Chapter2:Same Old Same Old

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I Walk into the building with Kyle next to me, he's looking at his paper schedule.

"What class do you have first?"

I sincerely doubt I'll be in any of his classes because Kyles 1 of the smartest kids so he'll be with Wendy,  Tolkien those kids, but then again this is South Park so they might not care about that stuff.

"English," he replies looking to me.

"Same!" I laugh.

"Of course, event though I should be in the advanced," he bragged.

I scoff "shut up smart ass."

"Whatever I should  be in advanced classes Stan."

   He walks of presumably to his locker. I don't really like using my locker anymore ever since that hoarding situation so I just carry all my stuff around with me. Also partly because I can't really open it. I look down at my schedule and I have English first. Yay. I Walk down the halls to room 124. The doors wide open and I see Ms. Choksondik sitting at her desk. This town is far to lazy to get new teachers. Craigs already sitting down in the far left desk on the left scribbling something in his notebook. I walk and sit down next to him. He looks up and flips me off. 

"Hi to you too Craigory."

He sighs "Hey Stan,"

       He has a still has his classic nasally voice. I haven't seen him much this summer. Whenever I did we didn't talk. The bell rings and a bunch more people include Kyle walked in. He swiftly sat down next to me his red hair swishing a bit. I also didn't see Kyle that much over the summer. He hasn't changed that much though. He still has his green hat, red jewfro hair (as Cartman calls it), the same orange jacket, the same bright green eyes. Everyone looks the same just more tired. Kenny walks in last closing the door. I hung out with him a lot because he basically the only one around. Again he also looks the same he just didn't have his hood up covering all his face up all the time. Ms. Choksondik stood up just as Wendy ran into the classroom. 


Ms. Choksondik signed not really caring, "ok wendy just sit down."

Wendy also let a sigh but of relief. Wendy was really pretty. She has long black hair with wispy bangs, a pink beret, big brown eyes, and she's wearing a yellow plaid skirt with a purple sweater. She quickly sat down in a empty seat.

"Ok kids I really don't care what you do, I just want to go to my interview for my new job so I can quit this shithole ok?" She said rubbing her temples.

There was a mumbled agreement between everyone. Ms. Choksondik walks out leaving all of us alone. There was instant chatter and movement. Me and Kyle walked to Kenny and cartman. 

"Hey Jew and slut."

"Shut your fucking mouth fattass!"


Kenny stepped in "ya know Cartman, ridiculing Jewish people is a hate crime?"

Cartman looked surprised, "aren't hate crimes like really bad?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Like going to jail bad?"

"Yes," me and Kenny answered.

That seemed to shut him up event though that's  probably not true he didn't want to go to jail. Kyle also looked satisfied. 

"So where do you think Ms. Choksondik is gunna work?" I asked smiling.

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