CHAPTER 9 - A Sex-mas to Remember

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Wyatt couldn't remember a better holiday, not since he was a boy. Emma had decided to experiment with traditional Christmas foods from around the world, and every single night was something new. There were mince pies, pierogies, pork sorpotel, and something called sopa de galets. Then there were the desserts. If he had a body, it would be twice his normal size.

Emma didn't eat enough to gain too much weight, and despite everything she was doing, her workouts were consistent. Wyatt still thought she could do with a few more pounds, but dickwad Todd had done a number on her. He noticed she was working a lot more lately, too. When she shut herself in the small library, the last thing he wanted to do was distract her, so Wyatt found other ways to occupy himself.

He had been moody about using her money to buy her Christmas gifts, but Emma didn't let that last. She truly did not care about things like that and had a childlike enthusiasm around the idea of getting to open presents. Wyatt hoped his plan would meet her expectations, not that she would be anything less than grateful. She was the complete opposite of Lisa, and just as Wyatt was changing her perceptions, she was changing his.

By Christmas Eve, Emma was so nervous she could hardly sit still. Her gift was a bit of a risk, and she was terrified that it might be received badly. Wyatt was amused and tried to assure her that anything she gave him would be appreciated, but she was to the point of wringing her hands as she searched for things to do.

'Let's make Christmas cookies. I want to try my skill at decorating them.'

"If I bring the hospital any more trays of desserts, they'll be sending their patients home with diabetes," Emma whined.

'We need them for Santa. That way if your gift sucks, he can leave me something good.'

"Oh God, what if you hate it?"

'That was a joke, little bird. Relax. I will love anything that comes from you. It could be a finger painting, and I would cherish it.'

"Doubtful. You've never been subjected to my subpar art skills."

'Come on. I want to bake Christmas cookies with you. Think of it as my first gift.'


By the time she had laid out all the ingredients, two mixing bowls, a whisk, measuring cups, and set up her stand mixer, Emma was getting excited. No one had ever cooked with her before.

"Okay, make your sugar cookies," she smirked, crossing her arms and leaning against the opposite counter.

'Very funny. You're likely to get raw egg and flour balls.'

"You asked to do this, so I'm going to teach you. That bowl is for the butter, sugar, vanilla, and eggs. It attaches to the mixer. And that bowl is for the dry ingredients."

The next few hours Emma completely forgot about her nerves as she walked Wyatt through the steps to make the ideal sugar cookies with homemade frosting. By the time they were done, the kitchen was an explosion of white powder, sprinkles, and food coloring, and Emma stood in a daze, her mouth slightly agape as she stared at Wyatt.

"I see you," she whispered in awe. "Don't move."

She pulled the cell out of her back pocket and turned on the camera, snapping a picture. Flour dusted his face, and she could make out the curve of his full lips, the bridge of his nose, and the height of his cheekbones. The white powder even clung to the dusting of his beard and arched brows. Anyone who knew the man would recognize this as Wyatt.

"Look," she said, holding out her phone.

Wyatt took it from her, and a myriad of emotions rushed through his mind. It was definitely him. He moved closer to Emma and held the cell in front of them, taking a photo together. She was radiant, smiling with dancing eyes, a look he hadn't seen before. That's when he realized what he wanted most for Christmas was her.

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