What a year

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Time skip to the end of school last chapter it was like may so it's June now...

    I woke up feeling nothing, even though it was the last day of school. Next year I'm gunna be a senior. I sigh and drag myself out of bed. Doing the routine I've done for the past year. In the car Butters was chatting happily about school being out, "Yea, this summer I'm going to see Bradly!" Butters said happily.

"That's the kid from the gay camp, right?" I ask.

  He nods, "Yea we've kept in touch and this summer I get to visit him," he gushed. He kept smiling, "So what are your plans Stan?"

  I held in a sigh, "I'm just gunna chill at home I guess."

  He nods still smiling. I don't think he was really listening to be honest. At school we walk in together but he stops at the grey doors and I bump into him, "The fuck you doing," I say irritated.

    He looks back with a look that makes me feel stupid, "This is our last day of junior year, and this our last time stepping into the school for the year, " he states like it obvious.

   I roll my eyes and push past him, he can be sentimental but I couldn't care any less. I sit down in English beating Craig for once. A while till the bell rings. Mr.Garrison is out the room right now doing who knows what. I pop my air pods in and listen to music. Kyle walks in after a minute. He's been avoiding me for about a month. Since the car situation. Can't blame him though. It's just sad. O really hope he doesn't avoid me into the summer. That would fucking suck. Should I try to talk to him, "Hey Kyle," I say, regretting it right after.

He looked up. There was a hopefull look in his face, "Hi Stan."

   "I was thinking it would be cool if we hung out after school?"

  Kyles face lite up with a smile, "Yea! That would be cool."

   I smile back his smile is  contagious, "Yea," I say breathlessly even though I'm breathing perfectly fine. 

   I walk out school with Kyle he's twirling around talking about how happy is we'er done with this year, "Summers gunna be so much fun!" He grinned.

   I laugh, "Hopefully," he continues to grin, completely ignoring me. 

"And Stan!" He grabs my shoulders, "We'er gunna be seniors next year!"

"We are," I say.

   Kyle didn't catch on to my bored tone apparently because he kept talking about being seniors, summer plans and blah blah blahhh. We finally reached our respective cars and drove to my house. When we got there there was a bunch of other cars, "The hell," I say as we step into the driveway.

   "Why so many people?" Kyle askes.

  I shrug, "I don't know."

We walk into the house and there's the voice of my dad, and in the living room there's a bunch of random ass people, "Dad what the hell! Who are these people?!"

Randy looked over at us, "oh and there's my son Stan his friend Kyle," he gestures over to us.

"Ok ok, yea but who are these people?"

"Costumers, now go in your room and be quiet, or leave."

"Damn ok," I drag Kyle up the stairs into my room.

Kyle laughs, "What?" I ask.

"It's just the random people, it's funny," his laugh seems to become more forced.

  I laugh awkwardly. Kyle sits down in my chair. We sit there in uncomfortable silence until Kyle breaks the ice, "So can we talk about that day?"

I look up at him, "Huh?" Then the realization hit me, "Oh, I mean sure  yea..."my voice trails off.

Kyle shifts in the chair, "I'm sorry that I keep starting stuff like that."

I shake my head, "No, it's not entirely your fault, it's also mine for letting it happen."

"I guess..." his mood seems to lighten a bit.

I think of this thing I read about these 2 friends that somtimes made out and fucked, they were "friends with benefits". I start to laugh. Kyle looks at me confused, "What? What's so funny?"

I continue to laugh, "I-I just read this thing, about these friends that were "friends with benefits" and," I laugh some more, "They made out and fucked eachother," I fall back on my bed laughing.

  He starts laughing too, "What!"

I nod and continue to laugh hysterically.

  Tbh I hate this chapter I just didn't want to restart. The next one will be better I promise. I just didn't have any ideas or anything. So... sorry this sucks ass lol. 

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