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   I'm walking to my last class right now and I'm confused. There's a lot of guys crying, while  holding notes. I See Kenny leaned up against the wall with his brows curved up in confusion. 

"What's going on?"

Kenny shrugs, "I don't know."

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I see Wendy.

"Hey Wends!"

She holds her hand with a determined yet sad face, "Here Stan."

I grab the note and read it, I break up. I look at her my eyes a bit blurry. 

"I'm sorry Stan," she said softly. She walks of with her head down. Kenny puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok dude."

"But she breaks up."

"I know Stan but there are much prettier girls in the world."

He tries to reason. I just glare at him with tears filling my eyes.

   Kenny sighs and walks down the hall. He never was good at comforting people. I want to leave. So I do. I haven't thought this through I don't have a way home. My face feels hot and I can barely see. I try to blink the tears back but that causes them to fall. I subconsciously find myself at Storks pond. I sit on the bench and hug my knees. I let myself cry. Sometimes it feels nice to cry, but not now. I really like Wendy. And she didn't give any reasons. Was I a dry Texter, a bad huger or kisser? I thought I was doing good, but guess not.

  I think of ways to make myself feel better. I look up, my knees are wet from tears. My dad smokes weed and gets drunk, but I'm going that route. In the end that would make me feel more shitty. Kenny breaks his parents beer bottles with a bat. Cartman ruins peoples lives so they feel as sad as him. Kyle talks to me or Kenny. Mabye I could do that. Kyle. Kyle always makes me feel better. I reach to grab my phone out my pocket. I go to Kyles contact, and press call. It rings once and he hangs up. What the fuck. I try again but he hangs up. I try a 3rd time and this time he picks up.

"What the hell Stan! I'm in class!"

My eyes blur again, "I-I'm sorry."

"Wait Stan, what's the matter?"

His voices isn't angry anymore.

"Wendy b-broke up me."

My voice cracks. 

"Oh Stan."

  He sighs and I can hear him sitting down. "I know everyone says this but it's ok. Once we get out of school we can hang out ok?"

I nod but realize he can't see me, "O-ok."

I'm crying a-lot, I feel vulnerable sitting here crying in public. 

"Stan, where are you?"

"I'm at S-storks pond,"  I say between sobs.

"Ok after this class ends I'll be there, ok?"

"Yea, thank you Kyle."

"Of course. Do you want to talk till I get there?"

I want to but he needs to get back to class, "No I'll wait till you get here."

"Ok I'll see you in about 20 minutes, bye Stan."

"Bye Kyle."

   He hangs up. Luckily my crying has stopped but my breathings still fast. I grasp for my water bottle. I drink it quickly, the water dripping down my chin. I set the water down and wipe my chin of. Now I'm just sniffing a bit. I check the time about 10 more minutes.

   I'm looking at the frozen water, it's really pretty. All the Brite white snow. But out the corner if my eye I see orange and green, it really stands out. I turn and Kyle jogging toward me. I've completely stoped crying now but I'm tried and feel really sad. He sits down next to me puts his bag on the ground looks to me. 

"Hey Stan."

He smiles a bit. I cant Return the favor.

"I'm glad you really came."

I hug my knees again and rest my head on them.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I honestly don't know, I was just scared you wouldn't."

I feel the tears coming back.

Kyle hugs me. "I'll always be here Stan. Nothing will change that."

I nod while crying into my knees. 

"Cmon your feel really cold."

I was really cold. I stand up and put my backpack on.

"My house is the closest cmon."

   I walk next to Kyle, taking in his features. He has a sharp side profile. I continue to look at him. I guess I was staring at him to long because he looked at me confused. 

"What's wrong?"

"O-oh nothing."

But is it nothing. We get to Kyles house and his moms standing at the island. She looks at Kyle.

"Hello bubblila!"

"Hey mom, can you make us some hot chocolate?"


She asks confused. But she looks past Kyle to me.

"Stan is everything ok, you look awful," she inquired. She's a very nice lady but a bit overprotective. She always has her red hair in a tight bun, and she's plump. 


She sighs, "you know what I mean. You boys go upstairs and I'll bring the hot chocolate up."

   Kyle nodded and we walked upstairs to his room. I've always liked his room. It's clean and has sage green walls with a lot of photos up. His bed always some green comforter on it. I walk over to his bed and lay down, curling into a ball. Kyle stops at his desk-which is the only messy thing in his room-to but his bag down. He walked over to me and layed  down to face me. He glared and sat up. I quickly sit up to. Did I do something. No, he just took of his hat. I look at him weirdly. 

"What? It was uncomfortable."

He shrugged and lied down. I chuckled a bit. 

"You know Stan, it is gunna be ok. You'll feel better probably in a couple days."

"You sure?"

Kyle nodded, "Mhm."

   I reached out to touch his hair. He flinched at my touch but let me feel his hair. It was a bit tangled but also  soft. Suddenly the door opened wich made both of us jump. Kyles mom was walking in with 2 steamy mugs. She set them on the bedside table.

"Here you go Boys! And I hope you feel better Stan."

   She smiles and walks out closing the door. I was a feeling a bit better, well I didn't want to cry my eyes out now. I sit up and grab the blue mug. Kyle grabs the plain white one. We both drink out hot chocolate in peace. I keep staring at Kyle, I don't know why. I just cant keep my eyes of him. What is it about him. Is it his gorgeous emerald eyes, or his freckles, or Mabye it was his personality. I don't know why. He's just so... pretty.

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