CHAPTER 21 - A New Kind of Normal

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Since coming home from the hospital, the weeks had been a mix of heaven and hell as they all rebuilt their lives. Emma's pain had been unfathomable on some days, but Wyatt never backed down. He stayed whether she was crying, screaming, wanting to give up, or so angry she couldn't see straight. Her friends were no different. Without a vehicle, they both relied on the three women and Mike a lot. Rides to Emma's doctors and physical therapy sessions, trips to town, prescription refills, and simply getting out of the house were all jobs they happily took on.

Mike and little Wyatt had been coming over in the evenings to catch up with the greatest friend in the world. The rambunctious little one ran around the yard with River, playing endless games made up on the spot while the men spent their time working on her garden. Though Emma was grateful, it irritated her to no end that she couldn't be out there doing the work herself. It had been almost three weeks since her accident, and even though she didn't need to pop pain pills like candy, she wasn't even close to getting back to normal.

"Wyatt. Breakfast," Emma called from the mudroom off the kitchen. He had started running with River each day before dawn, feeding him, and then going through new drills in the backyard. Her boys were beyond cute together, and she loved watching them from the patio.

"I'm not used to you having a normal sleep schedule," Wyatt grinned, coming in and dropping a kiss to her lips.

"Apparently, normal friends like to meet up before ten p.m. Boots off. I just swept the kitchen floor."

"I told you to leave the cleaning to me," he grumbled, kicking off his dirt-covered shoes.

"And I smiled," Emma snarked with another grin that held the same 'that's so cute, but no' connotation.

"What's all this?" Wyatt asked, learning to choose his arguments with this new strong-willed version of his goddess.

"Happy birthday my love," she beamed, lighting the last candle in the thick golden waffle.

"Six candles, huh? It's perfect," he said, blowing them out. "And so are you."

While Emma's body wasn't ready for any serious intimacy, kissing Wyatt had become the next best thing. Wrapping her in his arms and plunging into her hot, sweet mouth had him groaning with satisfaction. He thought it would be hard to hold back, that desire would get to them both, but not with his little bird. If kissing and fondling were all there ever was, it would be enough. Getting to be the touch that had her trembling, clenching, and screaming his name was as close to heaven as he imagined ever getting to be, and while she had begged for more, Wyatt was taking his time. Every touch was treasured.

Releasing her lips, Emma pulled out the candles and reached for the small bowl. "I wasn't sure what cake you liked best, but I know you love waffles with strawberries. Since it's your birthday, I thought I'd share my tradition in a way with lemon curd poured over the top and then some fresh whipped cream."

"Have I told you how much I missed your cooking?"

"Every day," she laughed.

When Wyatt sat down, he noticed breakfast wasn't the only thing on the table.

"Should I open this now or later?" he asked, picking up the white envelope.

"Now," she grinned, sitting next to him.

He had expected a birthday card, something loving or funny, but what he didn't expect was a gift certificate. It was for one week in the Callahan Crew cabin.

"What is this?" he asked. "Or where, rather?"

"You once said we would never be able to travel like normal people, so I thought a cabin on the banks of the Bogachiel River in the middle of nowhere would give us that opportunity. It's supposed to have excellent fishing, and there are numerous hiking trails, and best of all, um, no people. If you don't like it, you can pick somewhere else, or take Mike instead. It doesn't have to be me."

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