16. Perfumes

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I was taking the sweets I asked Maharaj ji to specially prepare for Bua to my room when I heard Abhimaan yelling at someone over the call. I wanted to talk to him but decided otherwise as it might be an important call. But to my surprise, he himself walked to me.

"Abhimaan?" I called out surprised but he seemed to be lost in an entirely different world. I called out for him a few times waving my hand in front of his eyes and that seemed to break his trance.

"Um... did you say something?" He asked, his tone filled with embarrassment as his ears turned red and his hand reached the back of his nape scratching it. Cute!

"I  was asking if you need something. You seemed tense," I expressed my genuine concern letting the embarrassing matter pass. I don't know if it was my imagination or was real but I saw a spark in his otherwise unexpressive eyes for a moment before they turned cold again.

"I am fine, just some business-related issues," He answered but I was not convinced with his answer. I let the matter pass not wanting to pray more into the matters he doesn't want to share and offered him a sweet offer. 

"Sweet?" I forwarded the platter to him and he picked a random sweet from the platter looking at me. His eyes have some magnetic power that always pulls me towards him. And the same happened again. But suddenly I remembered him being the fiance of Riya and walked away after muttering a bye to him.

Maybe I should stay away from this man.

  "Drithi?" Bua's voice broke my trance and I kept the platter on the side table and sat with her. We both chatted till dinner time and when Bua asked me to join everyone for dinner I couldn't say no to her and agreed to have dinner with everyone.

I noticed Adi bhayya and Anmol smiling widely once they saw me approaching the dining table. I took a seat beside Adi bhayya and Bua went to sit beside Phupha sa. Abhimaan came and sat on the empty chair beside me while Riya took the seat on the other side of him.

Too much for staying away from him.

As soon as the dinner was served, Phupha sa started talking about his new construction sites and one by one all the men started talking about business. I was least interested in those talks, not because I didn't have knowledge of them but because it was not important to discuss them at the dining table from my point of view. I concentrated on my food until two brainless idiots decided to drag me into the conversation.

"Why is the princess silent today? Doesn't she understand the business world?" That bloody Yuvraj of Kuntal uttered in a mocking tone.

"How can she? I bet she must have worked some part-time jobs in London to meet her basic needs until she dragged her pathetic self back here," Riya added and those two maniacs shared a laugh. They asked for it.

"Riya, watch your tongue," Adi bhai seethed in anger with his eyes boring holes into her body. I noticed her turning pale before she composed herself, clearing her throat. I gave a small smile to Bhai and placed my hand on his before turning my attention to the people who desperately wanted to hear me talk.

"Of course, I understand the business better than you two. I mean I never quoted a tender for 100 crores for the land under government and roaming around the courts, nor did I purchase 10 lots of the same colored cloth to design a dress. Like seriously, did you think you are stitching for a dinosaur?" I asked them both and it shut them up immediately while Shubh and Anmol laughed out loud and Adi bhayya tried to hide his laugh with a tissue.

"And I didn't lose 5 important deals in just 3 months of being CEO neither did I run to the king every time some customers tried to sue me for my awful design of clothes, did I?" I continued and by now Adi bhayya too stopped hiding his laugh. What surprised me was the smile of the man sitting beside me. His smile is something to die for! And he's enjoying me roasting his fiancee?

"Do you want me to continue with my business knowledge?" I raised a brow at which both of them looked away embarrassed. I noticed Aanand uncle showing me a thumbs-up with a smile plastered on his face. I smiled at him and continued having my dinner silently while the others continued with their talks. 

After dinner, Aanand uncle suggested that we should sit out in the fresh air and we all agreed. The workers spread the mattresses and cushions in the garden and we all settled down. 

I was sitting on the end of a mattress along with Manya, Anmol, and Shubh while Adi bhayya was sitting beside me on the other one. Abhimaan was sitting in front of me with Riya on one side and Rohan bhai on the other. 

We were discussing random topics when Divya, my bua's daughter squealed taking everyone's attention. She was looking for something in her mobile and started jumping like a monkey.

"What's wrong with you, Divi?" Anmol asked curious while she handed over her phone to him. He looked at it and his expressions were worth watching. His face morphed into disgust and his expression clearly said 'I am done with this girl'.

"What's that, Anu?" Bua questioned curiously while Anu was in no mood to explain it and threw the phone back at Divi which she caught at the last moment.

"Perfumes mumma! My favorite RD is launching a new range of perfumes! The first 1000 buyers will also get a signed copy of my favorite author's new book. Isn't that great? I want one, please mumma!" She asked Bua giving her best puppy eyes but Bua glared at her saying,

"You already have 15 perfume bottles at home, do you want to buy more? Are you going to drink it or what? I am not buying any new perfume until you complete the current ones," Bua declared and Divi's face fell listening to her. I was about to ensure her that I would get her those but Riya bet me saying,

"Poor Divya, you won't be able to get those perfumes, but I can! I am going to buy them tomorrow. I bet I will be the first one to get those," She chirped making me roll my eyes. Can't this girl be silent for a moment?

"Don't worry, Divi. I will get you those. And Bua, that will be my gift as I returned after a long time. Let me get it for her, please!" I pleaded giving her my best puppy eyes and Bua nodded agreeing. Divi squealed in delight and jumped onto me hugging me.

"Don't promise something you can't get, Drithi! It is nearly impossible to get those and with your reach, you can't even get one of the first 1,00,000 bottles." she declared, confident. I chose to reply with actions and sent a message to Matthew to get me the first package by tomorrow and kept my mobile aside.

As I sat back allowing the tender breezes to hit my face, my hair dancing to the melody of the air, I felt the warmth surrounding me with the intense gaze of the man sitting in front of me. His eyes bore into my soul providing me warmth and comfort. I never knew being gazed at by someone makes you feel so beautiful. My mind is warning me to stay away from him but my stupid heart is asking me to live in the moment and get lost in his eyes. As my heart took over my mind, I sat there looking into those pair of black eyes, resembling the night sky as our eyes conversed the words we never understood. 

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