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Me and Kyle are walking to my house so he can meet Towelie. Right now he's talking about how Bebe asked him out and how he's not sure if he wants too.

"Kyle. Bebe Stevens asked you out, you have to say yes."

"But I'm not sure, Stan, what if she just uses me or something."

"Then it's a learning experience for everyone.

He looks at me with a annoyed look.

"Learning experience?"

"Yea, then you learn to date better people."

"I guess that makes sense."

"It does. Now where would Towelie be.

Kyle smiles.

"Where does he like to get high?"

"The barn. The barn!"

"He would be in the barn?"

I nod. Towelie likes the barn because that's where all the weed is. Well besides the fields. We walk to the barn and we hear arguing. The door is open a bit. Dad and Towelie are arguing about something. We walk in. Kyles eyes widen as he looks at Towelie.

"Your a fucking TOWEL!"

"No your a towel."

Towelie points at Randy. Randy looks very confused and high. Kyle bursts out laughing. Randy and Towelie look over to us.


He's clutching this stomach agin and laughing. I start laughing to. Finally realizing how ridiculous a walking and talking towel is.


Towelie sounds high and his voice sounds deeper when he's high. When he's not high he sounds like a squirrel. We finally calm down and Towelie and Dad are passed out on some hay. Me and Kyle are walking to the kitchen.

"You should stay over."

"I can't it's a school night."


Kyle rolls his eyes.

"It's a school night and I need to help Ike with school homework stuff."

"Awwww but Kylleeee." I whine.


"Ugh whatever you go do your freshman school work."

"I will and I'll be happy about it."

"I bet you will."

I stick my tongue out at him. He laughs. I sit at the island and Mom walks in.

"What are we having for dinner?"

She sighs, "Want a pizza? I don't feel like cooking."

I smile, "Why wouldn't I want pizza."

She smiles a bit. "Well I don't know."

The next day

Me Kyle and Kenny are waiting at the bus stop. Like always we'er completely silent. Suddenly there's a snow crunching noise. I look over and there's Cartman running towards us.

"G-guys!" He gasped.

"What?" Kenny asked.

"The Jew-Kyle is dating Bebe!"

"I'm right here fattass."

Cartman looks surprised and looked around me to see Kyle looking angry.


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