CHAPTER 19 - Second Chances

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Wyatt stayed by Emma's side. He didn't care if the EMTs noticed her hand gripping around nothing but air. There was no way he could let her go. She flatlined in the ambulance, and he nearly went ballistic, ripping at his hair as they used the defibrillator. For the next hour, he was in more emotional agony than the last two and a half months combined.

He watched as doctors and nurses swarmed around her, yelling out stats and vitals he didn't understand. He heard pneumothorax, shock, and frenetic beeping from the heart monitor. This was why loved ones were not allowed past the waiting room.

When they took her into surgery, he couldn't stand it and went to see what happened to the cop who seemed to be her friend.

"What happened? Where is she? Is she okay?" The wild set of black curls that came running down the hallway was the very last person Wyatt ever expected to see. Why the hell was the Dockside bartender at the hospital?

"Jessie, thank fuck. Someone ran her off the road," the cop said, and Wyatt watched as her strong façade crumbled, and she started hysterically crying in Jessie's arms. "I heard her screaming. She called me, and I drove as fast as I could, but Jess, she was screaming. Emma was so scared."

Someone ran her off the road? He had thought it was just a car accident. What the hell was going on here?

Jessie started weeping as they held each other. "Do we know anything? Will she be alright?"

"I don't know."

"Is this because of Wyatt?" Jessie hissed angrily, but there was fear in her eyes.

Now, they had his full attention.

"He's here, Jess. I saw... when I arrived, her body was floating in the air. He carried her out of that car. I saw it."

"Are you fucking serious?" Jessie gasped, her eyes going round with surprise even as a smile played at the corner of her lips.

"I kinda thought she made that bit up, but I liked her too much to care, so I went with it, but I know what I saw. A very invisible someone or something got her out of that mangled wreck and laid her on the road."

"Holy shit. I always believed her. I thought you did too?"

"I did, and I didn't. Her love story with a ghost was interesting, and it was one mystery I didn't want to get into. But he is very real."

"Where is he now?" Jessie asked, looking around like Wyatt might suddenly appear.

"I have no idea."

"Do you think she was attacked for looking into his murder?"

"Dammit Emma, I told you to leave that alone," Wyatt grumbled.

"The timing is too coincidental. Taylor lays into her at the bar, she drops the Colacurcio name, and four hours later someone is trying to kill her."

"Taylor? What the fuck?" Wyatt snarled.

"You think he called the mafia to take her out?" Jessie whispered.

"Mafia!" Wyatt choked.

"If he thought his role or theirs was going to come to light in Wyatt's murder, damn straight I think he called them. That slimeball is all about covering his own ass. I told Emma to leave it alone."

"Cam, you can't really fault her. He had her pinned to the wall and was threatening her life. I probably would have used my only leverage as well."

"Little bird, what the hell has been going on here?" Wyatt asked, stunned by the conversation between the two women.

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