"No, I'm not , I've thought about it. I think.." She stops to choose the right words. "I think you've changed a lot. And I think you've changed as in a good change. Maybe another chance. Since , you do know that.." We skid into the parking lot, and I park the car.

"I do know what?" I ask her, pleading her to continue as her sweet breath comes out of her pink lips. Her big green eyes shine in delight.

"That I wanna start over with you." And then before I know it, her lips are on mine. They're moving softly and gently, and I'm not sure if I should kiss back.

But she's what I need right now. I needed a hug at the hospital and she came running. Maybe it's fate that brought us two back together. She didn't leave me, she never cheated on me. She gave me another chance. Maybe she is the one.

I hug her a bit and quickly pull away, opening the door. I don't know what stopped me from kissing her but I don't really care, something feels completely wrong about it and I won't do what my heart says that's wrong. Even though I'm most cases my hearts thoughts are shoved back.

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