Just like old times

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   Me and Kyle sat at the table for a while in silence. I feel bad for being a dick. I've not been the best of friends he's making me realize, "Kyle."

  He looks to me not seeming angry anymore, "Yea?"

 "Sorry for a being a dick all these years. And right now."

 He chuckles, "It's ok, I also could've reached out."

 I nod, "Both of faults?" I say with a nervous smile.

He laughs this time, "It's more your fault than mine."

I shrug, "Worth a shot."

"Not really," he smiles.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever."

I look around the kitchen, "Is there stuff to do around here?"

He shakes his head, "No, everything's gone. Or it's beaten to shit."

  I nod not really knowing what to say. It's pretty obvious that wasn't much going on here anymore. I just kinda wanna hang out with Kyle. It feels as though some old feeling are emerging. It's stupid really, only like 2 days here and I'm falling for Kyle all over again. I haven't excepted that I liked Kyle until this point. I look over at him to see him starring. I smiled and proceeded to say the cringiest thing ever, "Enjoying the view?"

  He scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Where'd you come up with that one."

 I laugh, "My head."

 He laughs along with me, "But I was."


   His face is serious, "I was enjoying the view," his voice is almost too serious for me to believe him.

   I laugh but he doesn't, "What-are you being serious."

  He bursts out in laughter, "I was at 1st."

 I can feel my face heating and the urge to throw up is very high. I run to the bathroom and Luke in the toilet. Kyle runs after me, "Holy shit dude! Are you ok?"

  I hold up a thumbs up, "Yep," I choke out.

  "Dude what happened? You just all of a sudden threw up."

 I'm so glad he doesn't remember about me throwing up all the time when I liked Wendy, "I don't know, must've been something I ate."

He makes a grossed out face, "Ok well I might throw up if you don't flush the toilet."

I quickly flush it, wash my hands, and my mouth out. God that was embarrassing.

Mk finished another part. I honestly have no idea how to end this story lol. But ummm u should definitely read my Bendy (Bebe and Wendy) story it's much better than this 1 I promise. I also may or may not have started a Johnnie and Jake story that I haven't published yet.......soo yea lol. Also holy shit this has like 900 views like what- but Ty u guys for reading this far and hopefully this will be over in like 2 chapters AND DEFINITELY CHECK OUT MY BENDY STORY THXXX

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